In this Issue
Third Ward Update
Important Announcements
April CAPS
Every year once the weather gets (supposedly) warmer, I send out multiple notices for spring cleaning oppportunities and information on ways to keep our community trash free. This year, instead of harping on the topic, I wanted to simply remind you that we all enjoy a clean community, and with more of us going out now that most COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, please do your part, not just on your property, but the sidewalk and street as well. Also, please sign up via 311 for the City's Annual Clean-and-Green Day on Saturday, April 23rd. My office is happy to drop off supplies to ensure your event is a success! Finally, April 1st begins street sweeping season. A complete street sweeping schedule is available here, and a street sweeping map can be found here. If you see those recognizable signs hung on your street, be sure to move your cars ASAP!
April also bring tons of Easter Egg hunts. I have been sending fliers for various events being held in the community. If you haven't found one, or may have missed one of my previous emails, please contact my office with your address and we can assist you in finding an Easter Egg hunt as close to you as possible.
Finally, when out enjoying the warmer weather (it will come!) be aware of your surroundings. Ensuring public safety in our neighborhoods is critically important. If you see something, say something. Police manpower and distribution is driven in part by service calls, so if you are looking for additional officers to be assigned to the districts that cover the 3rd Ward, stay vigilant and help us protect our community.
As always, the 3rd Ward Public Service Office staff and I are available to assist you by phone 773-373-9273 or via email at Thank you for reading this newsletter. Please share it with a neighbor or friend.
Pat Dowell
Alderman, 3rd Ward
COVID-19 Updates
In February 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its framework to monitor the level of COVID-19 in communities. America is in a new phase of the pandemic, which is why CDPH has been anticipating this updated guidance from the CDC on the ways to monitor and make decisions on COVID risk. Using the new metrics, Chicago is at low risk. However, businesses and local municipalities may choose to implement additional prevention strategies as they deem appropriate.
COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and widely available across Illinois. Eligible Chicagoans ages 5 years and older should be vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible to protect themselves against severe outcomes – like hospitalization or death.
Individuals 16 years of age and over are recommended to get a booster shot if it has been five months after completing the Pfizer or Moderna two-dose vaccine series or two months after getting the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Following FDA’s regulatory action, the CDC is updating its recommendations to allow certain immunocompromised individuals and people over the age of 50 who received an initial booster dose at least 4 months ago to be eligible for another mRNA booster to increase their protection against severe disease from COVID-19.
Separately and in addition, based on newly published data, adults who received a primary vaccine and booster dose of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine at least 4 months ago may now receive a second booster dose using an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.
Regardless of vaccination status, if you have symptoms of COVID-19, get tested and avoid public spaces except to get medical care.
Masks will continue to be required in:
- Health care settings
- Public transit, including airplanes, trains, buses, taxis, ride-hail, and maritime transportation
- O’Hare International Airport and Midway International Airport
- Other congregate settings (such as nursing homes, shelters, and prisons)
Recap of 3rd Ward Town Hall Meeting Held Monday, March 21st
Alderman Dowell hosted a virtual Town Hall meeting on Monday, March 21st to inform residents of the Bronzeville Renaissance's new Nuisance Abatement Plan, a Public Place of Amusement application submitted by Cliff Rome for his existing business at the Parkway Ballroom (4455 S. King Dr.), a potential cannabis related business application for 125 E. 51st St., and new programs being offered by the Quad Communities Development Corporation. Thank you to all the presenters and residents who participated in the meeting. A full copy of the meeting video can be found on Alderman Dowell's YouTube page here. Any comments or questions stemming from the meeting should be sent to
State's Attorney Kim Foxx at Next 3rd Ward Town Hall Meeting
Alderman Dowell is proud to be joined by Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx at the upcoming 3rd Wad Town Hall meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 14th at 5:00 pm. Register information will be sent out via email shortly.
