Volume 7, Issue 2 | April 5, 2019
A Message from the Chair

Happy Spring!!!

Finally, I did see that first robin in my yard and Spring is here!! Aside from severe thunderstorms, Spring is most definitely my favorite time of year. Seeing Mother Nature turn our brownish landscape to all kinds of lush greens is just one of the many wonders I enjoy witnessing time and time again! 

As you’re enjoying some of this warm sunshine, I want to draw your attention to a couple of exciting events that the Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition is engaged in. As most of you are aware, the KBC sponsors four different member sections: Child Care; Hospitals; Local Breastfeeding Coalitions; and Public Health. Lots of exciting initiatives come out of these sections such as an inventory of all maternal-child health initiatives in Kansas, a toolkit for breastfeeding coalitions, new  Breastfeeding Support in the Child Care Setting summary document and coming soon –   Medications and Lactation algorithm for health care providers.  If you’re interested in participating in these sections, feel free to contact Brenda Bandy and she’ll get you on the distribution list.  

The KBC is also accepting proposals for the 2019 Breastfeeding Mini-Grants! If your coalition is thinking about a project to increase breastfeeding rates in your community and you need some funds to carry out specific activities, check out this great opportunity.  Eligible breastfeeding coalitions in Kansas are invited to submit proposals for up to $1,000 by close of business on April 15 th .  Here is the link:  http://ksbreastfeeding.org/2019-breastfeeding-mini-grants-announced/

Last, I would ask you to think of ideas that you want the KBC to work on over the next three to five years. We have set some time aside during our membership meeting on April 12 so please feel free to speak up and share your thoughts.   

I look forward to “seeing” you all on the 12 th !! 

Take care,
Mini-grants available!   

The Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition is pleased to release a  Request for Proposals (RFP)   for the 2019 Breastfeeding Mini-Grants; proposals are now being accepted. Eligible breastfeeding coalitions in Kansas are invited to submit proposals for up to $1,000 to fund activities which will improve breastfeeding rates — initiation, duration, or both.  Tools for Coalitions contains resources that may be helpful. Proposals may be submitted via email to bbandy@ksbreastfeeding.org using the  application form and must be finalized by 5:00 p.m., April 15, 2019.
KBC General Membership Meeting

The next General membership meeting will be April 12th , 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

11:30  – Welcome & introductions
11:35  – Approval of previous meeting minutes (see button below) and current agenda 
11:40  – Member Section Updates – Section Chairs 
  • Child Care – Kris Nicholson
  • Hospitals – Kathy Walker
  • Local Breastfeeding Coalitions – Susan Lukwago
  • Public Health – Gabrielle Risley
11:50  – KBC Breastfeeding Education Courses update – Brenda Bandy, KBC Executive Director 
12:00  – KBC Mini-Grant opportunity Q & A – Brenda Bandy, KBC Executive Director
12:10  – Reports for discussion– Lisette Jacobson, Chair
12:30  – Sharing - news and requests for help
12:45  – Adjourn  

Next meeting –  June 14th , 2019, 11:30 – 1:00, via GoToMeeting 

Please join from your computer, tablet or smartphone by selecting the "Goto Meeting Link" button below. You can also dial in using your phone : United States: +1 (872) 240-3212; Access Code: 690-080-925 
Save the Date!

KBC’s 2019 Breastfeeding Conference will be held October 24-25 in Wichita. The conference will once again feature “Hot Topics” in lactation one day and coalition building topics the other day.

Over 70 individuals responded to an online survey to share information about their local breastfeeding coalition. Key finds and recommendations are included in the report, along with interviews with leaders from communities who have achieved the Community Supporting Breastfeeding designation. Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey!
High 5 for Mom & Baby Webinar

High 5 for Mom & Baby invites you to attend their next webinar, April 16th at 12 - 1:30 p.m., "Does Breastfeeding Protect Maternal Mental Health? The Role of Oxytocin and Stress" with nationally known speaker, Dr. Kathleen Kendall-Tackett. 

You will find information to connect to the webinar at High5kansas.org/webinars .
You’re invited!

