Hemp Alerts & Happenings
A monthly newsletter brought to you by the Colorado Department of Agriculture
April 2022
USDA Offers $1B in Funding Opportunities
USDA will offer up to $1 billion for pilot projects that create market opportunities for commodities produced using climate-smart practices

The funding is available through the Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities for small and large-scale commodity producers, including hemp. The first funding pool of money is available for “large-scale pilot projects that emphasize the greenhouse gas benefits of climate-smart commodity production.” The deadline for this pool is May 6, 2022. The second funding pool of money is for “innovative pilot projects” and emphasizes “small and/or underserved producers.” The deadline for this pool is June 10, 2022.

More information is available on the USDA website.
Hemp Online Portal (HOP) Has Increased Functionality
With HOP's increased functionality we've made it easier for registrants to:
  • Apply for a hemp registration
  • Enter planting and harvest reports
  • Pay inspection fees
  • View THC data
  • Get notification of compliant hemp
  • Receive reminder emails
  • And much more!

If you do not have an account in HOP, you need to create an account. The application process will be faster online than with a paper application. 
Background checks now mandatory
As of January 2022, all Key Participants identified in an application need to complete criminal history background checks. This means you need to PLAN AHEAD and allow for time during the application process to be fingerprinted.

More information regarding the background check requirements and process and the exemption can be found on the Hemp Background Check Information page.
Upcoming Hemp Events
Virtual Spring 2022 Hemp Symposium
Tuesday, April 19, 2022, from 1 pm to 4 pm

The hemp program staff STRONGLY encourages all registrants to attend the Symposium. Click here for the meeting agenda and to access the Zoom link.

Topics will include: program updates; hemp for food and feed; hemp grain; hemp seed certification; compliance requirements; FSA lot numbers; hemp sampler program; hemp testing lab certification; performance-based sampling; grant opportunities; and update on cross pollination workgroup. The Symposium will be recorded and placed on the hemp webpage (under Hemp Symposia dropdown menu).

Cross-Pollination Work Group (Virtual)
Thursday, April 21, 2022, from 2 pm - 4 pm
Co-hosted by the Colorado Department of Agriculture and the Marijuana Enforcement Division, the workgroup has the goal of studying and recommending options for minimizing cross-pollination. Get the Zoom link and meeting recordings on CDPHE's Workgroup page.

Hemp Advisory Committee (HAC) meeting (Virtual)
Tuesday, June 14, 2022, from 1 pm to 3 pm
Please remember, the HAC and hemp staff will hear your comments at the end of the meeting. Get the agenda and Zoom link at the Hemp Upcoming Events page.
Authorized Samplers Needed
CDA has implemented an Authorized Hemp Sampler program that allows private hemp samplers to become certified through the State of Colorado. 

Authorized samplers collect hemp regulatory samples from hemp registrants prior to harvest and post-remediated samples, if applicable. Authorized samplers negotiate a sampling fee with the registrants and deliver samples to a certified private lab. Registrants are required to pay all costs associated with sampling and lab fees.

More authorized samplers are needed in order to sample all hemp lots in the state.

To receive certification as an authorized sampler, an applicant must follow the following steps:
  1. Review all training materials
  2. Take the authorized sampler exam
  3. Complete the application to become an authorized sampler on HOP.

Once all the steps outlined above are completed, the application will be reviewed and, if accepted, the applicant will be notified and added to the list of authorized samplers. For more information, please visit the Authorized Hemp Sampler page.
Hemp Samples Must Be Taken Prior to Harvest
Remember! Before you harvest your hemp lot(s), your crop needs to be sampled.

Authorized samplers will be collecting the samples. You can review the list of authorized samplers and certified labs. The hemp program will email the registrants a letter of compliance if the hemp sample results are within the acceptable THC level. If your sample results are not within the acceptable THC level, the hemp program will email you instructions on what to do, including any remediation options.  

Additionally, CDA inspectors will be conducting random inspections throughout the year.

Please ensure to have the following documents available for inspection:
  • planting and harvest reports
  • regulatory THC results
  • FSA-578 form
  • receipts for buying or selling hemp seeds or clones,
  • petition,
  • crop off-site storage form
  • remediation/disposal form

Questions? Contact the Hemp program via our online hemp question form.
CDA’s Hemp Networking Questionnaire
Help CDA uplift Colorado's hemp industry by filling out our Hemp Networking Questionnaire.

The survey is designed to identify and connect hemp growers, end product manufacturers, and processors to form a network and strengthen the current supply chain. Please complete the survey to have your company included.

305 Interlocken Parkway
Broomfield, CO 80021