April 2022
Applause to the ACBL and BBO for their efforts to support humanitarian aid to Ukraine. All ACBL proceeds from March charity games, including sanction fees, were donated to the United Nations World Food Program, earmarked to go to the Ukrainian people. ACBL players can join in this effort by donating at this site: www.wfpusa.org/.

Bridge Base Online has announced a $10,000 donation to this charity, which has a four-star rating from Charity Navigator.
District 4 Officers  
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.

Jeanne Gehret

Betsy Cutler

Bill Bauer 

Pat Civale 

Joann Glasson 
President's Message
In last month’s 4Spot, I shared tournament table counts compared to pre-pandemic, and want to continue reporting that trend.  So below you’ll find the National average, followed by specific District 4 event attendance.

And future tournament attendance appears strong as well.  The King of Prussia Sectional (April 1-2) is sold out and waitlisted.  The Rehoboth Beach Regional (May 2-6) is reporting some hotel nights are sold out.  But not to worry… the Tournament Chair has negotiated a bridge rate at a 2nd hotel - the Atlantic Sands – which is less than 3 blocks from the Convention Center.  

While it is certainly too soon to say the pandemic is in the rear-view mirror, my mood is hopeful.  Like me, I hope you’re planning to attend some of the upcoming tournaments.  We certainly have a lot of catching up to do!

And one final item on the topic of tournaments… have you seen the new “Silver & Gold” email from District 4?  The email contains a listing of District 4 tournaments for the coming 100+/- days, with links to additional tournament information.  It’s our way of keeping members informed while reducing the overall number of emails you receive from the District.  Look for it around the 15th of the month.  If you know of anyone who isn’t receiving notifications from District 4, they can register via the following link:  Join the District 4 Mailing List

Until next month,
I welcome your comments or suggestions (jeannegehret@comcast.net)

From the District Director 

It’s been a busy 2 weeks in Reno with my first series of face-to-face board meetings as ACBL President. We had a series of discussions on the challenges facing our organization and I will keep you updated as progress is made this year.

Electronic Device Policy

Adapting to the way we all live today, electronic devices will now be allowed to be visible inside and outside of the playing area. Electronic devices (phones, Apple watches, etc.) must be turned off during the play of the hand, but can be used to check email and messages in between rounds. Penalties will still be assessed if your phone rings during the bridge session, but players can check their email in between rounds without penalty.        

Stay well and please contact me anytime with any questions or concerns: joannglasson@msn.com

District 4 Schedule

April 1-3
April 29-May 1
I/N: May 12

May 2-6

Grand National Teams
Open and Flight B
April 9&10 online (registration closed)
Details and winners of flights A&C here

May 16-22

For a full year D4 calendar, click here.
For the D4 virtual club calendar, click here
For a 2022 event schedule, click here

Our Monthly Feature
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
Everyone neglects thinking about suit combinations - Larry shares his knowledge here.
Master Solvers Club
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
Here's a fun one, full of clever April 1st trickery. Click here to see what the experts have to say.
Then visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online: http://d4msc.straguzzi.org

The Setting Trick

John McAllister's podcast The Setting Trick gives us a fascinating opportunity to eavesdrop and learn from world class players. This episode's guest is still not sure how she got invited to the party, but there you have it. Includes a dramatic reading of an article written after the Memphis NABC.
News from Around the Units 
Unit 112: Central New York
Betty Youmans
Unit 112 congratulates its 2021 Masterpoint Races winners:
Unit 112 member Eric v.d. Luft has a new bridge book for sale online. Click on the link to order it or view a free sampling.

"Let's Play Bridge" originated as the beginners' bridge course that Unit 112 member Eric v.d. Luft taught at Syracuse University in 2003. This introduction assumes no previous knowledge of the greatest card game in the world. Among topics covered are the mechanics of play, the history of the game, definitions and principles, and the intellectual, emotional, and even medical benefits of bridge, plus a few amusing anecdotes. Luft is the author, editor, or translator of over 670 publications, including two books and three articles about contract bridge.

Congratulations to advancing Unit 112 players:

Bronze Life Master – Ellen Hammer, Manlius NY
Sectional Master – Lynne Holter, Fishers NY
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania 
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!!  What exciting recognition we have for this month, so let's get right to it!

New NABC Master        Anne Pelak              Kingston, PA

New Regional Master    Kenneth W Lloyd    Scranton, PA

New Regional Master    Paul Ricker              Scranton, PA

Make sure you congratulate our members on their accomplishment!  
WELL DONE and HOOT HOOT to each of you!!

Have you ever asked yourselves why we call Spring..'Spring'?

Well, This is the time of year when life springs out!  The leaves spring out from dead or dormant twigs.  Daffodils, tulips and lilies spring from the ground each year.  During this beautiful season, the new year springs out from the old.  

Before it was called Spring, it was called Lencten which means Springtide.  It was changed to Springing time in the 14th century, shortened to spring-time in the 15th century, and further shortened in the 16th century to just “Spring”.

