April 2022 e-Newsletter
Lower Gwynedd Township Upcoming Meetings & Events:
General News
Board of Supervisors Approve Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance

The Board of Supervisors (BOS) unanimously approved an amendment to the Township Zoning Code to permit sponsorship signs for the Lower Gwynedd Little League (LGLL). The approved ordinance amends Title Six of the Lower Gwynedd Township Code, entitled “Zoning” to add a new section to be entitled “Seasonal Little League Sponsorship Signs.” The LGLL will now be permitted to erect sponsorship signs at Township-owned baseball fields subject to certain terms and conditions, including shape, size, color, and material. The signs will be oriented to face the field of play and not the public rights-of-way or abutting properties.
Supervisor Michael Twersky stated that “While Ms. Martin and I were walking neighborhoods over the last year or so, we came across many of the Little League families who asked us about putting signs on the outfield walls so they could raise money for projects that they want to do at the Little League and, anecdotally, we had the same problem when my kids were playing little league many, many years ago. In working with the Lower Gwynedd Little League, we came up with a proposal . . . that gives them the opportunity to put signs of advertisers in the outfields and allows them to raise money.” Mr. Chris Wilson of the LGLL thanked the BOS for giving the league the opportunity to be heard and for their consideration of the proposed ordinance. The proposed ordinance received recommendations for approval from the Montgomery County Planning Commission, Lower Gwynedd Township Planning Commission, and the Lower Gwynedd Parks & Recreation Board. 
Harth Builders Relocating
Harth Builders Relocating to 812 N. Bethlehem Pike
After 12 years of growth and service to the local community in their current space, Harth Builders is moving! They will remain on Bethlehem Pike in Lower Gwynedd, just a touch more south. Due to the increased industry demand from the COVID-19 pandemic and their excellent customer service (as represented by their repeat and referral clientele), they are now a company of over 70 employees. This new building will be home to not only the office and production staff, but to their new warehouse and client Experience Center! There will also be available office space to rent on the 2nd floor and they welcome all potential tenants interested. If you have any questions or wish to make a inquiry regarding the new building, please feel free to call their office at (215) 654-0364 to further discuss. Pictured above is what the building looks like today, and below is what the building will look like post-renovation. The Lower Gwynedd Township Board of Supervisors are extremely pleased that Harth Builders will remain in the Township.

Our Township is home to over 25 miles of non-continuous trails. Since the pandemic, trail use has increased tremendously. We have created a trail map through Google Maps that residents can now access on their mobile devices. The map indicates the location of all the trails, trail distance, parking areas, trail surfacing, and contains photos at trailheads and trail junctions. The Township will update the map as information changes or new information becomes available. There is a tutorial on the website on how to use the map. You can access that by clicking here. Go ahead and check it out!
The Lower Gwynedd Township Residential Electronics Recycling & Shredding Event will be held on Saturday, April 9th, 2022 from 8am-12pm at the Township Building. We will be accepting paper and electronics (anything with a plug or battery). This service is for Township residents only, proof of residency required to access the site. Residents must remain in their vehicles at all times. Items to be recycled or shredded must be placed in the trunk, pick-up truck bed, or a small trailer. Employees will remove these items from your vehicle when you arrive. Items will only be collected during the event time. Items cannot be delivered before or after the event!!
Recycling Presentation
Thursday, April 7, 7pm at the Township Building:

