April 2022
Words From Our Interim Executive Director
I felt extraordinarily fortunate last week. In the context of Ashby Village meetings and events, I had the opportunity to listen to three women in their 90’s speak about their lives.

For me, it was a beautiful illustration of what we at the Village well know, living our shared commitment to remain engaged and expansive throughout our whole lives. While we know and experience this, it’s still important to take time to be inspired by each other. Not in a gawky “isn’t she amazing” way, but in a respectful way that honors the journeys we’re all on. So, of course we continue to create art, engage in activism, extend ourselves to others in need, stretch our minds, and savor life in countless ways. It’s what we do.

These days, I’m yearning to experience all this with you in person! We are moving steadily toward more in-person gatherings, and it can’t come a moment too soon. Please look for announcements in this newsletter and via email in the coming weeks.

I’ll see you soon!
Avi Rose ([email protected])
Ashby Village Interim Executive Director
Upcoming Events

Check the Ashby Village Calendar to see what's happening this month.
April Board Column
Get to know our Board members a little better! This month ...
Ina Bendich reflects on growing up around older people and becoming part of the Ashby Village leadership, encouraged by her mother-in-law and long-time Ashby Village member, Hilary Bendich.

Read Ina's impactful story here.
*Special Announcement*
Spring has sprung and it’s a time of rebirth and opening for mother nature and us all. It’s been a long two years and many groups are starting to reconsider meeting again in person. We're pleased to announce that space is once again available at the Thousand Oaks Baptist Church (1821 Catalina Avenue, Berkeley), where the Ashby Village office is located. There are four meeting spaces that can be used with an advanced reservation:
  1. Multipurpose Room, with indoor seating for approximately 12 people*
  2. Outdoor Courtyard, which includes two tables with umbrellas for approximately 8 people seated and additional standing room*
  3. Fellowship Hall, with round tables and indoor seating for approximately 10 to 15 people**
  4. Julia Morgan Hall, a large indoor hall with doors that open to the courtyard where tables and chairs can be set up to accommodate up to approximately 100 people**

Interest group leaders can contact Jessica Sterling [email protected] to make a reservation. Team leaders can contact your liaison staff member to make a reservation.

Please note that the Ashby Village office remains closed to walk-in visitors. Meetings can be arranged by appointment with individual staff members or with the main office by calling (510) 204-9200. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

Onward Friends!
- Ashby Village

*Please reserve with at least a week’s notice
**Please reserve with at least a month’s notice
Events Spotlight
The Social Hour Team Presents:
Friday Afternoon at the Movies Monthly Film Series: Passing

When: Friday, April 1, 4:00-5:00pm
Meeting ID: 890 3363 0718
Passcode: film
Welcome to our monthly film discussion series! Plan to see this month’s special film on Netflix before our discussion group meets. At our Zoom get-together, we will then discuss what we thought about the film.

Set in New York City in the 1920s, Passing tells the story of a black woman who finds her world upended when her life becomes intertwined with a former childhood friend who's passing as white.
Do you have any feature films for our series to recommend, which are either on Netflix or Amazon? The Events Planning Team welcomes your ideas and suggestions! Please email Arlene ([email protected]).
Apple Watch, The Basics

When: Tuesday, April 5, 1:00 to 2:30 PM
Where: *IN PERSON* at the Ashby Village office (1821 Catalina Ave., Berkeley) in the Julia Morgan Hall
*PLEASE REGISTER* by emailing the [email protected]
Are you considering an Apple watch? Or have you recently acquired a watch and need tutoring in basic functions and features? We’ll meet in small groups at separate tables for personalized hands-on introduction to the Apple watch. For people considering a watch, we’ll cover models and features. For people who recently acquired a watch, we’ll cover basic functions and applications, focusing on communication and health apps that are important to older adults.