At the meeting, State's Attorney Foxx will discuss her office's role in the public safety process. This includes background on how her office prosecutes potential offenders, offers alternative pathways for criminal justice that focus on rehabilitation instead of prison, and how you can better interact with her office. Please submit any questions in advance of the meeting by emailing
Alderman Dowell, Chicago City Council Welcome New 11th Ward Alderman Nicole Lee
On Wednesday, March 28th, Alderman Dowell and her City Council colleagues welcomed Nicole Lee, the newest Alderman in Chicago City Council, who was appointed to represent the 11th Ward. What an historic day. Alderman Lee was sworn in as the first Asian-American woman to serve in the Council. Alderman Dowell looks forward to working closely with Alderwoman Lee as they share the border between the 3rd and 11th Wards.
Alderman Dowell Participates in the "Women Pray for Peace" Event
This is a challenging time - a difficult times. That's why, as Women's History Month has just ended, it's so important to come together as women to reflect on the violence happening in the world, in our communities, and in our homes; pray for peace, and praise the progress that has been made. Alderman Dowell was delighted to speak at the "Women Pray for Peace" event about the challenges Chicago faces as a city.
Alderman Dowell joined faith leaders from the Catholic, Apostolic, Unitarian, Baptist, Universal, AME, Baha'i, and Buddhist communities, fellow elected officials Sen. Tammy Duckworth and Lt. Gov Juliana Stratton, as well as former U.S. Senator Amb. Carol Moseley Braun, Rev. Johnson (the co-founder of the EcoWomanist Institute), Pastor Monica Faith Stewart, and Veronica Kyle from the Illinois Commission on Environmental Justice, to come together and pray. To meditate. To sing. And to join together to say as sisters, they are all praying. That includes praying for the people of Ukraine in their fight for freedom. Praying for Judge Jackson as she is being bullied during the nomination hearings. Praying for everyone who has been impacted by gun violence. And praying that all may find peace.
Chicago Casino Finalists Announced - What Does That Mean for Our Community?
During a March 2022 City Council meeting, Mayor Lori Lightfoot introduced a resolution to create a special City Council Committee to oversee the selection of a Chicago casino. As Chairman of the Committee on the Budget and Government Operation, Alderman Dowell was chosen to be a part of that committee. More important than her chairmanship is her role representing the community as Alderman of the 3rd Ward, where one casino is proposed as part of the ONE Central development, and another is located directly across the street in the 25th Ward as part of "The 78", which would have a significant impact on the lives of 3rd Ward residents. The third finalist is located at the current Tribune Publishing plant on the near west side.
To be clear, no decisions have been made by Alderman Dowell or the special city council committee regarding which casino proposal may be selected. Alderman Dowell personally has made NO decisions on ANY of the finalists. Currently, she is gathering input from residents to hear their thoughts on the three proposals and how each proposal would affect our community.
To read Alderman Dowell's entire statement on the casino, and for Casino Town Hall meeting details, please click here.
Street Closure - Root St. from State St. to LaSalle St. - 4/4
The Chicago Department of Transportation is alerting residents to the full closure of Root Street from LaSalle Street to State Street on April 4, 2022 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Please use the following detours: Eastbound Root Street - traffic to Northbound LaSalle Street, to Eastbound Pershing Road, to Southbound State Street, and back to Eastbound Root Street.
Reverse for Westbound Root Street traffic.
Access will be maintained for local residents, business, and driveway access at all times. At least one sidewalk on Root Street will be open at all times, with pedestrian redirect signage provided at the nearest marked crosswalk on either side of the bridge. CTA buses will be rerouted and stop relocated if needed prior to the start of work. Additional signage will be posted as necessary.
Bronzeville Renaissance Update
At Alderman Dowell's March 21st Community Town Hall meeting Renaissance Bronzeville and its scheduled reopening was discussed. In November 2021, an incident occurred where two people were shot; one inside the Bronzeville Renaissance and the other outside the venue. As a result, a Summary Closure was ordered by the City and the venue has since been shuttered.