Whatever season we are enjoying, it's a perfect time to play Bridge!!
See you at the face to face and/or virtual Bridge Tables!
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery 
Carl Ziegler
Check back next month for unit news. In the meantime, stay well!
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley 
Lois Fuini
New Rank Advancements 
New Sectional Master
James Sorensen
New Regional Master
Joanne Yanek 
New Gold Life Master
Karen Yellin 

Congratulations to Unit 133 players who finished 1st in theAce of Clubs and Mini McKinney unit races!
Ace of Clubs
0-5 Masterpoints - Trudy Fretz
5-20 Masterpoints - Andrew Beal
20-50 Masterpoints - Ken Haruta
50-100 Masterpoints - Jane Davenport
100-200 Masterpoints - Elizabeth Stelts
200-300 Masterpoints - Lee Stanley
300-500 Masterpoints - Craig Bailey
500-1000 Masterpoints - Betsy Cutler
1000-1500 Masterpoints - Guinevere Ritter 
1500-2500 Masterpoints - Jane Havighurst 
2500-3500 Masterpoints - Stanley Yellin
3500- 5000 Masterpoints - Richard Claussen
5000-7500 Masterpoints - David Wachsman
Mini McKinney
0-5 Masterpoints - Trudy Fretz
5-20 Masterpoints - Andrew Beal
20-50 Masterpoints - Ken Haruta
50-100 Masterpoints - Jane Davenport 
100-200 Masterpoints - Barbara Dopera
200-300 Masterpoints - Lee Stanley
300-500 Masterpoints - Craig Bailey 
500-1000 Masterpoints - Betsy Cutler
1000-1500 Masterpoints - Guinevere Ritter 
1500-2500 Masterpoints - Jane Havighurst 
2500-3500 Masterpoints - Stanley Yellin 
3500-5000 Masterpoints - Walter Bell
5000-7500 Masterpoints - David Wachsman 
Unit 133 Spring Sectional - April 29 - May 1
Please join us for our Spring Sectional in Allentown at Lehigh Valley Active Life for an opportunity to earn Silver Masterpoints. Enjoy a pleasant atmosphere, friendly people, delicious free bagged lunches, bagged snacks, and great bridge.
Friday, April 29th and Saturday, April 30th
  • 10am and 2:15pm - Stratified Open Pairs and 0-500 NLM Stratified Pairs 
  • Games may be combined due to attendance.
Sunday, May 1st
  • 10am- Stratified Open Dupli Swiss Teams two session playthrough with lunch break
  • 10am - Single Session, 0-500 NLM Stratified 
  • Dupli Swiss Teams
Lehigh Valley Active Life
1633 West Elm Street
Allentown PA 18102
Fee: $14 per player per session ( $16 for unpaid ACBL members)  Please pre-register. Go to the LVBA website (www.bridgewebs.com/lvbaunit133 )
and click on the link for flyer/registration. Proof of vaccination is required and masks are recommended. To avoid waiting in line, send a copy of proof of vaccination with your registration or email it to lafuini@yahoo.com
Please contact Tournament Chairperson, Lois Fuini at lafuini@yahoo.com

Unit 133 Spring NLM Tournament - May 12
Please join us for our fourth annual Spring 0-100 and 0-500 NLM tournament on May 12th at Lehigh Valley Active Life in Allentown. Games are scheduled for 10:00am and 2:00pm with an hour break for a FREE lunch. Registration is available with your partner at www.bridgewebs.com/lvbaunit133.
Click on the link in the list on the left side of the homepage to print the registration form. The entry fee is $14 per player per session ($16 for unpaid ACBL members). 
Proof of vaccination is required and masks are recommended. To avoid waiting in line, please send a copy of proof of vaccination with your registration.
Please contact Tournament Chairperson, Lois Fuini at lafuini@yahoo.com for more information, to send a copy of your proof of vaccination(if you are already registered) or need help finding a partner.

“Souper” Bowl  Sunday Final Donation
We are pleased to report our exact amount donated to Second Harvest Food Bank for “Souper Bowl Sunday this year is $860.17. Some of these funds were a result of bridge games online, however most of the donations were from our generous members. This contribution will provide 5160 meals to our neighbors in need. Thank you to everyone who helped organize and market this special event, thank you to those who played in our games and thank you to those who donated. It takes everyone working together to make this worthwhile event successful.
Unit 141: Philadelphia 
Jay Apfelbaum
April is here! The first Unit 141 Sectional tournament in over two years got underway today at the King of Prussia Bridge Club. Attendance is fantastic! The advance sale put attendance at full capacity with a waiting list. I will have a report for all next month. Meanwhile, I will be there and hope to see everyone.
The local bridge clubs are opening up for f2f bridge on a regular basis. Here is a list of the clubs in our Unit that I believe are now open. I apologize to any club open today that is not listed. 
Bridge Club of Center City in Philadelphiahttp://www.bridgeclubofcentercity.com/

