Gabriel’s “why” for serving the homeless population is rooted in his belief that, “we are all in this together and that it is the absolute responsibility of those of us with shelter, security, and food to show up for those of us without it. They are like the rest of us, just with more challenges and usually less support. None of us exist in a vacuum. We ALL need other humans to survive.”
Gabriel served two combat deployments as an infantryman in the Army before medically retiring. He understands the tremendous effort and support it can take for one to get back on their feet. “Once I got myself together after the Army (with a ton of help), I decided to continue serving my country and community. I felt the pull to get somewhere that had great need, and somewhere that I was going to be working on the front lines. Working in a non-profit emergency shelter sounded like exactly where I needed to be,” Gabriel shared.
Gabriel takes pride in being a part of a client’s journey by helping them get housed or obtain the necessary documentation to meaningfully interact with society (IDs, Birth Certificates, Social Security Cards).
Our unsheltered community members need someone to care for them the way that Gabriel does, with honesty and compassion. When asked how he helps clients see the light at the end of the tunnel, Gabriel responded, “I do not lie to them or ask them to set unattainable goals. I show up, show them love, and ask them to treat themselves as if they were someone worth caring for. I try to show them through my actions that they are not forgotten or discarded.”
Gabriel is coming up on his one-year anniversary as the first Outreach Specialist at The Kearney Center. We are grateful to have his perspective and kind heart on our team!