In order for Renaissance Bronzeville to re-open, the owners had to agree to a Nuisance Abatement Plan of Operation. Renaissance bronzeville must agree to the following terms: Close no later than 1:00 AM every day of the week; hire a licensed security company which is required to have a certain number of security guards on site during the following days: Sunday through Wednesday (2) security guards; Thursday (3) security guards; Friday and Saturday (5) security guards. Security must be recognizable and will be responsible for securing the surroundings of the property (front, back, and parking lot). Metal detecting wands must be utilized at the entrance door, along with an identification scanner. Security cameras are now required for entire property; both inside and out. The cameras will be connected to OEMC via their Private Sector Initiative. Visible signage referring to minimum age and dress code will be posted outside the venue and the venue will be responsible for discouraging loitering in front of the business or on the property. Also, the owners must attend CAPS meetings and must work with the community. This Nuisance Abatement Plan applies to all owners, employees, and partners (direct or indirect) and will be reviewed in 6 months for compliance by the City to remain open.
According to Chicago's Department of Law, a Nuisance Abatement Plan is the best first step towards getting a business to operate in a manner that is respectful of the neighborhood, and if not followed, is used as part of the potential permanent closure of a business. Without a Nuisance Abatement Plan, a venue may be able to reopen, or stay open, without any requirement to change their business operating practices.
Citywide Clean and Green Day - Saturday, April 23rd
On Saturday, April 23rd, you and your neighbors can make an immediate difference in your community by volunteering for Chicago's citywide Clean and Green Day of Service. Clean and Greens are a great opportunity for residents, school groups and community organizations to team up and beautify our neighborhood. The City will provide brooms, rakes, shovels and bags needed for clean-up projects. Register your group by Monday, April 18th by calling 311 or going to
Alderman Dowell Participates in Bronzeville CAC Principals' Breakfast
Finally back in-in person, Alderman Dowell was happy to join other members of the Bronzeville Community Action Council to honor principals from Networks 9 and 17 which cover the majority of CPS schools in the 3rd Ward. Joining Alderman Dowell at the breakfast was Alderman Sophia King (4th), CAC members and leadership including Pastor Earl Grandberry Sr., Pastor Chris Harris, Alan B Conely, Adrian Segura, Cristal Savage, Syda Segovia Taylor, Pastor Michael Neal, Anne Simmons, the CAC Executive Committee and many many more (too many to name!) Special congratulations to Carl Hurdlik for his years of dedication to the CAC, who was awarded a trip by Bright Star Community Outreach, Inc. Principals in attendance received $250 gift cards, swag from the CAC, bags and journals from the University of Chicago, and Chicago Culture Bronzeville shirts. Truly a great morning honoring great people working hard to uplift our community.
Micro-Grant Program Accepting Applications
3rd Ward Alderman Pat Dowell is providing up to $100,000 in one-time funding to support community-based organizations within the 3rd ward. Funding will provide short-term support in the form of a microgrant to organizations offering community programming. The maximum amount for a microgrant will be no more than $34,000 for the period of January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. Details on the application process, types of community services eligible for funding and other pertinent information is available here. A full Request for Proposals document is available online at the eProcurement website.
City Council, Alderman Dowell Honor Former IDPH Director Dr. Ezike
Alderman Dowell and the Chicago City Council recognized Dr. Ngozi Ezike during the March 2022 City Council meeting for her outstanding leadership, and compassionate and dedicated service to our state and city during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her work as the Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health saved many lives. Thank you Dr. Ezike!
Alderman Dowell Co-Sponsors Resolution Honoring Genie Kastrup as President of Local 1
Along with many of her colleagues, Alderman Dowell co-sponsored a resolution congratulating Genie Kastrup on being selected as the first woman president in SEIU Local 1's 100-year history. In 1904, the Service Employees International Union was formed in Chicago to represent "a diverse membership in healthcare, the public sector and property services who believe in and fight for a Vision for a Just Society: where all workers are valued and all people respected—no matter where they come from or what color they are; where all families and communities can thrive; and where members leave a better and more equitable world for generations to come." Ms. Kastrup formerly served as the Executive Vice President of the union and has been a dynamic labor leader for more than 20 years. Please join Alderman Dowell in congratulating Ms. Kastrup on her historic election.