This workshop will be Part 1 in a two-part series on the Apple watch. The second workshop will be designed for intermediate and advanced users.
Back by Popular Demand! Tour of Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland

When: Tuesday, April 12, 10:00am-12:00pm
Where: *IN PERSON* Mountain View Cemetery, 5000 Piedmont Ave, Oakland
This tour is limited to 10 people and advance registration is required. Click here for more details and to register.
April Virtual Living Room Chat

When: Tuesday, April 12, 2:00-3:00pm
Where: *ON ZOOM*
Are you or someone you know interested in learning more about Ashby Village membership and volunteer opportunities? Please join us for our next Virtual Living Room Chat!

Come learn more about Ashby Village - what we do, who we are, and how we are helping our community to continue Aging Better. Together. Read more details, register, and access the Zoom link here.
Science and Ideas Group:
How HIV/AIDS Gave Us COVID-19 Vaccines
When: Thursday, April 14, 3:00-4:30pm
Meeting ID: 848 0146 1083
Passcode: science

Join us to hear Virologist Irene Kuhn, PhD, share the uplifting story about how the search for an HIV/AIDS vaccine made possible the unheard-of speed with which COVID-19 vaccines became available to us. Read more details here.
*Save the Date*
Creating Inclusive and Equitable Communities–A Call to Action, Presented by ING (Islamic Networks Group)

When: Thursday, May 12, 10:00am
Where: *ON ZOOM* 
Open To: Ashby Village Members and Volunteers
The Intercultural Speakers Bureau (ICSB) works from the well-established social science principle that face-to-face education and engagement are the most effective ways to dispel stereotypes and prejudice. Panels include group discussions with the audience and conclude with calls to action to counter hate and to build an inclusive society based on mutual understanding and solidarity.

*Advance registration is required* After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
A Conversation with Judith Masur on Art, Monotypes, Sculpture, Poetry
Presented by the Ashby Village Exploring Creativity Group

When: Sunday, May 22, 1-2:30pm
Where: *ON ZOOM* 
The Ashby Village Exploring Creativity Group is honored to present Judith Masur, Ashby Village member artist, poet, and performer.

In conversation with her brother, actor Richard Masur, Judith will give us a visual tour of her artistic journey, from pen and ink to printmaking to clay, from black and white to color to form. Judith will talk about her creative process: where her art and poetry spring from, what nudges and encourages her attention in one direction or another, what stands in the way and what gives her permission, power and the desire to make art. She will share insights into how to take a chance on doing something new creatively, especially the need to tolerate being a beginner.

RSVP to join us, read more about Judith's artistic journey and get a preview of some of her creations here.
National Volunteer Week April 17-April 23, 2022
Dear Community,

Volunteers are the cornerstone of Ashby Village – people whom we trust and value.

To those who volunteer your time, energy, and heart to support our members and greater community – through direct services, helping in the office, planning events, leading change, and advocating for justice – Thank You!

It’s no question that the last two years have been challenging. To those who made phone calls and wrote notes to members – Thank You! To those who continued to show up through the toughest parts – Thank You! And to those who are just getting back into volunteering in person again after spending months and perhaps years keeping distanced from others – Thank You!

Ashby Village is so grateful for your dedication to meeting our members' needs and supporting all to live engaged and healthy lives.

Consider volunteering with Ashby Village, especially during this national commemorative week. Walk around the neighborhood with a member, shop at a local grocery store, or weed a garden for the afternoon! For more information on these and other opportunities, contact [email protected].

We are already beginning to plan a Volunteer Appreciation event this summer! Stay tuned for details to come.

In gratitude,
Jessica Sterling ([email protected])
Volunteer Services Coordinator

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”
H. Jackson Brown, Jr., author of Life's Little Instruction Book
Healthier Aging
Osteoporosis: Overview, Prevention, and Treatment

When: Tuesday, May 17, 12:30-1:30pm
Where: *ON ZOOM*

Kaiser Permanente and Ashby Village again partner for a Health and Wellness one-hour presentation. Details to come!
Our Nature Walks are fun, in person, and great exercise!
Nature Walk:
Jewel Lake, Tilden Park
Flat and easy or moderate options

When: Monday, April 11, 1-3:00pm
Where: *IN PERSON* Tilden Park Little Farm parking lot, 600 Canon Drive, Berkeley
This Monday easy walk will be at Jewel Lake for about 2 hours. There will also be options for a long hike with some climb. We will be looking for birds too! Read more and register here.
Nature Walk:
Wildcat Gorge Trail, Tilden Park
Easy and more challenging options

