Date: April 29th, 2021
Time: 8:30am-10:30am
Virtual Platform: Zoom (link to be provided by PLS)
Deadline to submit employer form: April 28TH
Email businessservices@pioneerlibrarysystem.org with your completed form and for any questions.
Registration link for seekers and students only: http://pioneer.libnet.info/event/4931383
Setup: Individual business Zoom “room” which you can personalize with your branded, materials and virtual background/logos; one-on-on setting, with the ability to connect with job seekers regarding your available positions, your hiring process; and even the ability to move into a designated breakout room to hold “on-site” interviews. If you plan to actively hold interviews during this time, you must provide an additional staff member to remain in your initial Zoom room.
It's getting to be that time of the year again for Purcell's Annual City Wide Garage Sale, which will be held this year on Friday, May 7th and Saturday, May 8th.
If you would like your garage sale to be placed on our map, please contact the Heart of Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce by texting/calling: (405) 527-3093 or email: chamberoffice@theheartofok.com no later than Monday, May 3rd.
Please provide Name, Address, Dates of your Sale and a Contact Phone Number.
We will compile the list/map and have it posted on our website and social media by Wednesday, May 5th.
Bring your kids, and family to the Purcell Walk The Trail Day. Free Hotdogs, Free Snow Cones, Free Collectors Map, Free Collector Completion Ribbon, Fun Games, and Vendor Booths.
The trail is a new addition to Purcell Lake, and is an easy one mile loop that includes beautiful views, things for the kids, and a new bathroom facility.
Wee Explorers was founded in the summer of 2019 by local resident, mom, and banker, Kristen Harper.
Bi-weekly evening classes are held outdoors to expose children to nature, targeting ages infant through age 8. Parents/Caregivers remain with their children and are encouraged to get muddy and learn with the kids.Events are announced on their Facebook page including a description of the activity, skills developed, the location, and time. As their page says “We believe in getting outside and getting dirty to learn from the earliest years!” Classes are based on the Tinkergarten model of “learning by designing each experience to inspire wonder, activate the sense, leverage brain science, & draw on wisdom of the ages”.
Both Kristen and her husband, Joe Don, grew up in the country playing outside. This is the type of childhood they wanted for their daughter Bella. While Bella gets plenty of nature exposure at home, Kristen realized that many kids today have what she calls “nature deficit disorder”. Kids aren’t outside learning and playing as much anymore, and that concerns Kristen. There are nationwide programs like Tinkergarten to provide outdoor play activities, but Kristen couldn’t find any in the area. After seeing the enormous cost and training requirements to become a certified Tinkergarten Leader, she went out on her own and created “Wee Explorers” for Purcell and local communities. Kristen’s motto, especially since becoming a mom, is that if there’s something you want and nobody is offering it, then do it yourself! Kristen approached John Blue with the Purcell Parks and Recreation Department to see if the activities could be held at Purcell Lake. The events have, so far, been free to all, as Kristen and Joe Don foot the bill for any supplies. There have also been in-kind and monetary donations from other Wee Explorer parents over the years. Some of the ideas are taken from Kristen’s own childhood and the activities her mother (a 3rd generation teacher) came up with. Other classes come from Pinterest, Tinkergarten, and suggestions from other parents (many of whom are teachers). Kristen notes you can tell some of the kids (and parents) have never played in the dirt, which her group encourages for kids and adults alike.
Since the first class in June 2019, the group has hosted over 30 events, mostly around Purcell Lake. When the world seemingly shut down last spring, in-person classes halted for a couple of months, but the group resumed meeting last summer and it has been going strong ever since. Some events have been off site in the area. Last summer, the group went to a nearby corn field where a local farmer let the kids climb on his tractors, and showed them how to shuck corn (great sensory activity). The group has their own garden boxes in the Little Dragons Community Garden by the Purcell Multipurpose Center, planted and maintained by the kids (watering the gardens is a favorite activity). They have grown flowers, pumpkins, veggies, and herbs successfully, which the group offers to Explorer families to harvest.
By being outside and surrounded by nature, children experience an ever-changing and free-flowing environment that stimulates all the senses. Outdoor play fosters children’s intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development. Nature creates a unique sense of wonder that no other environment can provide. The next event is scheduled for Monday May 3rd at 6pm, with the activity TBA. On May 17th, the group will have a guest host from local business, Twisted Sisters Yoga, for “Preschool Yoga” outside at the lake. Follow their Facebook page for more information about these and other future events. Join us in the fight toward curing “nature deficit disorder” in us and our kids!
Village on Green Apartments - Senior Living
A 48 unit Senior apartment community development on the north end of town in Purcell, OK. Please contact the representative below for more information.
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We invite your organization to join us in the fight against COVID-19.
The Chickasaw Nation is now offering COVID-19 vaccines at no cost to the general public. There are no tribal citizenship, employment or state residency requirements. We invite you to be part of this effort by sharing this opportunity with your contacts and encouraging your network to get vaccinated. By working together to stop the spread of COVID-19, we can help protect our families, neighbors and businesses and speed our return to safe communities.
View this map for information regarding traffic flow changes to access the vaccination site.
Individuals may schedule appointments online for a drive-thru vaccine in Ada or at one of the Chickasaw Nation satellite health clinics in Purcell, Ardmore or Tishomingo at COVIDVaccine.Chickasaw.net.
Recipients must be age 18 or older for the Moderna vaccine and 16 or older for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
The Chickasaw Nation strongly encourages individuals who have received a first dose of vaccine with another health care organization to complete their second dose with the same organization.
Those currently diagnosed with COVID-19 must complete quarantine or isolation before scheduling an appointment.
The Chickasaw Nation COVID-19 Vaccine Call Center is available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. at (580) 272-1339 to assist patients 65 and older, and patients with no internet access. The call center is closed weekends and on Chickasaw Nation holidays.
Heart of Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce
Office Number: (405) 527-3093
Elisabeth Baker, Executive Director