$50 off one site of Botox Cosmetic in April.

20 unit minimum.
Botox reduces the appearance of wrinkles by paralyzing underlying facial muscles with a short, minimally invasive, appointment. Its one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States. Result last 3-6 months.

NEWBEAUTY MAGAZINE, "Best Wrinkle Erasing Injectable" and "All Star Wrinkle Eraser"

Be sure to trust your face to a master injector - book an appointment or consult now!
A complimentary consultation is required if Botox is new to you. Restrictions may apply. Offer valid through 4/30/21. May not be combined with any other offer.
182 Gough Street
Hayes Valley

265 Magnolia Avenue 201
Downtown Larkspur

Medically supervised by board-certified plastic surgeon
Founded by Linda Behla, R.N., Director of Esthetic Nursing
Copyright Hayes Valley Medical & Esthetics 2021