Join the EAC and Dominic Fulginiti of Republic Services, Lower Gwynedd Township's waste disposal service company, to get the dirt on what happens to the stuff we place in our recycling bins every week. We will learn the dos and don'ts of what should be put in the bins and why; how different materials are handled once they pass from our bins to the trucks and beyond; what we can do to make the process more efficient and thereby less costly for all of us; and more. Dominic will be able to answer all of your recycling and trash questions!
Curbside Leaf Collection will be provided by Republic Services on the following Saturdays:
  • April 16th
  • May 14th
Save the Date! Lower Gwynedd's Fall Fest (Formerly known as Pike Fest) will be held Saturday, September 17th, 2022. Questions contact Sandi Feight, Recreation Director at 215-646-5302 or sfeight@lowergwynedd.org.
Keep an eye out for Plymouth Road Closure Updates!
Keep an eye out for updates on the Plymouth Road closure. The Township pushes out alerts when the County and State notify us about changes in the schedule as they try to coordinate the bridge replacement and the ongoing construction with the Route 202 widening project.
Currently Plymouth Road will be closed and detoured from April 4th-April 18th by PennDot for the Rt. 202 project. Then the County will be closing Plymouth Road at the bridge for the replacement project. The bridge replacement is anticipated to take six months to complete.
EAC Green Tip of the Month
Green Tip of the month from the EAC
Make your tank of gas go a little further.
With gas prices at an all-time high lately, here are a few tips from AAA to help you save money at the pump. For more info on why these tips work click here.

  • Check your tire pressure often
  • Get the right octane gas for your car
  • Get a tune-up; don't idle; minimize drag
  • Don't speed; make fewer trips  
Battery Recycling Update
Thank you to everyone who dropped off batteries for our first, bi-monthly collection. Hundreds of pounds of batteries were collected to be kept out of landfills and various materials that make them up will be recycled. Our next collection will be Saturday, May 14th, 9-11am at the township building. Please be sure to review the battery collection guidelines on our website.
Guided bird walks are free as part of Lower Gwynedd's Bird Town program. Walks are limited to 15 participants. No dogs or strollers please.
RSVP to Steve Saffier: Safsbay@yahoo.com
Lower Gwynedd Bird Town Bird Walks
  • Sunday, April 3rd, 8:30 am (Rain date: Monday, April 4th) meet at Treweryn Farm Trail, 1312 Sumneytown Pk parking lot
  • Tuesday, May 17th, 8:30 am (Rain date: Wednesday, May 18th) meet at Penllyn Woods Community Building parking lot

Earth Day is April 22nd! The EAC is celebrating Earth Month! Keep an eye out for information on the various events that will be held throughout the month to honor our planet.
Boards & Committee Updates
The BOS held their regular meetings on March 14th, 2022 and March 28th, 2022. At the first meeting in March, the BOS held a public hearing where they unanimously approved an amendment to the zoning ordinance. The approved amendment will permit the Lower Gwynedd Little League to place sponsorship signage on the outfield fences of Township-owned baseball fields during the baseball season. The BOS also approved a waiver of land development for Harth Builders. Harth Builders will be relocating their business to 812 N. Bethlehem Pike later this year. They plan on renovating the building, modifying parking and installing other associated improvements. In other business, the BOS authorized McMahon to perform a traffic study at Wister Avenue and Penllyn-Blue Bell Pike. They also authorized staff to re-advertise a proposed ordinance pertaining to term limits for Supervisors.

At the second meeting in March, the BOS heard a presentation from William Blair of Wireless Realty Advisors pertaining to cell coverage mapping. Mr. Blair's company conducts surveys in different townships to gather feedback from residents on their wireless service. They take that data and plot it out on a map to show where dead zones and coverage issues exist. They then reach out to the providers with this information to see if they can identify solutions and possible infrastructure enhancements. The BOS requested additional information on this process before determining if they would like a survey conducted within Lower Gwynedd. The BOS approved the bid awards for the 2022 road program. The milling contract was awarded to Highway Materials and the ultra-thin bond course contract was awarded to Asphalt Maintenance Solutions. In other business, the BOS terminated the lease agreement at 409 Old Penllyn Pike, approved a resolution to dispose of records authorized under the municipal retention law, and also issued a proclamation declaring April 29th, 2022 as Arbor Day. The BOS also reported that the Solicitor is in the process of revising the ordinance pertaining to term limits. The BOS officially appointed members to the newly formed Historic Committee. The seven member committee will work to develop the bylaws and mission of the group. Please note, the BOS will revert back to Tuesday meetings beginning in April. They will hold their next meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 7pm.
Environmental Advisory Council (EAC)
The EAC held their regular meeting on March 9, 2022. The EAC plans to celebrate Earth month during April. They have a number of activities planned including a bird walk, recycling presentation, 309 ramp clean-up, and more. They continue to work on a number of initiatives including labeling the stream crossings at various roadways throughout the Township, a solar energy demonstration, and a tree giveaway. The EAC held a very successful battery recycling drop-off event this month. The next collection will be held in May.
March Hearings- March 10, 2022:
900 N. Bethlehem Pike (Spring House Farmer's Market, Inc.: D-Business District; Applicant seeks variances to permit proposed signage and any other relief deemed necessary for a new retail sales and farmers market use. Applicant reduced size of sign, no longer requires relief.

