• The latest numbers for our county: The Ross County Health District announced today the following information: 36 positive cases (one death), 56% male and 44% female, and eight currently hospitalized. The age range is from 19 to 80 years. There have been 359 Ross County residents tested with 291 testing negative, and 32 awaiting test results. Twelve recovered cases are reported.
Ross County Health District pledges to be a resource for businesses to navigate re-opening
Tell us how we're doing so far
This COVID-19 update is our 30th e-mail update newsletter or e-blast to you since March 17. We realize that's lots of information and a few people have unsubscribed. Far more of you have told us how much you appreciate the updates and information.

So, we want to be sensitive to you and your needs. Please answer our one question survey by clicking one button below. We're considering a change to the COVID-19 newsletter and need your feedback to determine next steps. Thanks!
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Free webinars for small business owners
  • Tomorrow at 3 p.m. - Adapting benefit plans in the coronavirus pandemic (registration link)
  • *NEW* Friday, May 1 at 1:30 p.m. - Seven Steps to Thrive Now and Dominate as the Economy Rebounds; a free session from Chamber member BUJI Action Coach Business Coaching (register please here)
  • *NEW* Monday, May 4 at 1 p.m. - SOCA Member Benefits 101 with Elavon. Learn about how your business can streamline and become more efficient. (Register here)
  • Wednesday, May 6 at 9 a.m. or noon - Grow with Google session: Manage Your Business Remotely in Times of Uncertainty (webinar link)
Miss one of these updates? Click here to catch up!
Coronavirus numbers, facts and figures
Links to information:

  • Looking for a job? The state has a job page on its Coronavirus page that helps connect those out of work with jobs.

  • The Ohio Channel YouTube page, where the Governor, Lt. Gov. and director of the Ohio Department of Health give regular updates at 2 p.m. on most days.

  • Governor's Stay at Home Order (Link)

  • The Chillicothe Ross Community Foundation's Coronavirus Fund needs donations, and can potentially help non-profits with some of the costs of helping the community cope with the impact of COVID-19 in the area.

  • The United Way of Ross County is awarding micro-grants to non-profits working to address community needs due to COVID-19's impact.
Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce | Email Mike Throne |