April 2022 News & Events
Join us next Tuesday 4/26/23 in Spokane!!
Join us on Tuesday, April 26 at Gonzaga University and hear Chris Wood, CEO & President of Trout Unlimited, talk about the path forward to save the salmon and steelhead and discuss the economic opportunity and benefits for Eastern Washington
Don’t miss this event.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 7:00 PM
The Globe Room at Cataldo Hall, Gonzaga University
Governor Inslee came through for Steelhead
by signing the state's 2022 supplementary budget into law. TU has spent the last two years working with both legislature and governor’s office to secure funding for a non-Tribal commercial gillnet reduction program on the Columbia River. This is a huge step forward in reducing impacts on ESA-listed B-run summer steelhead. Read more about this story in Wild Steelheaders United Newsletter - HERE
WCTU Advocacy Committee is following these headline issues:
*Lower Snake River Dam Removal/Breach - Salmon and Steelhead recovery
*Gill nets in the mainstream Columbia River - big success in budget this yr.
*Salmon Recovery & SMA/GMA
*Coastal Steelhead Regulation Changes and Update
*6ppd quinone & Salmon Mortality
*Warm Water Fish Policy
*Enloe Dam Removal
*Nelson Dam Puyallup River
*Electron Dam
*Tongass Roadless Rule - AK
*Mining wins for both the Skagit and the Green

If you would like to join the advocacy team and represent your chapter or just find out more about all these issues in our state; please contact the
WCTU AC Chair - Andrew Kenefick Here
WCTU Conservation Committee News
BAT trainings coming in late May & early June - watch the BAT page on our website for sign up information coming soon.

WooDDam training coming in August when river flows are back down and we can get in the rivers. Watch our Wooddam page on our website for sign up information coming this summer. WooDDam Page

New programs are in the planning stages to help chapters and all volunteers get outdoors and make a difference for fish & watersheds!! For more information check out our website HERE
Washington Council TU Sponsored
Northwest Youth Conservation Fly Fishing Academy 2022

This year we will offer 12 spots for campers and the May 15th Registration deadline is fast approaching. We still need youth campers to sign up, so please help us get the word out!!

Do you know a youth in your community that would like to attend? Pass this information on to that youth's parents and have them email Mike Clancy or Jim Brosio.

To Learn More Please Visit the Northwest Youth Conservation & Fly Fishing Academy Website HERE
After 2 years of Covid and putting the Academy on hold, we are happy to announce the return of this fabulous week long Youth Camp for co-educational ages 12-16.

The Academy is a youth education project of the Washington Council of Trout Unlimited and is made possible with the help and support of The Washington State Council of Fly Fishers International clubs.  Our goal is to open the door for today’s youth to learn conservation and fly fishing, regardless of financial means, for any serious minded youth willing to do the work.

This 1 week camp is made possible by the generous donations from TU & FFI state chapters. Your chapter can sponsor a youth camper by making a donation. Cost per camper runs about $1000, campers are only charged $300. To offset this we ask chapters to help with a donation to sponsor one camper. Every dollar helps!!

For more information and to see how your chapter can help sponsor a youth camper click Here.
North Sound Chapter
Announces 2022 Speyapalooza!!
Join North Sound Trout Unlimited and friends on the banks of the Skagit River.
This year's event will be held at Howard Miller Steelhead Park in Rockport WA on May 14th starting at 10am. 
Speyapalooza is free to the public and open to all ages. There will be food, gear demos, fly tying, casting classes, awesome raffle prizes and much more! This year's event is brought to you by The Confluence Fly Shop and North Sound Trout Unlimited. Stay tuned for more info, vendor list and event schedule. Follow event details on Facebook Here
Live in Central Washington?? Come by the KEEN Event Saturday May 14th in Ellensburg "KEEN Get Intimate with the Shrub Steppe" and check out the Yakima River Headwaters TU Chapter Table, we would love to see you!! This event will take place at Helen McCabe Park. The time is 9AM --1PM and we will have chapter news, fun give aways, and future conservation activities that folks can join to get out and make a difference for fish and the watershed!!

"The Kittitas Environmental Education Network (KEEN) was established as a 501(c)3 in 2000 and has been operating in Kittitas County as an all-volunteer organization for the past 22 years. Their mission is to cultivate an active awareness and understanding of the endangered shrub-steppe, provide nature-based education for all ages, and strengthen commitment to environmental stewardship."
We are always honored to partner with Keen, they are doing great things!!

In addition to this Saturday at the park event there are many planned hikes not only here but around the region. Visit Here For More Info
Check Out The Salmon Source To Sea Event

June 22, 2022, 5-7 pm - Sacajawea State Park Day Use Shelter, Pasco.

TU members are cordially invited to a community celebration of the Grand Salmon Source to Sea Journey, as the paddling team arrives in Tri-Cities on their 1,000+ mile journey to focus on the plight of salmon.
Speakers, music, and more. Presentation on how breaching the 4 Lower Snake River Dams will save salmon and steelhead, honor tribal rights, and provide more economic opportunities for the region.

 More information will be posted at Upcoming Events – Salmon Source to Sea, or contact Debra at debra4stuff@gmail.com .
Check out our new video and send it to someone you know to show them who we are and what we do!
A Message from the Council Chair
We want to share your chapter events and important conservation work in this newsletter. Spread the word across the state about fun and informative events you are hosting - like the one above by North Sound Chapter. Engagement is the way to Grow your chapter!! So let us help you spread the word about your events!!
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