In this edition of ENews:
- Office of the Bishop to host Grant Writing Workshop
- Stewardship Conference rescheduled to June 10
- The Rev. Tom Gartin Installed as Rector of Faith, Cameron Park
- Episcopal Foundation Grant Fund Opens next Monday
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Addendum to the Earlier ENews | |
Zoom Webinar
Writing Successful Grant Applications
Wednesday, May 3 | 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
The Office of the Bishop staff invite you to a zoom discussion and Q & A with
people who have successfully navigated this process.
- Hear from a grant-maker, a grant-writer, and a grant-recipient.
- Open Q & A time.
- Access a “practice” grant and get feedback.
- Learn more about grant opportunities in the diocese and beyond.
RSVP by Monday, May 1 (so we can send you the link for the meeting!)
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The Stewardship Conference has been rescheduled to Saturday, June 10. Registration will go live soon. | |
Canon Julie Visits Belfry Campus Ministry | |
Canon Julie had a great time visiting The Belfry Campus Ministry last Thursday evening. In addition to celebrating the Eucharist and sharing a delicious dinner, she learned through an interesting "quiz" (What kind of Anglican are you?) that she is a Broad Church Episcopalian (no shocker there!). She is pictured here with students, a board member, deacon/seminarian The Rev. Betsy McElroy and Belfry chaplain The Rev. Portia Hopkins. | |
Missioner for Disaster Resilience | |
Remind Your People About Earthquake Safety
On a recent trip to Humboldt County, I had the opportunity to spend some time with Mtr. Sarah Potter and Deacon Cindy Woods at St. Alban’s, Arcata. While I was there, I noticed that they have reminders posted on the pews (see picture) as a visible reminder of what to do when an earthquake shakes the church.
This is such a simple idea, and a terrific way to help keep our people safe. For a downloadable file of this graphic to print and post in your pews, click here.
Please also consider the bishop’s disaster fund during this time of relative quiet. Donate here to help rebuild the funds before they are desperately needed.
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St. Peter's Red Bluff Brings the church to the people | |
Here’s the Church!
St. Peter’s had so much fun being a part of Red Bluff’s Round-Up this past Saturday! We got to celebrate our community by offering donuts and coffee to passers-by, sharing what our Diocese is doing with Disaster Bins, and then hopping on our own float as part of the parade! We did a live-action routine of “Here is the church; Here is the steeple; Open the doors and see all the people!” using reflective poster-board to invite the crowds to see themselves as part of the church and to come together to love God’s people.
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The Rev. Tom Gartin Installed as Rector of Faith Church, Cameron Park | |
Above Left: Photo with family L to R: Bishop Megan, Rev. Tom Gartin, Rev. Megan Anderson Gartin, Teddy Gartin, Lana Gartin, Bob Gartin
Above Right: Altar party L to R: Mark West, Evelyn Torpey, Bishop Megan Traquair, Rev. Tom Gartin, Deacon Aileen Aidnik (and canine companion Ellie)
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On Wednesday, April 19, Bishop Megan traveled to Faith Church, Cameron Park to lead worship and install the Rev. Tom Gartin as Rector. Many members of Faith were present for the joyous occasion. Congratulations, Tom! | |
St. James of Jerusalem really feeds the sheep | |
Left: Sheep grazing at St. James of Jerusalem in Yuba City
Right: The Very Rev. Rick Laughman with a newborn lamb
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St. James of Jerusalem Episcopal church in Yuba City gave new meaning to the church’s mission statement of “Feed My Sheep” during its recent Holy Week. The church, which annually donates thousands of pounds of fresh produce to local food distribution centers, hosted over 200 sheep from Hanski Family Farms, Paradise, CA, to graze open land and control weeds.
The beautiful pastoral scene offered a relaxing, soul-restoring moment while also breathing life into the church’s theme from Psalm 23 of “lying down in green pastures restoring our souls.” Under the guidance of the Hanski Family Farms pros and herding dog Scrappy, the sheep worked the fields section-by-section naturally reducing the grass and weeds. During the sheep’s residency at the church, three lambs were born. Observing the babies and their mothers was perfect for the Christian Church’s most Holy week.
