April 2023 Edition
The President's Corner
Dear Friends in Christ,

Rejoice! Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

Throughout the season of Easter, we experience such great joy. In our daily liturgies we rejoice continuously with psalms of praise and thanksgiving as we celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death and the promise of eternal life. And this joy is more than a mere natural state of happiness. It is a deep and profound interior sense of peace. It is a realization of God’s presence with us through the indwelling of His Spirit. And it is a supernatural gift essential to our work in the apostolate.

Throughout sacred scripture we are called to rejoice without ceasing in all circumstances:

“Rejoice always.” 1 Thess. 5:16

“This is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it.” Ps.118:24

“Rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

“We rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance.” Romans 5:3

“Consider it pure joy…whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” James 1:2-3

“Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.” Romans 12:12

St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta emphasized the importance of joy in the work of her Missionaries of Charity with the world’s most destitute , “Joy must be one of the pivots of our life…Joy is prayer - Joy is strength - Joy is love - Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.”

Trials and challenges abound today for all of us involved in the ministry of Catholic healthcare. You might ask - is it actually possible to “rejoice and be glad” in the midst of the relentless assaults on our religious freedom and rights of conscience ? If joy is essential to success in the apostolate, how is it sustained amid the chaos and persecution ?

The answer is found in the final discourse of our Lord with His apostles the night before he laid down His life for us that we might bear good fruit in a life full of joy.

“Abide in me and I in you…He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit…If you abide in me…ask whatever you will, and it will be done for you…By this my Farther is glorified that you bear much fruit…These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” John 15:4~11

As Bishop James Conley, Chair of the CHCLA Episcopal Advisory Board is fond of reminding us, this is the time God has chosen for us to proclaim the Gospel and build His kingdom. So together let us “rejoice and be glad” for the privilege of being chosen to serve in ministry to the sick, proceeding with confident assurance in His Providence and sustained by the Easter joy of Christ risen.

God Bless,
Steven White, MD
President, CHCLA
CHCLA Files Amicus Brief in the Supreme Court in Support of Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine
On April 18, CHCLA filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court of the United States of America in the case of Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, et al, v. FDA, et al.

The FDA seeks to stay the April 7, 2023 order entered by the United States District Court of the Northern District of Texas that would require the FDA to remove the abortion medication, Mifepristone, from the market pending the outcome of the underlying lawsuit.
Support Our Work
We need a culture that respects and protects foundational values, and primary among these values are the sanctity of life and the dignity of the human person.

CHCLA is committed to bringing a witness to Catholic health care, to the teaching of the Catholic faith, and to the truth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Please consider donating to support us in this mission!
Profile: Christ Medicus Foundation Works to Renew Healthcare For Catholics
CatholicVote - The Christ Medicus Foundation (CMF) is one of these organizations on the frontlines fighting each day to provide practical, Christ-centered healthcare made by and for Catholics.

“We live in a time where investing in Christ-centered healthcare is more vital than ever,” Mariah Buzza, CMF’s assistant director of health policy and member community, told CatholicVote. “This is something that will tangibly promote the healing love of Christ into our world.”
"The affordability you need, the quality you deserve, delivered by the doctors you trust”
Washington is too bureaucratic and remote to manage something as personal as healthcare. The next chapter in health reform must be to devolve power away from Washington.

We need to move power, money, and control back to doctors and patients, through the states that have decades of experience in overseeing their health insurance and healthcare delivery markets.

Read the latest from Grace-Marie Turner, head of the Galen Institute and a volunteer policy advisor to CHCLA.
Upcoming Events

More information on these initiatives and events, as well as upcoming webinars, will be shared in the coming months.
Member Spotlight
The National Catholic Bioethics Center
Bioethics Public Policy Report: April 4, 2023 Edition
Bar Notes

From the Catholic Bar Association
Join the Catholic Bar Alliance's pilgrimage to London from June 17-24, 2023 with Bishop Edward Burns (Diocese of Dallas) and scholars David Oakley and Lou Karlin.
Catholic Medical Association
Medical Student and Resident Boot Camp, June 11-18 in Ave Maria,

Leadership Training Meeting, June 16-18 in Ave Maria, FL

92nd Annual Educational Conference, Sept. 7-9 in Phoenix, AZ
Become a Member of CHCLA
Membership is open to everyone from individual health care professionals to large health systems and offers a number of benefits:
  • Being a part of an active community of likeminded individuals who share a common goal of advancing Catholic Health Care.

  • Being a recognized leader in advancing Catholic Health Care through the initiatives of the CHCLA.

  • Being a part of a larger voice for Catholic Health Care, a voice that represents all Catholic health care providers, through advocacy at the highest levels of federal, state and local government.

  • Having an active role and voice in the strategy of Catholic Health Care in the United States and abroad, and the trajectory of the CHCLA.

  • Having access to a broad network of professionals in various areas related to health care, including medicine, law, business, academia, insurance, advocacy, and experts on specific health care topics.

  • Having access to educational material, papers, reports and academic insights on Catholic Health Care and the health care delivery system, through courses, podcasts, publications and both live and remote events.

  • Having access to advocacy organizations and receiving updates on advocacy initiatives, pending and anticipated lawsuits, and the impact of legislation and legal cases on Catholic Health Care.