We have missed you.
No, seriously. I know we're all missing anyone other than our family members these days. Events are canceled, social interaction is regulated to screens and Zoom meetings. It's frustrating, I know.
But we've set up two meetings, both via Zoom, for next week that might help. One is aligned with our mission - connecting businesses with the resources that can help them - while the second one is more of a fun event.
at 9:30 a.m. Monday
, the Chamber is teaming with our partners Downtown Chillicothe and Greater Chillicothe and Ross County Economic Development to present a session on "COVID-19 Resources for Small Businesses."
We've tapped the folks at the OSU Small Business Development Center in Piketon and Kingston National Bank to present information about all of the resources designed to help small businesses in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Melissa Carter of the SBDC and Susan Gearhart of KNB will be in the meeting to talk about the Payment Protection Program, Economic Injury Disaster Loans, and more.
The second event comes two days later. We've had to cancel a pair of Business After Business events so far, including next week's event at Rise Realty. If you went to last year's Rise BAB, you know they went all out - live music, food from Hometown Hibachi, and a slew of door prizes. They had big plans again this year, and then, you know, stay-at-home order.
Well, we won't claim to match their effort, but we're going to do a
Virtual Business After Business event at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 15.
Sorry, we can't supply the food or beer ... that's up to you. But if you tune in on Zoom that evening you'll get some "door prizes" and we'll have some local trivia, and hear from special guests Lori Graves of LoriG Comedy and Tara Gillum from Steiner's Speakeasy.
We're hoping to provide an hour or so of fun that helps us forget that we're pretty much stuck in our houses for multiple hours each day.
Before you know it, these virtual meetings and events will be a thing of the past. Until, #BeSafeThinkLocal!