5PM Public Comment - Up to fifteen minutes for public comment on matters not appearing on the agenda. Advanced registration is available by calling 617-730-2202 or by email at kmacgillivray@brooklinema.gov
Miscellaneous - Approval of miscellaneous items, licenses, vouchers, and contracts.
FY2025 Department Budget Review for the Recreation Department
Recreation Director - The Board will consider appointing Tim Davis to be the Brookline's next Recreation Director.
Affordable Housing Restriction - Request to change one unit's area median income limit at Caritas Communities at 1876 Beacon St.
Electricity and Natural Gas Bid Schedule - Request to authorize the Town Administrator to execute potential multi-year electricity and natural gas supply contracts with a vendor based on a favorable bid result scheduled for April 11, 2024.
Chestnut Hill Study - Project update presentation and discussion on the Chestnut Hill Commercial Area Study.
Police General Orders Policies - Chief Paster will review and request a vote on changes to the Police Department's General Orders to reflect the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission (MPAC) updated standards.
Police Promotions - Question of approving promotions within the Police Department: Noah Brothers Sergeant to Lieutenant and Robert Collins Sergeant to Lieutenant.
FY2025 Budget Review for the Police Department Budget.
7:30 PM Public Hearings on Warrant Articles - Public Hearings, discussion and possible vote on the following Warrant Articles:
Article 9 Accept Chapter 40, Section 13D of the General Laws, establishing an accrued liabilities reserve fund for compensated absences (Deputy Town Administrator and Finance Director)
Article 13 Amend the Town’s Zoning By-law to reduce the restrictions for Accessory Dwelling Units. (Blood/HAB).
Article 14 with Update - Amend the Town’s Zoning By-law to reduce the setbacks needed for energy saving devices. (ZEAB)
DPW Transportation & Mobility Plan Program Update - Commissioner Chute and Environmental Partners Consultants will provide an update on the Transportation and Mobility Plan, Pavement Condition Report, Pavement Management Program, Prioritization for Capital Work, and associated Town policies. The Select Board may review and take a possible vote on guidance for the revision of those plans and policies.
Warrant Articles Discussion and Possible Vote - The Board will discuss and possibly vote on Warrant Articles that have previously had public hearings.
Article 16 - Amend 3.14.1 of the General By-Laws to change the number of Commission for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Community Relations members from 15 to 9 (Select Board).
Email comments and requests to speak at public comment to Kate MacGillivray @ kmacgillivray@brooklinema.gov