Upcoming Library Events & News
We have a busy month ahead, with lots of great programs and events!
We are also pleased to announce that we have a new addition to our Museum Pass Program, sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Discounted passes are now available for the Salem Witch Museum in Salem, MA! See our Museum Pass page for more information, and for a complete listing of all of the passes available.
The library is hiring! The Town Manager's Office is accepting applications for a part-time Children's Room Library Aide position. Please see here for the complete job description and application information.
Please read on for this month's upcoming events, and more library news.
Library Hours & Holiday Closings:
Monday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sunday: Closed
The library will be closed on Patriot's Day,
Monday, April 18.
April's JEL Staff Picks
Looking for a good book? Here are some that JEL staff have recently enjoyed! Clicking on the title will take you right to
the library's catalog, where you can check to see if it's available, and put a hold on popular titles.
Reception Thursday, April 7
at 6:30 pm
"Simone is a full time, self taught, freelance artist. Simone works mainly in acrylics but enjoys exploring all kinds of different mediums including watercolor, pastel, pencil, alcohol ink and clay. From walls and windows, to cars and more, she finds a way to add her artwork to almost any surface.
Simone teaches art throughout the community instructing painting parties, giving art classes to special needs adults and nursing home residents, and holds private lessons in her home art studio. Simone is enjoying her latest role as "featured artist" at Bay Path High School's After School Art Club program. One of her favorite jobs is creating artwork for the jack o lantern spectacular, held every October at Rodger Williams Park Zoo in Providence RI.
Simone enjoys volunteering, in her own community and beyond, painting sets for local theaters and helping out various groups and organizations.. Her role as Events Coordinator keeps her actively involved on the board of directors at the QVCAH art center in Southbridge MA. Simone also lends a hand at the art center teaching various classes to the community at large.
Simone enjoys working from her home art studio in the country town of Charlton MA. where she makes time for art every day.
Although Simone's work has been on display in various forms, this is her first public solo exhibit." We hope you will stop by this month to see Simone's work on display. All are invited to the opening reception on Thursday, April 7 at 6:30 pm. Light refreshments will be served.
Thursday, April 7 at 6:00 pm
Starting a new business, or thinking about it? Then come to the Krosslink meeting and learn about a free community support network that can help you grow your business.
We'll discuss how to sustain, market and grow this program in Southbridge and beyond.
Networking and refreshments
6:00-6:30, followed by discussion and a Q&A Session.
All are welcome!
Krosslink.org is a volunteer-driven community program created to help develop, nurture, and foster entrepreneurship by connecting aspiring entrepreneurs to local business leaders, mentors and civic leaders who can help them achieve their goals. The result is a vibrant eco-system where individuals looking to build a business can find resources and activities to kick start their plans and find mentoring by SCORE business experts.
 Southbridge Bicentennial Celebrations
Map Presentation Monday, April 11 at 6:00
You are cordially invited to the presentation of the bicentennial map created by faculty and students at Bridgewater State University. The reception will be provided by the Friends of Jacob Edwards Library. Event takes place in the Reading Room of the Jacob Edwards Library. All welcome!
The Town of Southbridge turns 200 in 2016! Visit
southbridge200.org for information on all of the upcoming events. Mark your calendars for the Grand Parade, coming up on Saturday, May 14th!
Also, keep an eye on Southbridge Community Television's
YouTube channel, where you can watch the Celebrating Southbridge series with Town Manager Ron San Angelo.
Episode 3 introduces the Bicentennial Committeee Co-Chairmen, and discusses the events planned.
And don't forget to like the Bicentennial on
Facebook to keep up with the latest news!
 Film Screening -
A Better Life
Thursday, April 14 at 6:00 pm
A gardener in East L.A. struggles to keep his son away from gangs and immigration agents while trying to give his son the opportunities he never had.
Rated PG-13. Running time 98 min.
Presented as part of the Library Box Office series, sponsored by the Friends of the Jacob Edwards Library.
 Mindfulness: Make the Most of the Moment with Janet Fontana
Fridays, April 15 - May 13, 10:30 -11:30 am
Call the YMCA at 508-765-5466 to register for this FREE,
5-week workshop series held at the library! Limited space!
Discover ways to bring greater presence and calmness into the activities of your day. Janet Fontana leads this 5-week mindfulness and self-management workshop. Janet is trained in mind/body medicine and positive psychology from the Mind Body Institute and Harvard Medical School.
Held at the Jacob Edwards Library every Friday beginning April 15. 10:30 am -11:30 am in the Pioppi Room. Free lunch will be provided to workshop participants immediately following the workshops at 11:30 am, provided by Tri-Valley, Inc. Free transportation is available from the SCM Elderbus if needed.
Funding for this project provided in part by a Community Development Block Grant administered by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development and the Town of Southbridge. A collaborative program between the Jacob Edwards Library, the Council on Aging, SCM Elderbus, Tri-Valley, Inc., Harrington Health Care System, and the Tri-Community YMCA.
 Identity Theft Protection
Wednesday, April 20 at 2:00 pm
Presented by Money Management International.
Identity theft can happen to anyone - even you. Crime experts estimate that as many as 11 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. Taking action to protect yourself against identity theft is urgent so that you don't become a victim.