Read More
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St. John's Chico Goes Green(er) | |
Recently, St. John the Evangelist in Chico transformed a seldom used lawn area between offices and classrooms into a contemplative space with drought tolerant planting, ground cover, and prayer path.
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The Rev. Jim Richardson Featured on Podcast | |
The Rev. James D. Richardson visits The Cottage, hosted by The Rev. Diana Butler Bass, to discuss his book, The Abolitionist’s Journal: Memories of an American Antislavery Family. Jim is the former dean of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Sacramento, California. In the book he layers his story with that of his great-great grandfather, who played a role in the Underground Railroad, served as a chaplain to a Black Union regiment in the Civil War, and founded a college in Texas for the formerly enslaved.
Watch the interview here:
Visit The Cottage at
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Commission for Intercultural Ministries | |
Racial Justice Audit Update
The Mission Institute (MI) is in the process of receiving completed Racial Justice Audit surveys from Diocesan leaders. Leaders who have received the survey but have not yet completed it are reminded to submit their completed surveys to MI by April 30th. Responses go directly to MI and are anonymous. Your feedback is important to this process.
Thank you!
– Jo Ann Williams | Co-Chair, Racial Justice Audit
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Commission for the Environment | |
Interfaith Power and Light Webinar Scheduled for
Saturday, April 29
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The Commission on the Environment and Interfaith Power and Light (IPL) are hosting a webinar on April 29 at 1 pm.
During this one-hour webinar, participants will be introduced to the IPL Cool Congregation carbon calculator specifically designed for churches. They will receive instruction on the gathering of church energy-use data and entry of the data into the calculator.
Each church will have its own webpage for making entries and making an initial calculation about the church’s carbon footprint. Over time, as congregations make changes to decrease their carbon footprint, the webpage and calculator will be updated to follow the progress of the churches toward carbon neutrality.
Registration is required for this webinar.
Here is a link to register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
The webinar will be recorded and available the week after the event. To ensure that you receive the recording, please register for the webinar.
For more information, contact Miriam Casey at
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Episcopal Foundation of Northern California | |
$100,000 Foundation Grant Fund – Launching May 1!
The Episcopal Foundation of Northern California has joyfully committed to continue our $100,000 Foundation Grant program available to churches and missions throughout our Diocese in 2023.
Stay tuned and watch this page for application instructions to go live on Monday, May 1!
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Grounding our Bodies, Grounding our Souls: Spirituality in the Garden
Contemplative Gardening Workshop with
The Rev. Dr. Pamela Dolan
Saturday, April 29 | 12:00-2:00 pm
Table Farm at 23rd Street & Anita Avenue | Sacramento
Cost: $35
Scholarships available - contact the Bread of Life Office
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Trinity Cathedral Earth Day Sunday
Sunday, April 30 | 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Capitol Ave at 27th Street | Midtown Sacramento |
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ECS Announces beginning of 2023-2024 Annual Grant Cycle
Information about grant opportunities can be found here:
Request for Proposals (RFPs) are due to the Grants Chair by May 1, 2023.
The Request for Proposals document can also be found on the ECS website.
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Diocesan Evangelism Gathering on Zoom
Wednesday, May 3 | 6:00pm
The Missioner for Church Life invites you to participate in our first diocesan-wide Zoom gathering on evangelism.
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2023 Women’s Retreat: Being Embodied Beings
May 19-21 | Mercy Center, Auburn
Please contact Susan Hotchkiss if you wish to be put on the waiting list.
Sponsored by Trinity Episcopal Cathedral and Diocesan Partners in Ministries of Health.
$40.00 for Saturday attendance which includes lunch.
Scholarships are available.
Click here to Register
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Job Opportunities in The Diocese | |
Saint Luke’s | Auburn is seeking a part-time Parish Mission Coordinator to assist the Clergy, Vestry and parishioners in the mission and management of the church. Read the Position Description Here. | |
Clergy Openings in The Diocese | |
Trinity Episcopal Church | Folsom seeks a full-time Interim Rector. Trinity Folsom is an open and inclusive parish that cherishes traditional liturgy and classical Anglican music. We are Jesus-centered with fidelity to the Book of Common Prayer while maintaining inclusivity in our ministries. We anticipate this being a roughly 12-month position, ideally beginning late spring 2023.
Click here to read the full description.
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The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ
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