Volume 23 | Issue 3 | April 2023


Saddened to Announce

Mortgage Information

NEB Update

PSAC Strike

Sherwood Co-op


CSS Corner

Last Laugh


New Members



Nathan Kraemer

Recording Secretary:

Ellen Foley


Kaleena Baulin

Negotiating Chairperson:

Shaun Jenkins

Maintenance V.P.:

Karl Dahle

Process V.P.:

Wade Schnell

Administration V.P.:

Kurt Haakensen (Interim)


Jamie Wolf (Interim)

Chief Shop Steward:

Richard Exner

Information Officer:

Ashlyn Heintz

Maintenance V.P. Assistant:

6 Month Trial: Garth Wendel


Brandon Mang

Sergeant at Arms:

Nic Skulski


Amy Wisniewski 

Daryl Watch 

Anton Skulski


Nicole Dasko - Petroleum Distribution Department

Nicole Lynn Dasko, 55, of Regina, SK passed away on Friday, March 17, 2023 after a hard-fought health journey. She was born to Ray and Jan Schamber on January 15, 1968 in Mankota, SK and was the big sister to John Schamber. Nicole was predeceased by her loving grandparents Nick and Janette Bechal and John and Emilia Schamber; and her uncle Glenn Davidson.

Nicole had a long and prosperous career at the Coop Refinery Complex where she formed many close lifelong friendships.

Obituary as posted Obituary of Nicole Lynn Dasko | Paragon Funeral Services | Proudly ...

Zino Adesoji - Information Technology Department

Photo of Zino as shared by her friends & co-workers.



Karla Hanson


Debbie Bourassa &

Mitch Bloos

Building Maintenance:

Garth Wendel


Mike Pelzer


Sam Seibel


Corey Strass & Colin Waldie

Fire & Safety:

Daryl Watch &

Ryan Shillingford

Information Technology:

Cory Frederickson


Shane Thompson


Dave Mushynsky &

Jaret McCloy & Chris Szala


Luke McGeough &

Brandon Mang


Andrea Jordan & Mike Fink


Derek Kups & Karter Diewold

MRP: Garth Wendel

PDD Loading: Jamie Wolf

PDD Warehouse: Vacant

PDD Office:

Christal Wisniewski


Jeremy Lukomski

& Dan Ross


Ryan Dzioba


Nelson Wagman

Section IA:

David George

Section IB:

Charles Brittner

Section II:

Jason Sharp

Section III:

Josh Hollinger

Section IV:

Pat Pilot & Cam Parisien

Section V:

Andrew Murray


Nathan Fafard


Scott Wicklund


Did you know? December 31, 2022, was officially two full years back at work since the lockout. This is great news for anybody in the mortgage market this year when it comes to determining how much you will be able to borrow, whether you are purchasing a new home, renewing, or refinancing your mortgage. There are two ways lenders and banks will consider your income:

1.      Guaranteed annual income – This is the amount outlined in your letter of employment and is based on your guaranteed hours per week (37.33) multiplied by your hourly rate multiplied by 52 weeks.

2.      Two-year average – This amount uses your annual income from the two most recent years T4's divided by two. If you apply for a mortgage in 2023, your annual income from 2021 and 2022 will be used. For those that work overtime, using this calculation could increase your annual income by $20k to $40K, therefore, the mortgage amount you are able to borrow will increase.

In most cases, CRC refinery employees that were applying for a mortgage prior to the end of 2022 were using their guaranteed annual income to qualify because the two-year average amount was less due to the lockout and reduced income in 2020. Now that we have been back at work for two full years post-lockout, the two-year average amount will be higher for most CRC employees and will increase the amount you can qualify for.

Each person’s financial situation is different. The amounts below are examples and will vary based on your personal situation.

Guaranteed income: $116,000 VS. Two-year Average Income: $132,000

G.I. Purchase Price: $400,000 A.I. Purchase Price: $475,000

Reach out to myself or to your trusted mortgage professional if you ever have any questions.

Bryan Dubord

Scaffolder & Mortgage Professional (TMG – The Mortgage Group)



On March 22, 2023, Suncor was officially named as the NEB target Company.

The Bargaining Committee met with Suncor once so far, on April 12th. They have bargaining dates scheduled for May 24th and 25th.

Our president, Nathan Kraemer, has been elected as the Saskatchewan delegate for the Advisory Committee. This allows Nathan to vote on behalf of our local. The next meeting for the committee will be in May.

We will continue to update the membership as we receive more information.


On April 19th, 2023 at midnight over 155,000 PSAC members hit the picket line in hopes of settling a fair contract with the Federal Government. The main contention is the proposed wage increases. The government proposes an abysmal 1.5%, 4.5%, and 3% on a three-year deal. It’s no secret that inflation has been through the roof since the pandemic, so it’s only right that workers ask for a fair deal to combat the ever-increasing cost of living. One worker on the picket line in Ottawa commented on how being a government worker was never a high-paying job, but she could live comfortably within her means. Other signs from the line say things like “I’d throw eggs, but I can’t afford them” and “2% is for milk”.

How does this affect me? Jock Climie, a management-side labour and employment lawyer with Emond Harnden said, “The reality is that when the largest … federal public service union goes on strike and gets what it’s asking for, say they do, it’s going to have a profound impact on every bargaining table that comes after it, not just in the public sector,”. With our own National Pattern Bargaining set to begin in the following months in Fort McMurray, all eyes are on the PSAC strike, the biggest since the 1991 General Strike (also PSAC). The old saying stays true here, “An injury to one is an injury to all”.