Identity Theft Protection is a program designed to offer critical information on the growing crisis of identity theft and ways you can keep your identity safe. Learn about:
* the frequency of identity theft and who thieves are targeting;
* how thieves gain access to your personal information and how to stop them;
* action steps to take if your identity is stolen; and
* simple habits to protect yourself from identity theft
The best way to protect yourself from identity theft is to be informed about theft tactics and ways you can avoid them. This course details the scams that thieves use to steal your identity, including skimming, phishing, and dumpster diving. Don't fall victim to identity theft. Join us for this free one-hour presentation.
 Clothesline Project and Sexual Assault Awareness
Thursday, April 21 at 6:30 pm
As the month of April is sexual assault violence awareness month, the Jacob Edwards Library is pleased to be working with Pathways for Change and New Hope. Both agencies service our community and assist anyone who has been affected by sexual violence. A panel discussion with representatives from the agencies will take place on Thursday, April 21st at 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm.
Earlier in the afternoon an exhibit from The Clothesline Project will be installed. The community is invited to come and look at this exhibit of shirts that have been decorated by those affected by sexual violence. The Clothesline Project (CLP) is a program started on Cape Cod, MA, in 1990 to address the issue of violence against women. It is a vehicle for women affected by violence to express their emotions by decorating a shirt. They then hang the shirt on a clothesline to be viewed by others as testimony to the problem of violence against women. With the support of many, it has since spread world-wide.
 JoyCo Jazz Trio
Monday, April 25 at 6:30 pm
All are welcome to join us for a jazz performance by the JoyCo Jazz Trio!
"Brian and Ray played jazz together in high school in college years; Ray and Hugh met in the shortly thereafter; now the three of them have almost two decades experience performing together. That experience has developed a seasoned jazz group.
This group plays mostly jazz standards, as well as some suitably arranged pop tunes."
This performance will immediately follow the Friends of the Library's Annual Meeting. The performance will take place in the Reading Room, and is open to all.
 Aaron Larget-Caplan: Music of the East & West
Thursday, April 28
at 6:30 pm
Music of the East & West is a multi-cultural classical music performance by classical guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan, featuring music inspired by myth, poetry, love and loss by composers from Japan and the United States. Suitable for all ages and listening levels, we hope you will join us for this one-hour concert!
Music of the East & West is a fusion recital that highlights similarities and differences between cultures and demonstrates how the traditions can compliment each other without losing the qualities that make them unique. This is a skill that is very much needed by people of all ages in our society as we seek to understand our neighbors and navigate our rapidly changing society. Though guitar is one of the most popular instruments, classical guitar is not heard daily, and with the advent of streaming music and online videos, many young people have never experienced live music.
Aaron Larget-Caplan is a sought-after soloist and chamber musician, connecting with audiences with a Bernstein-esque ease. Since his debut, he has premiered more than 60 compositions and performed throughout the USA, Europe, and Russia. He has energized classical guitar through several projects, including his New Lullaby Project. His recordings have received critical acclaim from Audiophile, Fanfare, American Record Guide, Guitar Magazine, and are issued on Albany, Stone and Navona Records. A graduate of the New England Conservatory, he is on faculty at the University of Massachusetts Boston.
After the program Aaron will answer questions from audience members. Light refreshments will be served, thanks to the Friends of the Library.
This program is supported by a grant from the Southbridge Cultural Council, a local agency, which is sponsored by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
Ongoing Events
Book Club reads
The Girl on the Train
Monday, Apr 4, 6:30 pm
All are welcome to join us for a discussion of Paula Hawkins' bestseller
The Girl on the Train in the Reading Room. New participants are always welcome!
This is a no-commitment book club, attend as many or as few meetings as you like. The group meets on the first Monday of every month.
Copies of next month's book for discussion,
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, are available at the Information Desk for checkout.
Knitting with Sonya
Every Tuesday,
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Stop by and join our knitting circle in the Reading Room every Tuesday!
All handcrafters (not just knitters!) are welcome to join, whatever your level experience. Stuck on your current project or wanting to learn a new technique? Chances are one of the group will be able to lend a hand!
Drop by for a few minutes or stay for the full two hours.
We hope to see you there!
Coloring for Grown-Ups
Weds, Apr 20, 2:00 pm
We're pleased to offer something new - Coloring for Grown-Ups! Now you can try your hand at coloring:
de-stress and self express!
Unwind, relax and color with us on the third Wednesday of each month (in the Mills Room, lower level).
These more intricate coloring pages are catching on everywhere, come and see what everyone is talking about.
We'll provide all the materials.
Drop in anytime between 2 and 4 pm, and stay as long or as little as you'd like!
 Teen Events
Teen Friday - Coloring
Friday, April 8 at 3:00 pm
Drop in on Friday after school to unwind and color! We will have pages and colored pencils available in the Teen Area for anyone who wants to take a break from homework, or color while you hang out with friends. All teens and tweens welcome!
Teen Friday Movie - Mockingjay, Part 2
Friday, April 22 at 2:00 pm
This vacation week movie will start earlier than the usual time, at 2:00 pm!