The Kansas Perinatal Quality Collaborative invites you to participate in the April Learning Forum. The topic is breastfeeding and substance exposure. We will discuss developing protocols to guide breastfeeding in the presence of substance exposure in the hospital setting. Current literature recommendations on breastfeeding in the presence of maternal substance exposure will be reviewed followed by an NAS breastfeeding protocol presentation. The KPQC Learning Forum meet monthly to share lessons learned and experiences from peers at birth centers throughout Kansas.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Central Time
Your help is needed!

Kansas is collecting stories to identify challenges and bright spots that will shape a statewide  strategic plan for early childhood (birth to age 5). Let’s make sure the needs of breastfeeding families are heard! Tell your breastfeeding story – times when you were “thriving” or barely “surviving”. Your personal story will help put breastfeeding on a statewide map of community needs. It should take only 10-15 minutes of your time. Please submit your breastfeeding experience by  April 20th at  Our Tomorrows . Thank you in advance for sharing your breastfeeding story to help shape the future of support for families in Kansas. And please feel free to forward this to other families!
KBC Member Section Updates   

Child Care

With the completion of the  Breastfeeding Support in the Child Care Setting  document, the Child Care Section is now working on the  Emergency Preparedness for the Breastfed Infant in the Child Care Setting document. A draft was created in collaboration with the KBC, Child Care Aware of Kansas, Christ the King Early Education Center, KCCTO and the Kansas Division of Emergency Management.  
The Section is also looking at ways to partner with local coalitions. The KBC has two upcoming presentations for early childhood groups. 

The Child Care Section meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, 12-1 pm. Please join us if you have an interest in breastfeeding support in the early childhood setting. Submitted by Kris Nicholson, Chair. For more information, contact Kris at  kris@ks.childcareaware.org

Local Breastfeeding Coalition

During our last meeting on March 28th, we had a guest presenter - Rachel Sisson, Director of the Bureau of Family Health at KDHE. She reminded us that coalitions are the backbone of breastfeeding (BF) and that KDHE is our partner in coalition work. She spoke about making connections for Continuity of Care for breastfeeding families because they can also be part of Breastfeeding Coalitions. Rachel emphasized the importance of the Local Breastfeeding Coalitions Section.

We discussed results of the Kansas Local Breastfeeding Coalitions Needs Assessment Survey (available the KBC website, link above). We continue to ask for governance documents, mission and vision statements and project ideas as we build the library of examples in the KBC's Tools for Coalitions page.

We meet on the 2nd Thursday of odd # months and next meeting will be May 9th from 12 to 1 pm. 
For more information, contact Susan at   slukwago@sbcglobal.net

Public Health Section  

The KBC Public Health section is coming close to completing the spreadsheet of the public health breastfeeding initiatives and programs throughout the state. Many valuable conversations have taken place regarding the programs on the list. In addition, members were recently encouraged to complete a breastfeeding self-assessment tool for the agency they represent, and the group has been in discussions about feedback from the results of those assessments. The hope is to fully complete the spreadsheet at our April meeting, and based on it, and feedback from the self-assessments, the members will determine areas of need. In addition, members have been learning more specifics about various programs, such as the Farmworkers’ Program and K-State Research & Extension, through the “Learning Moment,” which is a standing agenda item.lease join us for the next meeting on February 14 from 10-11 am. For more information, contact Kara a t   kara.watts@ks.gov

Hospital Section

The Hospital Section is busy creating an algorithm to help health care providers support breastfeeding whenever possible when mothers are taking medications. The document “ Medications and Lactation ” is being reviewed by state level partners and health care providers. It will be launched during a webinar on August 27 th  from 12-1 PM. More information coming soon. The Hospital Section meets on the fourth Tuesday each month from 12-1 PM online. For more information or to join the Section, please contact Kathy Walker, Chair, at   Kathryn.Walker@wesleymc.com .
Birth of a new breastfeeding coalition!     

The KBC welcomes the  Northeast Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition  who held their “Start-up” meeting conversation on March 29 th .  If you are interested in learning more about the NE KS Breastfeeding Coalition, covering the following counties: Jackson, Jefferson, Atchison, Nemaha, Pottawatomie, Brown, Doniphan, Washington and Marshall, please contact Misty Scott at  ncchsrn@rainbowtel.net.
Stephanne Rupnicki – USBC Tribal Trailblazer Award winner! 

