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Parent Newsletter
April 6, 2020

God's blessings to you and your family this Holy Week - and on Sunday - Happy Easter!
He is Risen - He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia! 
Broken Cisterns and Living Water
My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me,  the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns,  broken cisterns that cannot hold water.
Jeremiah 2:13
          A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to lead the morning faculty devotions at VLHS - and I shared some insights that I have gained from my travels.  One such trip was to the Middle East and included a few weeks in Israel. Walking in the footsteps of patriarchs, kings, prophets, disciples, and Jesus was a humbling experience.  Seeing the rivers, lakes, deserts, walls, roads, cities, and towns where the Biblical narrative unfolded definitely made the stories come alive in a very real way.   Many of the illustrations found in scripture took on fresh meaning because the setting is a very important part of a story.
          All of the ancient settlements and fortresses that I visited - from Masada to Beersheba - had one thing in common: the necessity of water.  In the desert and wilderness of Israel, water meant life. Water meant survival. Water meant that your city could thrive. The opposite was also true - a lack of water meant death.  The availability of water was literally the difference between life and death.
           Every town, city, and fortress had a series of cisterns.   There is an important distinction between a cistern and a well.   A well provides water and is constantly being replenished naturally.   A cistern is merely a storage tank. In order for a cistern to have any water in it - someone has to first put the water into it - it doesn't happen naturally.  Massive cisterns were carved out of the rock and were meant to store large quantities of water for times when none was available. Since a cistern was carved out of the solid rock, if it ever got cracked, it was worthless.
           The prophet Jeremiah used this harsh fact of life to talk about spiritual truth to God's Chosen People.  They understood the need for water and the life-or-death consequences that are tied to it. Jeremiah chastised the Israelites for rejecting the true God and worshiping the false gods of their neighbors.  We have the same problem as the Israelites.   When we try to do it by ourselves - we are broken cisterns that don't hold water - no matter how fast we try to fill it and no matter what we try to fill it with.
           This Lenten Season, my prayer for all of us is that through repentance and forgiveness, we are brought back to our Savior who IS the eternal spring of Living Water.   Jesus is a constant source of grace, peace, forgiveness - and new life! Jeremiah's warning applies to us today - why would we ignore the Living Water of Jesus and try to fill our broken cisterns on our own.   Many blessings to you this Lenten Season as we focus on the cross of Christ - the true source of Living and Eternal Water!
-Devotion written by Patrick Winningham
Need to Know
Navigating eLearning Videos
As our VLHS students spend the remainder of the school year eLearning, Dr. Meyers has created two helpful videos on navigating the eLearning world.   Navigating eLearning Successfully  and Google Classroom Tips .Thank you for supporting your child and his/her education through eLearning!
VL COVID-19 Testing Site
If you drive by VL you may notice tents being installed on the parking lot. This is in preparation for the use of our parking lot as a drive-through COVID-19 test site. The projected start date is "soon." VLHS is NOT in charge of the testing operations, nor do we have much information on this program and project. Our role is to share the blessing of a parking lot with separate in/out drives near Bay Road with the community at large. This is an unexpected way in which we are "blessed to be a blessing."  It is safe to say that when the site becomes operational, car travel to VL will be difficult. 
Daily Chapels Available Online
During this eLearning period Valley students continue to participate in daily chapel messages written by various members of our faculty and staff.  Looking for some extra encouragement these days?  We invite you to join us or read the archives at
eLearning Starts - TODAY!
In case you missed it, eLearning begins today. Third quarter work was due this morning (April 6) by 8 am. Third quarter grades will be released April 15th at 5 pm. 
Guidance Corner
These are new and unprecedented times in our lifetime. All of the changes to our daily routines and the constant information stream can be overwhelming for anyone. Every student will react differently, and you know your children best. Find time to check in with them, answer questions, and make sure they are finding time to take care of themselves in healthy ways.

Many area school districts and programs are offering free meals to students 18 and younger. To find one in your area, look up your neighborhood at .