745 Tennis Avenue: A-Residential District; Applicant seeks variances and any other relief deemed necessary to facilitate the construction of a single-family dwelling and associated improvements including permitting a lot width of less than 200 feet and a side yard less than 50 feet. Application not heard; applicant requested continuance.

1101 Sweet Briar Circle: A-Residential District; Applicant seeks variance to permit a generator in a front yard of an existing single-family dwelling. Approved.

745 Tennis Avenue: A-Residential District; Applicant seeks variances and any other relief deemed necessary to facilitate the construction of a single-family dwelling and associated improvements including permitting a lot width of less than 200 feet and a side yard less than 50 feet. Applicant also seeks a special exception for an in-law suite and a variance to add an additional 60+ family member.

1402 Crestwood Drive: A-Residential District; Applicant seeks a variance for a height limitation of a covered porch on an existing single-family dwelling.

734 Meadowcreek Circle: A-1 Residential District; Applicant seeks a special exception to permit an in-law suite.

1105 McKean Road: A-1 Residential District; Applicant seeks relief from a height limitation and building area percentage for a detached two-story garage.
The following projects are currently under review by the PC. The PC meets the third Wednesday of every month as needed. They met on March 16, 2022 and discussed the applications as indicated below. Please check the website for the most current agenda.

(#20-04) 301 Norristown Road Land Development (Gwynedd Estates-Acts)Multi-family residential development that includes the addition of a new skilled nursing wing at the NE corner of the site and a reconfiguration of existing parking areas while also adding new parking and subsurface stormwater management facilities. Status: Not discussed. Remains under review.

(#22-02) 1501 Cedar Hill Road 2-lot Subdivision (Robert & Cheryl Mastromatta): A residential 2-lot subdivision of the existing 3.4 acre lot and the creation of 15,000 square feet of open space. The new single-family flag lot will access from Cedar Hill Road. Waivers and deferrals are requested pertaining to road widening, curbing, sidewalk, tree replacement and the traffic impact fee. The PC discussed the prior removal of trees on the proposed lot. Overall the PC did not feel the plans were detailed enough to make any type of decision and requested the plans be revised. Status: Revisions required; remains under review.
Park & Recreation Board (PRB)
The PRB held their regular meeting on March 15th, 2022. The PRB's strategic park plan project is underway. The interactive trail map is up and running, you can check it out here. The annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 2nd, 2022 at Penllyn Woods from 10am-11am. Also, if you're interested in learning more about the Township trails, join the PRB on Mondays and Wednesdays starting April 4th, 2022 to walk the trails. For more information click here. A trail clean-up is scheduled for Saturday, April 23rd, 2022 from 9am-12pm, registration is required. Also be sure to check out the Parks & Recreation page of the Township website where you can see the upcoming programs, camps, and activities scheduled!
Departmental Round-Up
We're HIRING!!!
Come join the Lower Gwynedd Team! We're hiring in our Parks & Recreation Department and our Public Works Department. Click the job titles below for a full description.

Parks & Recreation Department

Public Works Department

 Lower Gwynedd Township
1130 North Bethlehem Pike
Spring House, PA 19477
Phone: (215) 646-5302
Next Issue
Keep an eye out for our May issue!