When: Wednesday, April 27, 1-3:00pm
Where: *IN PERSON* Tilden Regional Park, Lone Oak Drive off Central Park Drive (south of Canon), Berkeley
This Wednesday hike will be at Wildcat Gorge for about 2 hours, and will also have some options. Tilden Park’s Wildcat Gorge Trail is under 2 miles - a walk that wanders along the beautiful upper stretch of Wildcat Creek to the foot of the dam and back to the parking lot. This will be the easier hike. The Curran and Meadows Trails will be more challenging options for a 3.3 mile loop. Read more and self register here.

All of our hikes will have walk leaders to accommodate your trail selection. We love to meet new members and volunteers – join us!
Ashby Village members and volunteers experiencing changes in their vision will have a unique opportunity to learn about a broad range of solutions for adapting to everyday living.

A new collaboration between Ashby Village and the LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired will offer an educational series that begins this month and will run through October. Learn more about this program series here.
EXTRA Energy Savings & Safety for Medical Equipment Users, Courtesy of PG&E
The Medical Baseline Program, also known as Medical Baseline Allowance, is an assistance program for residential customers who depend on power for certain medical needs

Independent of income, all PG&E customers who need certain medical equipment are eligible for incremental energy allotments of up to 500 kilowatt-hours of electricity and/or 25 therms of gas per month, provided at the lowest price on your current rate.

This video illustrates the simple process:
  • If your medical equipment is on the list of qualifying items (respirators, suction machines, electric nerve stimulators, pressure pads and pumps, IPPB machines, motorized electric wheelchairs and many more are), you are eligible. 
  • Fill out the online application form.
  • Print and ask your physician to sign it.
  • Mail to: PG&E, Attention Medical Baseline, P.O. Box 8329, Stockton, CA 95208

More information is available at this section of the PG&E website and program brochure is available to download here. Feel free to share successes, tips and tricks with us and your fellow members by emailing them to [email protected].
Saturday, April 16, 2022

National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) was established in 2008 to inspire, educate and empower individuals and providers about the importance of advance care planning. Ashby Village joins other national, state and community organizations in highlighting the importance of advance healthcare decision-making. In fact, a discussion including this topic was presented on Zoom in February to the Ashby Village community by the Healthier Aging group (see Dr. Marquet recap and resource links below under "Reflections on Past Events").

Join others in our community and around the country to talk about your wishes with family, friends and healthcare providers. Use the resource links provided by Dr. Marquet below and visit the NHDD website for more information and guides to help you document your advance directives.
Tech Tips
Zoom Tips for Hosts

Quite a few Ashby Village neighborhood and interest groups continue to meet on Zoom even as some in-person gatherings start taking place. There are a couple of settings that the host of Zoom meetings can use that improve accessibility for the participants at these meetings: 
  1. Turn on Closed Captioning (“Live Transcript”). Closed captioning makes the conversation easier to follow for not only people with hearing loss, but also those for whom English is a second language. 
  2. Auto-Save the Chat. People often put important information and links in the Chat and then either forget to save it or don't know how to. If you are the host and save the Chat automatically, at least you will have it if a participant asks for it. 
To enable these settings on your Zoom account, click to follow these directions: Closed Captioning/Live Transcript and Save Chat.
APRIL WORKSHOP: Apple Watch, The Basics

When: Tuesday, April 5, 1-2:30pm
Where: *IN PERSON* at the Ashby Village office (1821 Catalina Avenue, Berkeley) in the Julia Morgan Hall
*PLEASE REGISTER* by emailing the [email protected]
Are you considering an Apple watch? Or have you recently acquired a watch and need tutoring in basic functions and features? We’ll meet in small groups at separate tables for personalized hands-on introduction to the Apple watch. For people considering a watch, we’ll cover models and features. For people who recently acquired a watch, we’ll cover basic functions and applications, focusing on communication and health apps that are important to older adults.

