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April | 2023
United Fore Kids Golf Tournament is raising funds for the Weekend Feeding Backpack Program at Wadena-Deer Creek Public Schools, with the help of United Way of Otter Tail & Wadena Counties. 

GOAL: $12,000
Event Details 
  • Team Check-In: 11 -11:45 a.m.
  • Lunch: 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
  • Games/Program/Rules: 12:15 - 12:30 p.m.
  • Shot Gun start: 12:30 p.m.

Team Registration Cost 
  • $400 (team of 4) - $100 for Individual
  • Includes: Green Fee, Cart, Lunch
  • $500 (team of 4) Corporate Sponsored Team
  • Includes: Green Fee, Cart, Lunch
  • Shoot out during the event and social media recognition
  • Swag bag

Hole Sponsor 
  • $250
  • Logo recognition on marketing materials (include a sign at hole)
  • Opportunity to display at the tee box
  • Games/Business material, etc.
  • Sponsorship is not a charitable donation

Questions:Contact Summer Hammond at 218-770-9406 or 
Women United strives to improve the lives of all children around Otter Tail & Wadena Counties by mobilizing women and providing them a great voice; educating and encouraging them to affect change in their communities; creating venues to share their concerns and visions; and strengthening their relationships.
Check out our volunteer opportunities on our new volunteer hub Elevate
Tammy Fosse,
Henning HRA
120 East Washington Ave, Fergus Falls, MN 56537
218-736-5147 |