April 2023 Newsletter

To give aid and encouragement in promoting the education and welfare of at-risk children in the state of Georgia.


Thank you, thank you, thank you for supporting A Night at the Met! The Finance Committee is crunching the numbers and we look forward to presenting the results at the May General Meeting. Given the generous support of our sponsors, brisk ticket sales, and active auction donors and bidders I expect we will be pleased with our efforts.

I want to again thank VP of Events Heather Rees for turning my vision into an event and VP of Auction Pat Iaffaldano for dotting the i's and crossing the t's for a successful auction. Thanks you to Lynn Thompson and Cynthia Barr as well, unofficial cochairs who worked behind the scenes to help execute the event. On behalf of myself, Pat, and Heather, we appreciate everyone who helped with setup, check-in/check-out, and cleanup. 

As this year draws to a close a few events remain to come together as friends and volunteers. In addition to the May General Meeting, there is a Jr Yoga Social on April 4 and an opportunity to volunteer at City of Refuge April 6 for Spring Fling. Several of our regular volunteers are not available for Spring Fling; if you have thought about volunteering but have not done so now is the time!

At this point in the year I feel like I'm revisiting thoughts I have shared before, but perhaps they are worth repeating. The work of The Circle as an all volunteer organization can be challenging yet remains valuable as a way to multiply our time, talents, and treasures in serving at risk GA children. The needs can feel daunting at times yet every child helped chips away at the collective suffering brought on by poverty and family trauma, bringing light into the darkness. There is purpose in our effort to support children in need.

As Edward Phillips, Director of Development at City of Refuge, noted at our gala, kids benefit from seeing the possibility of life being different from what they know and have experienced. The safety of a warm bed and consistency of 3 meals a day create stability from which they can start to explore their interests and imagine a different future. A different future is what our scholarship recipients see when they attend college or technical school even though family finances are limited or non-existent and they are often the first in their family to pursue education beyond high school. We can make a difference, one kid at time, helping to open possibilities for the future.

It is easy to drive around the City of Refuge neighborhood and think it will always be plagued by poverty, but that is what many Georgians thought about Tallulah Falls Gorge 100 years ago. The founders of The Circle were optimistic and undeterred and so should we be. 

Thank you for your support and generosity, 

Belinda Vogel


Click Here for the Full Calendar of events!


Junior Social: Spring Yoga

Monday, April 3

Spring Fling at City of Refuge

Volunteer Event

Thursday, April 6

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Executive Board Meeting

Monday, April 24


Spring General Meeting

Thursday, May 4

Sign Up for Text Messages


Thank you, thank you!

I think we can all agree that the Circle 2023 Gala, A Night at the Met, was a huge success!

It sure looked like everyone was having fun dancing and bidding on fabulous auction offerings!

The gala committee understands that none of this could have come together without the help of an army of people: our sponsors, donors, members who solicited items for the auction,

those who invited guests to share in the fun, the incredible young ladies who helped with check-in and check-out, and the behind-the-scenes ladies who supported us throughout, Kristin Harbison, Cynthia Barr and Lynn Thompson.

The Executive Board is reviewing all the numbers and the bottom line will be announced at our General Meeting, May 4.

With much appreciation,

Heather Rees

Pat Iaffaldano

Gala Photo Album


Click Here to Pay & Reserve Your Spot

The Donation Items requested for this meeting for The City of Refuge:  

  • Casual summer t-shirts and Casual summer shorts (all sizes but especially L-3X) ,
  • Casual summer shoes, closed toe or open (all sizes),
  • Sports bras (all sizes but especially L-3X)

Jr. Social

Yoga With Belinda

Date: Tuesday April 4

Time: 7:30pm

Unity North

4255 Sandy Plains Rd.

Marietta, GA 30067

Email Kalen McDonald to RSVP

Please note if you need to borrow a yoga mat



Please sign up to volunteer at City of Refuge on Thursday April 4 for Spring Fling! The Circle will supervise fun activities for toddlers to teens including a bounce house and an egg hunt. Thank you to new member Suzi Goodman who is donating supplies for crafts she planned for the various age groups!

The event runs from 10am to 12pm: please arrive by 9:30 for an overview of the crafts or as early as 9am to help set up.

We also need a few more supplies that you will find listed in the SignUp Genius for the event.

Remember a background check is required to volunteer at City of Refuge so sign up today to complete that process if you haven't already done so.

If you would like to carpool please email Che' Frost and we will connect drivers and passengers.

Donate Supplies
Request Carpool


Congratulations to our new officers and Board members for The Circle for Children 2023-2024. This is a fabulous group of ladies and Kristin will be a dynamic leader as President. Thank you all for your commitment and willingness to serve.


Kristin Harbison


Polly Hogue  


Linda Keogler


 Mary Beth Wegener and Alyson Horn


Emily Lemmy, Abigail Lemmy (Rita Furness, Pat Iaffaldano)


Cynthia Dolezal 


Sarah Davis 


Diane Miller


Kimberly Johnson 


Rita Furness

Martha Bechtel

Peggy Fulghum

Janie Kissling

Kim Sherk

Sally Davis

Thanks to the Nominating Committee for their work in getting this exciting slate!

Access the Directory online with new Password! The directory of active Circle members can now be viewed on our website.

For the privacy of all members, the directory is password protected. You can access the directory under the membership tab on the website.

Wilma Bunch              April 4

Susan Grant                April 8

Trayce Leak                April 10

Carol Carr                   April 11

Cynthia Barr               April 12

Lynn Thompson          April 13

Bonnie Mann              April 14

Elaine LaMontagne    April 19

Lucy Dorris                  April 22

Saundra Minnich        April 23

Marion Bledsoe          April 25

If your birthday (month and day) is not in the Circle directory, please email that information. We would love to acknowledge that special day.

Circle Celebration Fund
Can't think of a gift for a friend? Consider donating to the Circle Celebration Fund in their name. A lovely acknowledgment will be sent to the honoree informing them of the donation you made in their name. Please contact thecircle4children@gmail.com if you would like to donate.
Circle Correspondence
Please send any Circle Correspondence to thecircle4children@gmail.com for announcements of births, loss of loved ones, outstanding events or illnesses. Please include the individual's address so the corresponding secretary can send the appropriate correspondence. Also, indicate if the information should be posted in the newsletter.


Kroger Community Rewards will donate a portion of your grocery purchase total to The Circle for Children.Please sign up for a Kroger Card the next time you're grocery shopping and link it to The Circle for Children.

To link your Kroger card go to www.kroger.com and login to access "My Account". Under "Community" select "Community Awards" then click the "link card" button. Then, search for "The Circle for Children" or enter number, CX636. You can also call Kroger at 1-800-562-4438 and they will sign you up over the phone.
The Circle for Children | circle4children.org
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