Volume 16 | APRIL 2022


According to the calendar, we’ve officially made it through winter and into spring! From here on out, the days will start getting longer, the grass will start getting greener — and you can be sure that garden centres will start to get a lot busier and full of the beautiful flowers and greenery.

April is a month of rebirth
and new beginnings!

Exciting news, after two years away from the Granville Island Public Market, I hope to be back this May... I'm counting down!

Can't wait to see you all in Granville Public
Market beginning in May 2022
Fingers Crossed!

For me,
Jewelry is a way
of keeping
loving memories
Love seeing the new Spring blooms and Cherry Blossoms all around town
Happy Spring & a scrumptious weekend roast sharing with family and friends.
..... Trending .....

Diamond Showers in April!!

Blossom Diamonds
Special order

Right: Earrings silver & 18kt gold petals w/ tw 6pts $350 pair

Bottom: Necklace silver & 18kt gold 4 diamonds, tw 0.12pts and
blue sapphire $1,200

APRIL Birthstone


"A diamond is a chunk of coal that is made good under pressure.”
– Henry Kissinger

Happy Birthday to those who are lucky enough to be born in April! If it is you, your birthstone is the diamond. Diamonds symbolize so much: beauty, strength, resilience, purity, and a whole lot of sparkle. Read on to learn more. 

A Symbol Of Innocence…Though diamonds are revered among mineral stones for their superior strength and durability... they also are associated with innocence. The diamond’s super-hard structure makes it virtually incorruptible. Its dual strength and purity make it the perfect adornment when worn as jewelry. 

Natural vs Lab-Grown Diamonds
Lab-grown diamonds are created using advanced technology, which replicate the natural method of diamond formation under extreme pressure over millions of years. The result is that lab-grown diamonds have the same physical characteristics and properties as natural ones, both in strength of material and sparkle.
The Woven Basket Diamond Rings

Top: Silver woven basket with 18kt gold dots and bezel set 1ct diamond (price upon request)

Celebrate your 60th
Wedding Anniversary with Diamond

From Chi's Bench ...  Repurposed Delights

Let me help you tell your stories!
I delight in giving new life to tired jewelry with my "re-purposed" designs.

Creating new expressions from family legacy pieces are so heart-warming
when I can be part of their journey ... 

An engagement ring, family ring or necklaces - they all combine wonderful memories, bringing happiness to both me and everyone involved!
KP Loves Her New Updated Diamond Solitaire and Wedding Band

Less is more as many of you will agree! Especially when one possesses a beautiful diamond and we can minimally modernize the design with background accents of white & yellow gold.

KP and her husband really cherish her old ring which have survived the many years of their marriage. The updated design promises endurance for many more years to come!
Lisa and her Updated Solitaire Ring

Lisa and her husband loves the design of her original Engagement ring. But after all these years, the ring shank was beginning to wear out. So, I mounted her original ring on top of a square ring. Maintaining its original design essence and making it wearable for many more more years.

Repurposed Delights
NEW Family Legacy Treasures!

Call / text 604.783.2238 or email me for
your FREE consultation at info@chiscreations.com

for Chi's next Open Studio Saturdays
April 23rd & May 14, 2022 - 11am to 4pm
Shop Chi's Creations Jewelry Around Town 

.... Greater Vancouver ....

The ACT Arts Centre
Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Arts Council
11944 Haney Place, Maple Ridge
Tel. 604.476.2787

Arts Off Main
1704 Charles St (off Commercial Drive) 
Tel. 604.876.2785

The Audain Art Museum
4350 Blackcomb Way, Whistler
tel. 604.962.0413

Benee Rubin Jewellery Design
2629 East Hastings St, Vancouver
tel. 604.278.8456

The Circle Craft Gallery
1666 Johnston St. Net Loft
Granville Island, Vancouver
tel. 604.669.8021

1386 Cartwright St, Granville Island
tel. 604.687.6511

Crafthouse at YVR
Van Int'l. Airport, Domestic Terminal
tel. 604.278.7949

Kizmit Gift Gallery
Unit 150, 9220 Glover Rd, Ft. Langley
tel. 604.881.0066

Silk Weaving Studio
1531 Johnston St., Granville Island
tel. 604.687.7455

..... North Shore ....

32 Books Gallery
3185 Edgemont Blvd, Edgemont Village, N. Van. www.32books.com 
tel. 604.980.9032

The Red Horses Gift Gallery
2460 Marine Drive, Dundarave, West Van. www.redhorsesgallery.com
tel. 604.922.3933

..... North Shore ....

Seymour Art Gallery
4360 Gallant Ave, Deep Cove, N. Van
tel. 604.924.1378

Trading Post Shop
Capilano Suspension Bridge, N. Van.
tel. 604.985.7474

..... Vancouver Island ....

The Avenue Gallery
2184 Oak Bay Ave, Victoria

The Art Gallery of Victoria
1040 Moss Street, Victoria
tel. 250.384.4171

The Gallery at Mattick's Farm
109-5325 Cordova Bay Rd, Saanich
tel. 250.658.8333

En Vision Art Gallery
612 Edith Pt. Road, Mayne Island
tel. 250.539.5606

.......... Around BC ..........

Vernon Public Art Gallery
3228 31st Avenue, Vernon
tel. 250.545.3173

............. Online ............