Communication Matters
APRIL 2023
April Fools
Using Notes as a keynote speaker
It fell on a weekend, so you may have missed it. April Fools’ Day was my kids’ favorite day of the year. They could tell me wild things – some call that lying – and not get punished for it by simply yelling “April Fools!” when I caught them in the untruth. It was funny when they were little, annoying when they were teens, and just unacceptable for adults.

Over the years, some April Fools pranks got out of hand. 

  • A Philadelphia science museum spokesperson announced the world would end tomorrow. He was fired (1940).
  • Burger King announces a left-handed sandwich. They were flooded with requests at their stores (1998). 
  • A clothing store employee claimed she was being robbed. She was arrested for inducing panic (2003).
  • A Jordanian newspaper ran an article about a UFO landing. The town evacuated 13,000 people (2010).
And some legitimate news happened on Aprils Fools but was called into question because of the timing:

  • A tsunami in 1946 that killed 165 people in Hawaii and Alaska (1946)
  • Singers Marvin Gaye and Selena were both shot on April 1st (1984 & 1995)
  • Gmail was announced – really! (2004)
  • Roy Williams resigns as the University of North Carolina’s basketball coach (2021)

Perhaps you missed our April Fool’s Newsletter, announcing fictitious aids for the public speaker. I hope you didn’t believe them. But if you did, “April Fools!

There is a deeper truth lurking. The reality is this:
We act according to what we believe is true, whether or not it is true.
This has implications to your work ethic, the way you drive, your relationships, your religion, and your speaking. With regard to that last topic, here are some jokes and beliefs that we don’t think are funny (or true). But if you think they are true, you’ll speak in a way that is not the most effective to your audience.

  • If you just look over your audience (e.g. look at the back wall), you’ll be less nervous and they can’t tell . Truth: Your audience CAN tell (and won’t like it), and you’ll probably still be nervous.
  • Imagine your audience in their underwear. Truth: That’s just weird. And I can’t imagine it works.
  • Most (93%!) of your message is conveyed through non-verbal communications. Debunked.
  • Speaking well is something you’re born with. Truth: No one in human history was born speaking. Everyone LEARNED how to do it. Imagine if you had learned the correct/effective way!
  • Open with a joke. Truth: Jokes are dangerous and often don’t connect. Find another way to start your talk.
  • 87.4% of statistics are made up on the spot. That’s actually true.

Learn communication techniques that are truly effective. Figure out what works. And do it.
Communication matters. What are you saying?
Our in-person workshops are back to their regular schedule and seeing high interest. We’ll be in Raleigh, NC on March 27-28, May 22-23, and September 11-12, 2023. Sign up here. Of course, we can come to your team on your schedule and customize programs for your specific needs. Call us to discuss.
We have launched our new online training initiative, MillsWyck Academy. This new format allows us to share our timeless insights in an asynchronous format for access on your schedule. Our first course, YOU are the Presentation: Unlock the Power of Slides is available now. Newsletter subscribers can get 30% this month with the coupon code “newsletter”. We are shooting our next two courses this week and hope to have them available in a month or so.
Also in 2023, we are partnering with some other top-notch training organizations to extend our offerings. In addition to our core competencies around communication, we’ll be able to provide leadership, sales, customer service, personality assessment, and organizational development. If you have specific training and leadership needs, reach out to us.
Why are excuses bad for a speaker? See our video on What Not To Say.  
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Public Workshops
March 27-28 2023
May 22-23 2023
September 11-12 2023
Sneak Peek Video
Here's a sneak peek video at what a PPS workshop from MillsWyck Communications is really like:
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Keynote Speaker

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MillsWyck Communications
Communication matters. What are YOU saying?
Alan Hoffler, Philorator (Teacher & Lover of Speaking)
(919) 386-9238 

Alan Hoffler is the Executive Director and Principal Trainer at MillsWyck Communications. He is a Trainer, Speaker, Author, and Coach who passionately moves others to effective and engaging communication.