
April 2023

La Academia de Fútbol Monterey

As we enter the second half of our spring semester, I'd like to share some updates on our program and plans for this summer.

The severe weather required us to make schedule changes during the first half of the semester, with three consecutive Tuesdays in March rescheduled. I want to thank everyone for their flexibility as we navigated the calendar.

Despite the challenges, our staff has been excited to see the enthusiasm and progress of our players. The newsletter includes a spotlight on our high school development program, which has focused on the physical dimension of player development. In total, we currently work with six cohorts, including the high school group, goalkeepers, and four boys teams.

Registration will open shortly for our 8-week summer semester The semester will begin on June 19th and run through the week of August 7th. We expect to open summer registration before the end of April.

We are also thrilled to be able to announce our first summer camp, scheduled for the week of June 12th. The camp will include on-field, classroom, and other activities. We are also planning to host special guests during the week. Click on the article below to learn more about the camp and access the registration portal.

If you have concerns, questions, or want more information about our programs, please reach out to me at the link at the bottom of this email or click

Best in Soccer,

Scott Schoenthal

Executive Director, AF Monterey

Academy Training Jerseys

Distribution of training jerseys will take place on the field during the weeks of April 24th and May 1st. Every player who has registered for spring semester will receive a jersey.

Scanning - continually viewing of the surrounding environment - is a common theme in AF Monterey training sessions. Players at all levels are trained to develop scanning as a basic technique in positional play exercises.

High School athletic program

Our athletic development program is designed to help prepare players for the challenges of high school level soccer. Click below to find out more.

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Meet our Youth Development Director

Rogelio Santiagio works with players throughout the program. Learn more about Rogelio below:

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Summer Camp registration now open

AF Monterey will hold our first summer 2023 camp session from June 12th-16th on the campus of Monterey Peninsula College. Sessions will run from 9am-12pm. Our registration portal is open for camp registrations. Costs are $175/player for the entire week with family discounts. The camp will feature staff coaches and special guests. Click below to find out more and register.

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Summer 2023 semester

Registration for the Summer 2023 semester will open by the end of April. The session will run from the week of June 19th through the week of August 7th - 8 weeks in total. More information on the Summer semester will be available shortly.

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517 N Castellina Terr,

Mountain House, CA 95391

(209) 600 4910

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