South Loop Event Parking Restrictions
Parking restrictions are in place for the South Loop from Roosevelt Road to Cermak Rd. from Lake Shore Drive to Clark St. during all Chicago Bears football games and many other Soldier Field events. Wintrust Arena events have been removed from the parking restrictions. Vehicles parked in the South Loop without a valid South Loop Event Parking Pass, South Loop Event Guest Pass or Residential Permit Parking pass (for Residential Permit Parking Streets ONLY) are subject to ticketing or towing.
For a complete list of Soldier Field events, please visit The 3rd Ward is providing the list below as a courtesy to residents and visitors and does not assume liability for the accuracy of the monthly list of South Loop events. All Soldier Field events are subject to change, including cancellation or the scheduling of additional events. It is your responsibility to adhere to the parking restrictions in place.
Chicago Fire FC vs. FC Dallas
Saturday, April 2nd at 2:30 pm
Chicago Fire FC vs. LA Galaxy
Saturday, April 16th at 7:00 pm
Chicago Fire FC vs. New York Red Bulls
Saturday, April 30th at 7:00 pm
Clear Path Relief Pilot Program
The City of Chicago has launched a new Clear Path Relief Pilot Program to help residents pay off their city vehicle fines. Pay off the original fine amount for tickets issued in the last 3 years and all older eligible debt will be waived. A 50% reduction of new tickets issued 365 days from enrollment date, if paid timely will be offered. New unpaid tickets will not be assessed penalties until after December 31, 2023.
Eligible residents must have existing vehicle-related debt, and reside in a household currently enrolled in Utility Billing Relief or have a household income less than 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Expired meter tickets do not qualify for relief and must be paid as part of the program. For more information call 312-744-7275 or go to
Gun Violence Prevention and Reduction Grant
The Cook County Justice Advisory Council has issued a Gun Violence Prevention Grant Opportunity. Application deadlines are April 11th for proposals over $1.5 million, and May 9th for proposals under $1.5 million. Learn more at
South East Chicago Commission Announces 2022 Neighborhood Enhancement Grant Program
The SECC is excited to announce the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the 2022 Neighborhood Enhancement Grant Program. While our nation, our city, and our communities continue to remain vigilant in the COVID-19 pandemic, SECC believes the Neighborhood Enhancement Grants are very crucial. Right now, is a wonderful time for communities to come together to create spaces and resources in our South Side neighborhoods.
The SECC offers grants to neighborhood organizations and community groups to support beautification projects, enhance the quality of life, and improve local neighborhoods. The program is designed to enhance the physical attractiveness and walkability of the Hyde Park, Kenwood, Oakland, Woodlawn, and Washington Park communities.
Applications for the 2022 Neighborhood Enhancement Grant are now being accepted. Grant awards are based upon the proposed project, with a maximum grant amount of $5,000 per organization. Proposed projects must:
- Be highly visible from the street
- Be completed between June 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022
- Physically enhance and build on the uniqueness and character of the neighborhood
- Strengthen civic pride and a strong sense of community
- Be sustainable
Each proposal will be reviewed by a committee comprised of representatives from the community areas and the SECC. Proposal deadline is Monday, May 2nd, 2022.
Please contact SECC at 773-324-6926 or via email at learn more about this exciting opportunity or for technical assistance with your proposal.
Argonne Summer Coding Camps
Argonne National Laboratory is accepting applications for its free, summer coding camps. The CodeGirls, Coding for Science, and Big Data camps provide a supportive experience where middle and high school students can explore computational thinking alongside fellow students. Apply by April 15 here.
2022 Production Institute
The UChicago Arts Production Institute makes high-quality digital production training accessible to emerging media makers from South Side communities. Through a hands-on film production course, the program offers participants the opportunity to advance digital production skills and build a professional portfolio. Applications open on April 5 and close on May 15. Learn more here.
NHS Home Buyer Education Webinar
Learn about the home buying process such as the basics of budgeting, improving credit, understanding
the closing process and down payment assistance programs. This is an eight-hour course delivered in two 4-hour sessions.
