Message from Dean Egerstedt
Being an Anteater engineering student is about more than just sitting in a classroom and taking courses on thermodynamics or circuits. It is about having the creative confidence to come up with novel solutions and tackling problems that matter. At the Samueli School of Engineering, we work hard to ensure that our students’ educational journeys are filled with these kinds of experiential learning opportunities: we recently held our Annual Design Review, with over 200 senior undergraduate teams presenting their projects; invitation will be shared soon for the May 20 inaugural E-SONIC competition, where our students will be showcasing new instruments and orchestrations in collaboration with the Pacific Symphony; and the innovation-focused and thrilling Beall-Butterworth Design Competition is also just around the corner with a record-breaking 54 submissions and 151 team members. Spring is truly in the air on campus with lots of end-of-year academic activities!
Magnus Egerstedt, Ph.D.
Stacey Nicholas Dean of Engineering