In the conclusion of the global-phenomenon Hunger Games film series, Katniss Everdeen stakes her claim as the leader of District 13, and commands the revolution against the brutal dictatorship of President Snow and the Capitol.
Running time: 136 minutes, rated PG-13.
In the Pioppi Room, lower level.
Check here to find out about upcoming events in the Children's Room.
Action Story Time
Saturday, April 2
11:00 am
Join us on the first Saturday of the month for this fun, family program
full of movement and motion. Each story will involve audience participation
and the songs will keep children on their feet.
A perfect program for active families!
Craft a Collage
Tuesday, April 12, 9 am-5 pm
We will provide the magazines, glue, scissors, and crayons,
You supply the ideas and creativity! Drop in any time on the second Tuesday of the month to cut, paste, and craft a collage creation!
Tri-Community YMCA Daycare Art Show and Reception
Artwork from the Tri-Community YMCA Daycare will be on
display in the Children's room for the month of April.
A reception will be held on
Thursday, April 14, from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Author Presentation and Book Signing with Dennis Vanasse
Tuesday, April 19, 2 pm
Author Dennis Vannasse will share his children's books that address important issues students face every day in their school environment.
Musical Petting Zoo
presented by the Springfield Symphony Orchestra
Friday, April 22
2-3 pm
The Musical Petting Zoo is a fun and informative hands-on exhibit of musical instruments.
Try out an instrument and see which one is right for you!
Sponsored by the Borgatti Trust.
Dia de los Ninos, Dia de los Libros
Bilingual Story Time presented by Severina Rios Monday, April 25, 6:30 pm
Join us for this bilingual story time in celebration of
Dia de los Ninos, Dia de los Libros (Children's Day, Book Day).
Super Kids Story Time
Wednesdays, 10:30 am
Come to story time for a fun morning of stories, songs, and movement in the Children's Room. This story time is aimed at children aged 3-5, but all are welcome. Come for story time and stay to make the craft!
Crafty Wednesday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Stop by the Children's Room any time on Wednesday to make a special craft. This is a drop-in program that runs all day. Come to the Children's Room desk to get your craft supplies, be as creative as you like, and go home with a masterpiece! Check our display to see which craft we will be making next!
Construction Crew
~with LEGO bricks~
Thursdays, 3-4:30 pm
Saturdays, 10 am-12 pm
We'll bring the L
EGO bricks
, you bring the ideas!
Best for children over age
Completed projects
go on display in the Children's Room
Toddler Time
Fridays, 10:30-11:15 am
This program is designed for children under three and their caregivers,
and includes one short story
and song for toddlers.
The story time will be at 10:45 am, with playtime and music
before and after.
Lap-sit babies are welcome!
 Library News
Discounted and Free Admission to Museums & Attractions
Did you know? The library offers passes to a variety of area museums and attractions!
Locations include:
Old Sturbridge Village
Mystic Aquarium
Roger Williams Park Zoo
Tower Hill Botanic Gardens
Worcester Art Museum
Salem Witch Museum
Fruitlands Museum
USS Constitution Museum
Massachusetts ParksPass
AJ Petro Pool (seasonal)
Thank you to the Friends of the Jacob Edwards Library for sponsoring this program!
Stargaze with our Telescope!
The library now has a telescope which can be checked out and taken home - just like a book. Use it to spend a night stargazing in your own back yard! Who knows what you will see?
Instructions and tips on what to look for are included. Must be checked out by an adult 18 or older.
Please ask at the desk for more details!
Library eBooks
Looking for free eBooks? Look no further than the library! You can download FREE ebooks to your computer or device, as well as digital audiobooks.
To browse our main collection,
click here. On your device, download the Overdrive app to get started.
We also now have some new collections, thanks to a statewide eBook project, Commonwealth Collections.
Axis 360 provides more popular options, similar to Overdrive.
Biblioboard is great for homework and research, and also has a great collection of 'For Dummies' titles available.
If you have questions or are having trouble, please ask us! Drop by, call, or
We now accept credit cards!
We can now accept credit cards as a form of payment for your overdue or lost book fees. (Please note that we cannot accept cards as payment for printing, photocopies, or book sale items.)
Please ask us at the Information Desk if you have any questions.
Book a Librarian!
You can now "Book a Librarian!" Contact us to schedule a personalized
20-30 minute session.
Possible topics include:
-Help downloading eBooks
-Using your new mobile device or tablet
-Book recommendations
-Using the library catalog
-Placing holds & using your online account
-Setting up an email account
-Getting started on your research paper
-Formatting a Word document
Call 508-764-5426 or
Upcoming Meetings
Friends of the Library will hold their Annual Meeting on
Monday, April 25
6:00 pm.
The Jazz Concert will immediately follow at 6:30 pm - see details above.
The Friends extend an invitation to all library patrons to join their group. To learn more, please visit
FOJEL's page on our website.
Board of Trustees
of the Jacob Edwards Library will next meet on Tuesday, April 26 at Noon
in the Mills Room.
Please note that meetings will now take place on the 4th Tuesday of the month, rather than the 3rd Tuesday.
All meetings are open to the public.