Picket lines have been set up across the Country, In Regina currently, our lines are at the Alvin Hamilton Building on 11th and Rose St and RCMP on Dewdney. A live picket line finder can be found at https://workerscantwait.ca.

I remember the numerous unions showing up to our lines walking with us or offering us coffee. Every little bit helps. And yes, it is turnaround and people already have limited free time as we continue to put out for our employer, but if you can squeeze a half an hour out of you day, or maybe a box of dountus, pop by a picket line near you. You never know, it could be a “pay it forward” in a few years.

Chuck Brittner

Political Action Committee

Unifor 594


Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

As many of you know I currently hold a position on Sherwood Co-op’s Board of Directors. My term is coming to an end on May 9th and I would like to ask for your support in seeking re-election for another 3-year term.

Elections will take place at the Sherwood Annual General Meeting, to be held May 9, at 6:30PM, Queensbury Centre Ballroom A, REAL district (Exhibition Grounds/Pat’s Rink).

Thank you, in solidarity,

Jeff Roffey, Section 1B

For more information, click the link below:

2023 Annual General Meeting | Sherwood Co-op

  • Paul Woit - Section 1A (April 9, 2023)


The Grievance Backlog Project (GBP) is now ten months old with some significant progress to show for it! Under its umbrella, the GBP started with 125 active grievances, some dating back to 2014. We have been able to reach a settlement on fifty-six grievances and have withdrawn eight. Currently, we have less than half, sixty-one grievances that remain unresolved. Seventeen of those active grievances have been moved to Phase 2; which could mean mediation, expedited arbitration, or regular arbitration to get a resolution.


Below is a list of grievances we have recently reached a settlement on:

  • 07-2017 - Mechanic Lead Hand pay during 2019 Turnaround - member was back paid LH rate
  • 18-2017 - Carpenters Pump Grouting work - duties recognized as union work
  • 22-2017 - Carpenters concrete work in PDD Loading - duties recognized as union work
  • 23-2017 - MRP concrete work in PDD Loading - duties recognized as union work
  • 29-2017 - MRP 906 tank watch duties - duties recognized as union work
  • 05-2018 - MRP 907 tank watch duties - duties recognized as union work
  • 12-2018 - Electricians cable pull - duties recognized as union work
  • 13-2018 - Electricians data cable pull at the RBO - duties recognized as union work
  • 01-2019 - Employee submitted to a D&A test - bundled with 14-2022
  • 12-2019 - Employee forced Accommodation - bundled with 14-2022
  • 19-2019 - HVAC cross-crafting - grievance withdrawn
  • 22-2019 - MRP P6 Bullet cleaning - duties recognized as union work
  • 10-2020 - Exceedance of 30-day paid suspension - confidential settlement
  • 41-2020 - MRP tank berm - duties recognized as union work
  • 02-2021 - MRP janitorial duties in Insulator Shop - duties returned to the bargaining unit
  • 05-2021 - Insulator work at 913 tank - duties recognized as union work
  • 07-2021 - Scaffolder work at the API exchangers - duties recognized as union work
  • 12-2021 - Insulator work at 911 tank - grievance withdrawn
  • 38-2021 - Stores catalyst transportation at Turnaround - duties returned to the bargaining unit
  • 49-2021 - Electricians inspection of electrical panels - duties recognized as union work
  • 14-2022 - Employee wage rate - wage adjusted to the appropriate level

There were four other grievance outcomes we wanted to highlight...


09-2019 - Stores paid progression training - This grievance was filed when the Company greatly reduced the number of paid hours of progression training for employees who bid into Helper II positions. The settlement sees employees allotted 250 paid hours toward progression training. It also includes prescriptive rules on non-paid time, scheduling, and exceptions. All the credit for this mutually beneficial resolution belongs to the collaborative relationship between the Shop Steward and his Supervisor. Well done!


04-2020 - Floating Stat Change - Returning from the lockout the Company moved the floating stat holiday for some employees and the Union filed the grievance. The settlement sees any member who was scheduled to work on the floating stat holiday compensated at overtime rates as per Article 15.


51 & 52-2021 - Bumping & Displacement - These two grievances were filed in response to the approach the Company took regarding the bumping and displacement process related to their permanent layoff plan. While the grievances are not resolved, the Union withdrew these grievances as the permanent layoff plan has been abandoned. The Union does have the ability to re-file grievances if the issue(s) resurface in the future.


The GBP meetings, emails, and discussions will continue over the next several months and we will do our best to keep the membership updated in the conciliator but we encourage you to attend monthly general meetings for updates on these and new grievances.

Richard Exner, Chief Shop Steward



Unifor 594 is proud to sponsor a free movie night out at Moonlight Movies. A traditional style drive-in that plays rain, wind or shine!

The night will be open to the general public, however, Moonlight has agreed to open its gates even earlier to allow 594 members the chance to get a spot!

When: Friday, June 9th at dusk (Approx. 8:00 PM)

Where: Pilot Butte Rodeo Grounds

Concession & porta potties are available on-site.

Stay tuned for more information, including what movie will be playing!

Employee & Family Assistance Program
The Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP) is through Homewood Health and is available 24/7/365. Call 1-800-663-1142 or reach out to a trusted confident, friend or co-worker if you aren't feeling like yourself.

594 SWAG

Are you interested in sporting Unifor 594 Swag?

Check out our list of swag at:



For any new members, or if you know of new members not receiving Union Communications please talk to your Shop Steward or e-mail: info@unifor594.com