Charter will offer free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription and at any service level up to 100 Mbps. To enroll call 1-844-488-8395. Installation fees will be waived for new student households.

I am still available via email, a phone call, or a Google Hangout video chat. We can talk classes, AP, Dual Enrollment, career center planning, or anything else you would normally come see me about. Request an appointment via email, and we'll go from there! Students can also check out the videos Mrs. Mueller will be periodically posting on their Google Classroom "Class of..." page.

In the next week, Mrs. Mueller will be posting information on how to start the process for taking a Dual Enrollment class next year. Be watching the Google Classroom "Class of..." pages for more information. 

As of April 2nd, MME testing will not be taking place this spring. Some media outlets are speculating that testing will take place in the Fall of 2020, but we have not had that confirmed yet from the State of Michigan. We will keep you posted as we receive confirmed information. JUNIORS - see below for information on the SAT/ACT.

AP Testing will be taking place this year, but in a different format. Information from CollegeBoard will be sent out to all students who have registered for an AP exam. AP has provided a number of resources to help students prepare for these important exams. Our AP teachers have been communicating with their students as well. Students can find more information at .

This would typically be the time of year that juniors start taking the SAT and ACT for college admissions. For the SAT School Day, see the information above. If you are interested in learning more about national SAT and ACT test dates in light of our current events, I encourage you to go directly to their webpages. 

JUNIORS - It may be wise for you to register for the June test dates. Remember, you can also test in the fall of your senior year and still receive a score in time for college admissions.

SAT Information, Registration, etc. -
ACT Information, Registration, etc. -
Khan Academy (free test prep) -
VL Scholarship Page -
Upcoming Event
April 15 Third Quarter Grades Released: 5 pm
Get Involved
The Charger Challenge!
Encourage your VL student to be involved in the "Charger Challenge!" Check out this video for an explanation of how it works. The "Charger Challenge" starts today, April 6, and will post a new challenge every weekday through May 29, 2020. Each day, the new challenge will be sent to students and staff though their VLHS email. Have fun and good luck!
Complete the challenge on the day it is assigned to you and you will receive the assigned number of points. 
  • Sometimes additional points are available for extending the challenge.   
  • Some of the challenges will require you to post a picture or video that we all can enjoy.
  • We will be working on the honor system. 
  • At the end of each week, fill out the Google Form by indicating which challenges you completed.  
  • At the end of the 40 challenge days, prizes will be awarded to the top 3 participants as well as to 10 additional participants selected through a random drawing.
  • First prize - $100 gift card; Second prize - $60 gift card;  Third prize - $40 gift card; 10 Participation Prizes - $10 gift card each
Post Prom Thank You
Thank you to those that supported the Post Prom fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings in February. $305 was raised.
Toothpaste Collection Appreciated
Thank you to everyone who contributed toothpaste and toothbrushes for the Alaska Mission for Christ July 2020 trip. Our generous Valley family collected 178 tubes of toothpaste in all sizes and more than 100 toothbrushes.  These supplies are very expensive and dental care is not consistent in the village.  Our team members, Renee Brenner, Ian Schoenmeyer, David Jahnke and Niko Podeszwa, are thankful for your help.
Community Information
Protect Yourself From Stimulus Check Scams
Yeo & Yeo have provided this important information regarding COVID-19 stimulus check scams. Please read the article here and share with your family and friends.  
Covenant Healthcare Needs Masks
Covenant Healthcare is asking the community to sew and donate fabric face masks.  Below are links to Covenant's webpage which includes a link to instructions.  Supplies can be ordered from Joann's and picked up curbside.  Walmart also carries elastic and ribbons.  Many churches have sewing groups that normally make quilts. Here is something that we can do to help our country (and using up that stash of fabric is always a plus!).   You can also check with your local hospital.

 Click on the image above to view the latest Valley Vision.

Mission Statement
Valley Lutheran High School believes that Christ is the foundation of our school and everything that we do.  We prepare our students as children of God academically, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually to serve in the world today and tomorrow.

John Brandt
Valley Lutheran High School