It's that time of year when new growth is popping up from the ground below and the pollen is falling like dust bunnies dancing form the sky...Spring has sprung! This month we have some great programs popping up too! I am also so excited to introduce you all to our newest team member, Leanna Zaritsky. Leanna will be taking charge of our outreach programs, where she will be out in the community educating people about what the BCRC offers and about good breast health. Change begins with awareness and here at the BCRC, we work hard to be the champions of change. If you have a church, civic or social group that you are part of - please let Leanna know about them and she can schedule an in-person or virtual (free) outreach! Let's spread good information about the risks and signs of breast cancer!
Another great way to get involved (and meet Leanna) is to join us for our 2nd annual Warrior Dash on Saturday, May 13th! This year we are holding the Warrior Dash in-person (you can also still join in virtually) at The Pennington School in Pennington, NJ. This year's Warrior Dash will include a fun run (comparable to a 5k) along a scenic nature trail throughout the school's campus and a 1 mile walk around the comfy and wheelchair/walker/stroller friendly outdoor running track. We are also offering a fun 100 yard dash for children ages 5-12. Prizes will be awarded for top fundraisers and to all children participating! Registration is $10 (children 12 and under are free) - we are hoping you all will join us!
I know many of you have been eagerly waiting on news about our next Healing Arts class here it is! Our next Healing Arts series is going to be 6 weeks of fun and art - starting in early May! Reserve your Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30pm, you won't want to miss them! Dates and more information about how to sign up will be coming next week - so keep an eye out for our weekly reminders email coming out next week!

Wishing you all Spring full of hope and positivity. Oh, and don't forget to hydrate and wear that sunblock!

All my best,
Melissa White-McMahon
Director, Breast Cancer Resource Center

Join us for our weekly virtual open house hour. Catch-up with the BCRC staff and meet other BCRC members. We miss you all so much and hope you will join us to talk about anything and everything! We can't wait to see you!

Join us on Zoom every Thursday from 10-11am

Support Groups
Get the support you need from others who know what you are going through

Coping & Beyond
Monthly on the first Thursday at 6:30pm

Young Survivors
Monthly on the 2nd Thursday at 6:30pm

Thriving Together
Monthly on the 2nd Wednesday at 1:30pm
Email for more information or to register!
Jazzercise Class with Pennington Fitness Center

Pennington Jazzercise is welcoming us into their weekly Monday classes at 4:30 p.m. and weekly Friday classes at 8:30 a.m.

Let's get fit, move and have fun together!

Email for more info on how to join in!
We extended the dates!
Join us for some gentle Yoga!
  • Volunteers needed who speak Spanish
  • Volunteers needed for outreach tables
  • Volunteers needed to share their stories
  • Help connect us with potential donors
  • Consider adding us to your workplace's charitable giving program!
Interested in volunteering for the BCRC?
Email Melissa McMahon at for upcoming volunteer opportunities!
(i.e. wigs, bras, support group, surgeon, message, yoga, programs)
You will be redirected to send an email to our Support Services Coordinator, Betsy, please share with her, we appreciate your feedback!

Multiple Events Available All Month Long!

Support for survivors and thrivers is available!

Dance Exercise for Breast Recovery
Mindful Movement Class for Women of Color

The gift that keeps on giving!
All donations made to the BCRC go directly to serving breast cancer thrivers, survivors and support people right in your community!
Follow along on social media!