King of Prussia Bridge Club: https://www.bridgewebs.com/kop/
North Penn Bridge Club in Lansdale: https://www.facebook.com/NorthPennBridge/
Shore Bridge Club in Northfield (near Atlantic City): http://www.shorebridge.net/
Yorktown Bridge Club in Jenkintown: http://yorktownbridgeclub.com/
If I missed anyone, please let me know. I will give you a big shout-out next month.
 Here are the names of ACBL members who are joining Unit 141 and those who are advancing to the next rank:
*** Transfers into 141 ***
 Marilyne Dogole
Theresa Fitzpatrick
Peter Freeman
Roger B. Himmell
Marjorie A. Martin
Susan Menkowitz
Connie M O'Brien
James J. O'Brien
Judy Satzberg
Pat Sharkin
Phyllis B. Solberg
Pat K. Vogel
 *** New Junior Members ***
Jerry Block
Betsy Smith
Zachary Zwick
*** New Club Masters ***
Karen Batchelder
Margaret Dooley
*** New Sectional Masters ***
Barbara R. Binis
Nancy L. Craige
Eleanor B. Davis
Gloria J. Drosdick
Lisa L. Erlbaum
Susan M. Grabiak
Bonnie Grossman
Sarah V. Hart
Janet Izzo
Ann Lawson
Lisa K. Madzin
Anne S. McAlaine
Rosalind Schacher
Stuart A. Scherr
Mark H. Stuckley
Trichinopoly A. Thayumanasundar
*** New Regional Masters ***
Deborah L. Barberio
Iris Berkowitz
Shyamalendu Bose
A. Richard Diederich
David F. Endy
Sandra S. Gillette
Alison A. Hargreaves
Diana Kramer
Jayant Prasad
Anna Sullivan
Anna Swartz
*** New NABC Masters ***
Jim Miller
Susan Packer
*** New Life Masters ***
Randee G. Braslow
*** New Bronze Life Masters ***
Marian R Brescia
Marian R Brescia
Debbie A Jones
Anne W Ravreby
*** New Sapphire Life Masters ***
Howard L Kahlenberg
*** New Diamond Life Masters ***
Zachary Madden
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania 
Russell Poppleton 
Who else is egg-cited for Easter?  All of this celebrating is eggs-hausting.  Let me know how your Easter goes.  I am dyeing to know.  

Gotta love those grandkids, they never run out of material.

During this most recent cycle, Unit 168 saw many rank advancements amongst its members.  No doubt this is in part due to the recent Royal STAC held in District 4.  Unit 168 is appreciative to the ACBL management team that put the Royal STAC together, especially ACBL President Joann Glasson.  Check out the people moving up:

*** NEW JUNIOR MASTERS ***       
Olga M Ehrhart
Lana S. Fellows
Gerald W. Jones
Nancy K. Lesniewski
Robert J. Lesniewski
Chris G. Wallace  

Doug Martin
Robert C. May
Mrs. Virginia A. Stayman
Mary W. Weston

Gerald A. Skurcenski 
Mrs. Laurel R. Valenti
Dorothy L. Williams
Patricia Wong
Nancy Bleschschmidt
Mrs. Sharon U. Edwards
Ms. Betsy C. Wenger
Lynn R. Ziegler 

Mr. Jeffrey A. Stead 

Richard A. Lyden
South Central PA continues to host virtual games, see the website bridgeboardroom.com for a complete virtual schedule.  Special games in April include APR 4-10, Charity Foundation Week, 2x regular club points, all black and APR 25- May 01 Stardust Week, 2x regular club points, 25% gold and 75% black.
At the Unit 168 meeting held during the Harrisburg Sectional, Linda Ivanoff was elected President.  The two day Sectional had 78 tables in play with 105 folks winning silver masterpoints.  The top 10 are listed here:
Points to ponder – In a 4H contract you lead a trump and declarer wins in hand and leads a spade toward dummy’s KQx.  You win the ace and partner plays the ten.  What does the ten mean?  Is it count, does he want you to continue spades, or is it suit preference for the other two suits?  Make sure you and your partner are in agreement.
Please excuse any typos in this text.  I gave up beer for Lent and this Irish whiskey is really doing a number on me.
Unit 190: Delaware 
Tammy Holm and Paula Varrassi
May 2-6 @ The Rehoboth Beach Convention Center
  • Complimentary Box Lunches
  • See flyer for more information 
  • Don’t miss it….it’s going to be terrific!!!

F2F bridge returns to Sussex County! Come join us on Wednesday April 6, 2022

Metropolitan Community Church
19639 Plantation Rd
Lewes, DE 19971
  • Game time 9:30 am
  • Shuffle & Deal
  • Game fee $8
  • No Food allowed
  • Bottled water ok
  • Proof of vaccination required for all players
  • Masks optional
  • Please let Anna Delapo know if you're planning on attending or if you need a partner: 302-236-0346
Unit 217: Susquehanna 
Jim McKeown
Check back next month for the latest 217 news.
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4Spot | April 2022 | Editor: Susan Morse