Issue 7

April 2022


A Southern Baptist Association

He is Risen!

From Your Associational Mission Strategist

I can’t believe how quickly time is going as Spring has arrived and Summer is right around the corner. I am looking forward to what God is going to do in the coming months! Resurrection Sunday is just a few weeks away and I am praying for each church as the message of the glorious Resurrection is preached in every pulpit. My prayer is that many people will come to faith in Christ as they hear about the hope that we have in Christ! I trust that each congregation is getting ready and inviting many people to attend the services on Easter Sunday. 

There are several things coming up in just a few months that I want you to pray about. There will be many opportunities through summer camps and VBS where children and youth will be reached with the Gospel. I want to ask you to do a few things as we prepare for this summer. 

First, be in prayer of how you can be personally involved with the summer camps. During the week of June 6-10 the second annual “Connect Camp” will be at the old middle school. The times will be from 7:45 – 5:00 p.m. each day. They need a lot of volunteers to help during this exciting week of camp! For more information, contact David Granthem and Pinecrest Baptist Church. 

We are planning to have our children’s camp this summer as well. The dates for the camps are in this newsletter. We need adults as well as youth summer missionaries to serve at our camps. The purpose of the camp is to provide an opportunity for children to hear the gospel and to encourage those who have given their lives to Christ to grow in their relationship with Christ. We will be sending out a letter to our churches next month for help with supplies as well as cooking teams to help prepare the meals for our camps. This ministry is one of the greatest things we have done together as an association. We need your prayer support as well as your personal involvement serving at our camp! We will have both our girls and boys camp overnight again! I can’t wait to see what God is going to do through all our camps this summer.

Vacation Bible School is also one of the greatest ways to reach children, youth, and adults with the Gospel. If your church is planning on having a Vacation Bible School this summer, please contact Kelly so we can put it in our May newsletter. If there is anything we can do to help you in your VBS, please let us know. I pray that many of our churches will be conducting this outreach event and we want to encourage and support you in any way that we can!

It is always a joy to serve you! I love our Pastor’s and our churches, and I pray daily for you that God will do a mighty work in and through each congregation. I know we have many people to reach with the Gospel and we need to continually be intentional in seeking ways to reach those who are lost! 

Bro. Gary

Church News

Ebenezer Church will have Revival Services April 24-28, Sunday evening at 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM nightly with Guest Speaker Rev. Mike Stone.

Penia and Morningside Church will host Good Friday Service April 15th 6:00 PM @ Morningside.

Northern Heights Church has called Pastor Rev. Dan Eidson as Interim Pastor.

Harmony Church has called Rev. Mark White as their new Lead Pastor.

Please pray for

■Associational Missionary Gary Leutzinger

■Church planters Drew and Shannon Cunningham, Santa Cruz Area, California

■ Daybreak Pregnancy Care Center

■Lost and unchurched people

■Revival in SCBN churches

■Unity in our churches and unity among our churches

■Churches without pastors

■TV ministries of Cordele First, and Pinecrest churches 

■Our schools, teachers and students

■All the events and activities mentioned in this newsletter

Church positions available

Smyrna Baptist Church is seeking a full-time Pastor, please send resumes to

Byromville Baptist Church is seeking a part-time Youth/Children's Minister. Please contact Pastor Reed Benson- 404-886-6898

Morningside Baptist Church is seeking a Director of Family Ministries. This position will be a part-time position and will work closely with the pastor to lead and shepherd young children, youth, and their families. In addition, this role may grow over time to include other responsibilities based on gifting, experience, and ministry needs. Please contact Stan Bowen at 229-938-4022.

Please contact the SCBN Office at 229-273-4127 if you would like to feature an available church position in the monthly newsletter.

If you would like your church news or events featured in the Newsletter please send it to


coming up

South Central Baptist Network events are printed in bold. 

Tuesdays Men’s Prayer Breakfast, 8:00 am at Denny's Cordele

April 10 Personal Evangelism Commitment Day

April 17 Easter Sunday

April 23 Georgia Baptist Women's Conference, Warner Robins

April 24 Baptism Sunday


Free Choir Robes!

Up to 50 Robes in good condition.

Please Contact Stan Bowen


Camp Volunteers are needed please fill out the Camp Missionary application or call 229-273-4127 for more info

From the Director

We continue to grow and service our communities. Daybreak Center is a local, nonprofit organization that provides compassionate support to women and men faced with a difficult pregnancy decision. Our Mission: The Daybreak Center is a locally organized and funded volunteer Ministry demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ. We service our clients by addressing their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. We believe our Ministry to these clients and all is to share the love of Jesus Christ. We are already going in the 4 th month of the year and so much is happening at Daybreak. I wanted to take the time to update you about ongoing client success stories, current and future needs, and opportunities to gather. Since the beginning of the year we have eight more clients in the Center. From one of our clients, I said “Yes” to Life! Another baby saved! Daybreak staff provided me with information and resources and information to support the choice of life, our client left with a smile on her face and is now under OB Care getting ready to have a healthy baby boy. Just one of the many success stories we have from our clients. She has went through our Learn-While-You-Earn Program and earned the points to get everything needed for the arrival of baby boy, this includes a complete nursery set-up. Earn while you learn Classes….. We offer EWYL classes to all or clients. If a client attends enough classed and does all their work they can earn enough points to get all items they need for their baby. We offer different classes for them to choose from. Baby Care Workshop: This class consist of lessons and interactive activities that teach the basic of baby care. Bible Studies: Life Healing Choices: Save One: Financial: Peace University: 40 Minute Study: This class is for people that are interested in learning more about the Bible but has limited amount of time. Daybreak extends services to our communities, from families in need of food, clothing, assuring they have all the essential’s to live in a good Christian Home. We always strive to reach out and make a difference in the lives of our existing children.

What to do with all those old Sunday School books? 

Don’t throw them away–bring them to SCBN Office

Bring your old SS literature to Houston Baptist Center. Chad Harris will take it to a Edwin L. Hodges Ministries collection site to send overseas. ELHM is a Christian literature ministry that collects donated Bibles, books, magazines, tapes, and tracts from American Christians and ships them to Bible schools, churches, missionaries, and ministries overseas. ELHM is a non-denominational, nonprofit, evangelical ministry.
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