This workshop will be Part 1 in a two-part series on the Apple watch. The second workshop will be designed for intermediate and advanced users.
Request Assistance From Technology & Electronics Volunteers!

Tech Volunteers can help you with a wide range of devices, applications, and features, for example:

  • setting up, learning how to use, and maintaining devices
  • updating operating systems
  • installing and learning applications
  • setting up backup systems
  • installing and learning password managers
  • reorganizing your computer desktop
  • deciding whether you need a new device
  • modifying your workspace for better ergonomics
In-Home support has resumed for members and volunteers with up-to-date vaccinations. Visit current information on Village Services and Programs here, and then email [email protected] or call 510-204-9200 to request assistance.
Resources on Technology Topics

Resources on a wide range of technology topics are posted on the Village TECH TIPS & RESOURCES page.
A Poem
Edited by Member Peter Sussman

The arrival of spring has been a tediously common subject for traditional poets, but e.e. cummings, one of this country's great, experimental modern writers, found refreshing new ways to address this cliched topic. In today's featured poem, cummings distinguishes between the natural world and the uses to which we put it, and the poem therefore seems worth revisiting in an era when the relationship between Earth and its inhabitants has shifted so radically that the very survival of life on the planet is jeopardized.

cummings' unorthodox use of words, line breaks, spelling and punctuation is in the service of a lyricism that led John Logan to describe him as “one of the greatest lyric poets in our language.” Despite his offbeat linguistic pyrotechnics, the Academy of American poets notes that cummings, at the time of his death in 1962, "was the second most widely read poet in the United States, after Robert Frost."
Reflections on Past Events
100% of us will die ...
On this cheerful note, and if you missed the February 22 presentation on end-of-life questions, including an explanation of hospice vs. palliative care, Dr. Stephanie Marquet of the Hospice of the East Bay emphasized that it is important for all of us at any age to express and document our healthcare and end-of-life wishes to family and friends.

There are many ways to start these contemplations and conversations, as well as resources to document your preferences, including:

CAKE (previously “Get Your Shit Together”)

You can view the recording of the rich session with Dr. Marquet and accompanying notes on the Ashby Village YouTube channel here.
“I still have so much to do” ~ Rita Blitt
by Patricia Sakai
On March 6, 2022, the Ashby Village Exploring Creativity group was proud to gather on Zoom with people from our community and across the country for a special conversation with Rita Blitt, an internationally renowned contemporary American visual artist and Ashby Village member. Read more about this extraordinary event and access the link to the recording on the Ashby Village YouTube channel here.
Bulletin Board
Members who reside in the City of Berkeley are invited to apply for the Community Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) project to improve walking, biking, and mobility safety in your community! CPBST is a joint project of California Walks and UC Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC). Ashby Village is a hub for community members who are aging and seeking to continue living a fulfilled life. This program aims to ensure member safety as you walk around your communities.

Applications are open until all spots are filled. Read the project overview here and access the application here.
New Class Series Offered by the Wright Institute's Older Adult Clinic

The Wright Institute’s Older Adult Clinic will be offering a Romantically and Sexually Wiser: The Exploration of Sexuality in Later Life group from March 30 to May 4, 2022 on Wednesdays from 4-5:30pm on Zoom.

Explore ideas on sexuality and relationships through older adulthood. Group members must be 65 years or older. Learn more here and contact Anna Malkiewicz (510-859-8435) if you have any questions. Register here (although the first group was held March 30, you can still register to join remaining sessions).
Interested in Graphic Novels?

As a child I loved my comic books. As an adult, I’ve discovered graphic novels - there is such a variety!

I read the ones that are beautifully colored. Won’t you join me in exploring/discussing these fascinating tales together? No knowledge necessary. Contact Ashby Village member Nancy Rhoda at 510-305-7984 if you're interested.
Submit an Article!
Would you like your event or notice to appear in the next Village Voices Newsletter? Use this simple form to submit your material. Please submit by the 15th of the previous month. Late submissions are not guaranteed placement in the next newsletter.
Thank you to the Ashby Village members, volunteers, and staff who contributed to this issue of the Village Voices newsletter!