City Center Community Safety Town Hall
Join us to inform the City's efforts to reduce violence and help us make our neighborhoods safer. Learn more about the City's community safety efforts in the Near North, South Loop and West Loop communities. For more information and to register, please visit
Where: Harold Washington Library - Winter Garden (400 S. State St.)
When: Saturday, April 2nd from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
NHS Financial Fresh Start Webinar
Whether you are planning to purchase a home or simply need to improve your finances, this webinar will
prepare you for financial security. Learn How To: develop a spending plan, reduce your debt, and
increase your credit score.
Lakeside Alliance Technical Review and Networking Meeting
The Lakeside Alliance, the builder of the Obama Presidential Center, is hosting a technical review and networking meeting for potential bidders. At the meeting, hear about a high level project description, get an overview of packages currently out to bid, learn about the procurement process, talk with procurement agents and meet potential business partners. Masks and proof of vaccination required to attend. For more information call 312-277-2177 or go to
Where: South Shore Cultural Center (7059 S. South Shore Drive)
When: Wednesday, April 6 at 10:00 am
South Loop Neighbors Easter Egg Hunt
Join South Loop Neighbors for our 1st Easter Egg Hunt! Children should bring a basket and be prepared to scoop up eggs with a candy or prize inside. After all the eggs are found, stay a while and socialize with your neighbors. Register at
Where: Cottontail Park (44 W. 15th St.)
When: Sunday, April 10th at 10:00 am
Bicycle Maintenance and Repair
Looking for a cost effective way to repair your bicycle? Save hundreds of dollars and learn how to do it yourself. Get hands on, comprehensive experience as you find out how to service and maintain your bicycle at Olive-Harvey's Bicycle Maintenance and Repair program. The course fee is $99. To register click here.
Where: Olive Harvey TDL Building (10001 S. Woodlawn Ave.)
When: April 12th through May 31st from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
AMIA Pathways Fellowship at South Side Home Movie Project
In collaboration with the Association of Moving Image Archivist’s Pathways Fellowship program (funded by the IMLS), SSHMP will provide hands-on training and professional development experience so that a person from a traditionally underrepresented community may have a pathway to join the field of moving image archives and audiovisual preservation.
The priority of the fellowship will be to support SSHMP’s effort to make unprocessed collections accessible online through digitization and cataloging. Working with Project Archivist & Manager Justin D. Williams, the SSHMP Collections & Cataloguing Fellow will catalog newly added films and collections by creating metadata; generate descriptive information by identifying and researching subjects and places seen in films, and properly catalog all of this information in our online database following established guidelines. When not assigned new films, The Collections & Cataloguing Fellow will review the online catalog and identify opportunities for further research or detailed description. Applications due Fri. April 15, 2022. Click here to learn more.
Illinois Capital Development Board Art-in-Architecture Program
The Art-in-Architecture Program of the Capital Development Board is pleased to announce a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to Illinois professional artists to create permanent original public art for the Foglia Center for Advanced Technology and Innovation (Foglia) on the McHenry County College (MCC) main campus in Crystal Lake, Illinois. Applications due Fri. April 15, 2022. Click here to learn more.
Attending and participating in the Chicago Police's Community Policing Program (CAPS) is one of the best ways to address crime and quality of life issues in your neighborhood. By attending CAPS meetings, you can share important information with the police that will assist them in making arrests and preventing crime as well as receive valuable information about resources that promote homeowner and community safety. Visit to find out what district you live in and click on each district title to learn more about what is happening in your neighborhood.
1st District CAPS Meetings
Beat: 132
Date: Wednesday, April 20th at 6:00 pm
Location: For Zoom registration information, please email or call 312-745-4381
2nd District CAPS Meetings
Beat: 213/215
Date: April 26th at 6:00 pm
Location Zoom Meeting ID: 890 0660 2371 Passcode: 5101
Beat: 221/223
Date: April 19th at 6:00 pm
Location: Zoom Meeting ID: 870 7383 9739 Passcode: 5101