• Ross County cases grow. The Ross County Health District said today our cases have grown to six, but no deaths have resulted here.
  • If you missed this morning's announcement, The Scioto Society has canceled the 2020 season of "Tecumseh!" & the rest of their schedule. It was a tough call by CEO Brandon Smith and the board, but ultimately one that had to be made. "The Sound of Music," which was set for May, will also be delayed until 2021.
  • The biggest development of the weekend was federal and state authorities both asked people to wear cloth face masks in public.
  • Today, the Mayor announced the Carlisle Hill Star will, as is tradition, turn into a cross in recognition or Easter. The star has been illuminated as a call to unity for the community.
  • Unemployment claims spiked for the second straight week.
Even when the business is closed, there are ways to connect to fill community needs
As we’re preparing for another week of stay-at-home, there are a lot of great stories out there about the good things going on in Ross County. In particular, many of our businesses are working hard to keep their name in the eyes of their customers.
With apologies to John Krasinski’s “Some Good News,”   here are a few of them, along with some links:
  • Steiner’s Speakeasy and Lori G Comedy were featured in a Gazette story about how the community is connecting while we can’t be physically close to each other. Wheatberry Books is connecting with our young people with a virtual storytime each weekend.

  • Using the adage of “see a need, fill a need,” some companies are finding a niche creating products to serve businesses in the COVID-19 age. For example, Printex Same Day Printing developed a floor graphic that can help stores and restaurants comply with the six-foot social distancing requirement. PPG Paints has a solution that can clean and disinfect PPE. Chris Powers of Scentsy is spending her time making face masks, and Scioto Shoe Mart is only open a few hours a day each week but is serving essential employees with special hours or requests.

  • Can’t be open? Be digitally open! Some of our local antique shops, auction houses, and retail shops are using Facebook Live, using exclusive discount codes or reduced prices, and new platforms to sell during the time we’re away from our businesses.

  • Sometimes It’s just a hunch, but one that helps. Andy Tomlinson of Tomlinson Insurance had one a few weeks ago and, as a result, bought 200 face masks. They were shipped last week, on the same day, we issued a call to the community to help the nursing home employees. He donated them all to Traditions of Chillicothe.

  • Litter Media continues to deliver regular video updates on how the community is coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as distributing accurate information about its impact here.
These are just a few of the good things going on around Ross County. Feel free to send me more so we can share them. Maybe we’ll even make Jim Halpert’s show someday.

*NEW* Information for small business owners
For our last set of links, click here .

Taking care of yourself while you are staying at home is important. Read some information from Paint Valley ADAMH to help you cope.

The U.S. Chamber has developed a guide for paid leave programs developed as Coronavirus has emerged in the U.S.

There is a new CDC document regarding cleaning and disinfecting community, non-healthcare facilities such as schools, institutions of higher education, offices, daycare centers, businesses, and community centers that do, and do not, house persons overnight .


  • *new* Tuesday, April 7 at 3 p.m. - Legal updates on COVID-19, hosted by Chamber partner strategicHR (webinar link)
  • Thursday, April 9 at 10 a.m. - How to keep your company safe while working remotely (webinar link, register please)
  • Tuesday, April 14 - How to save your small business. (Cultivate Eventbrite site)
  • Each day next week - How to succeed at selling remotely (Zoom meeting (register please), courtesy of Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance)
  • Wednesday, May 6 at 9 a.m. or noon - Grow with Google session: Manage Your Business Remotely in Times of Uncertainty (webinar link)
Miss one of these updates? Click below to catch up!
April 3, 2020 - Help our nursing home workers by making masks; BWC changes impacting employer programs
April 2, 2020 - Stay-at-home order extended to May 1; OSU Small Business Development Center representatives ready to help
April 1, 2020 - Rapid-fire updates and more resources for monies available
March 31, 2020 - What does 'state of emergency' for Ross County mean?; Community Response team
March 30, 2020 : More information on the SBA loans, CARES Act
March 26, 2020 : What 'essential' businesses must do; SBA loans and CARES Act
March 23, 2020 : REGULAR NEWSLETTER: Even as businesses close, they're reaching out to the community; video interview with Alex Kohls from the U.S. Small Business Administration on disaster loans.
March 17, 2020 : A video message from Chamber CEO Mike Throne
Coronavirus numbers, facts and figures
Links to information:

  • Looking for a job? The state has a job page on its Coronavirus page that helps connect those out of work with jobs.

  • The Ohio Channel YouTube page, where the Governor, Lt. Gov. and director of the Ohio Department of Health give regular updates at 2 p.m. on most days.

  • Governor's Stay at Home Order (Link)

  • The Chillicothe Ross Community Foundation's Coronavirus Fund needs donations, and can potentially help non-profits with some of the costs of helping the community cope with the impact of COVID-19 in the area.

  • The United Way of Ross County is awarding micro-grants to non-profits working to address community needs due to COVID-19's impact.
Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce | Email Mike Throne |