Volume 23 | April 2024

HR and the Law in the News

In this edition: DEI, FLSA, FMLA, EEO-1, and more.

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FiveL Company's 18th Annual

Employment Law, Legislative & Regulatory Update

A full day, remote seminar.

Click here for the day's agenda and to register.

Pre-approved for 6.5 HRCI & SHRM credits / $99 pp

Rubber stamping that says  Lawsuit

D&I Backfires Again

A white male was recently awarded $10M when a court found he was fired because of his sex, race, or both based on the employer's D&I target goals.

 Click here to read more.     

FMLA Requires Adjusted Expectations Not Just Schedules

 An employer’s HR representative testified that a supervisor used only about ten days of FMLA leave in a five-month period. The supervisor testified she used approximately six weeks of FMLA leave in the same period. What difference does it make? A "material" difference said the court.

Click here to read more.   
Labor law on human work

Judge Blocks NLRB's Joint Employer Rule

On March 8th a judge vacated the National Labor Relations Board’s recent rule on determining the standard for joint-employer status and the Board’s rescission of the 2020 joint-employer rule.

If you use a vendor, contractor, have an affiliate, parent company, or other related entities, these rules apply to you.

Click here for more information.

EEO-1 Portal to Open April 30th

If you are a private sector employer with 100 or more employees, or a federal contractor with 50 or more employees meeting certain criteria, you must submit workforce demographic data, including data by job category, sex and race or ethnicity, to the EEOC. The EEO-1 Instruction Booklet is now available.  

Click here for more information, your deadline to file & resources.

FLSA Fun Fact - How Many Hours in a Workweek?

Today, most U.S. employers use a 40-hour work week as their standard. Some use a lower number such as 37.5 or 35, accounting for an unpaid meal period of 30 or 60 minutes in a five-day workweek.

You likely know that the Fair Labor Standards Act requires you to pay overtime to a non-exempt employee who works more than 40 hours in workweek. Did you know that was not always the case?

Conceptual hand writing showing Did You Know question. Business photo text Fun Facts and Figures Information General Knowledge Paper notes reminders question mark asking important answer.
Click here to read what the standard was in 1938 and what is being proposed for the future.  
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Join the 2024 HR Webcast Series

Discounted individual and group subscriptions remain open. Subscribe now and still get access to all 11 webcasts in 2024 for the price of 8!

New time for west coast HR Peeps: 12:00 - 1:15 pm ET

  • Generally pre-approved by HRCI and SHRM for 1.25 credits.
  • Groups of five (5) or more from the same employer get an additional 20% discount.
Click here for more information or to subscribe.


  • Wednesday, April 24th, "Bullying and the Workplace," webcast, Noon - 1:15 p.m. ET. pre-approved by HRCI & SHRM for 1.25 credits. $25 pp

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This publication does not constitute the rendering of legal advice. Please consult your company's legal counsel for guidance on any matter. 

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