Stephanne Rupnicki, Breastfeeding Peer Counselor for the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, received the “Tribal Trailblazer Award” from the United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) for her leadership and collaborative efforts to support breastfeeding families in the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation. Rupnicki was one of only seven individuals to receive this prestigious national award.  She will attend the USBC Ninth National Breastfeeding Coalitions Convening in Bethesda, Maryland in June to receive her award.  The Tribal Trailblazer Award is given to talented and dedicated individuals who are new, emerging, or aspiring breastfeeding leaders, actively promoting maternal and child health, and breastfeeding support in their Tribes. This honor recognizes individuals of American Indian/Native American and Alaska Native heritage.
Look where we’ve been!

  • Kansas Cancer Partnership, Early Detection & Diagnosis Workgroup, presentation by phone, Feb. 19 & March 19
  • Early Learning Day, Feb. 26 at the Capitol in Topeka
  • KS Dept. of Emergency Management, Emergency Managers meeting, presentation by phone, March 4 & 28
  • Tennessee Initiative for Perinatal Quality Control, TN Breastfeeding Coalition, “Community Supporting Breastfeeding and Continuity of Care”training, March 4-6 in Nashville, TN
  • Salina Society for Human Resource Management Affiliate, “Workplace Laws: Protection for Breastfeeding Employees”, March 21 in Salina
  • Child Care Provider training, “How to Support the Breastfeeding Family”, March 23rd in Smith Center
Look where we're going     

Look for the KBC will be presenting and/or exhibiting at the following upcoming conferences or events:
  • Kansas Governor’s Public Health Conference, April 3rd in Manhattan
  • Kansas Head Start Association, “Breastfeeding’s Impact and Mental Health”, April 4th in Salina
  • Kansas Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (KSVOAD), April 17th in Topeka
  • Child Care Provider Coalition Conference, “How to Support the Breastfeeding Family”, April 26th in Lawrence
  • Kansas WIC Conference, May 1 in Manhattan
  • Kansas Association for Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health (KAIMH), “Breastfeeding’s Impact on Mental Health” May 31 – June 1 in Wichita
Advocacy Efforts

The KBC signed onto the following letters, as recommended by the U.S. Breastfeeding Committee:
  • Fairness for Breastfeeding Mothers Act (H.R. 866/S. 528) – federal legislation that would require certain public buildings that have a public restroom provide a lactation room, other than a bathroom, that is hygienic and is available for use by a member of the public.
  • Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations– federal funding bill urges that at least $13 million (increase from current $8M) be directed in FY2020 for the CDC Hospital & Continuity of Care Breastfeeding Support program, to facilitate ongoing, critical efforts to build a strong public health infrastructure of breastfeeding support.
Know of a supportive employer?   Help them complete the  award application or send their name and contact information to Brenda Bandy at  bbandy@ksbreastfeeding.org and she will follow up with them.
Time to renew your KBC membership!

Your KBC membership expires Feb. 15, 2019. Renew your membership for 2019 by clicking the button below.  NOTE: If you attended the Kansas Breastfeeding Conference on Nov. 1 s t , you received a free 2019 KBC membership good until February 2020 . Why should someone join the KBC? For only $10 you receive up to date information about breastfeeding events, opportunities and initiatives. You are also building the capacity of the only state-wide organizations whose sole purpose is to promote, protect and support breastfeeding in Kansas. Members are also eligible to serve on the Board of Directors and vote at general KBC meetings. 
Building Local Breastfeeding Coalition  calls:  

Building Local Breastfeeding Coalition virtual meeting will be May17 th from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m..  Come for support, ideas and sharing – leave inspired! These calls are designed to provide information and support to anyone interested in creating or strengthening a local breastfeeding coalition in KS. To join, use the button link below.  You can also dial in using your phone at (669) 224-3412; Access Code: 438-671-789.  Save these 2019 dates for calls from 9-10 AM: Aug. 23 & Nov. 15 
Like what we're doing? Please consider giving today. Thank you!
Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition, Inc. | 785.477.4666 | ksbreastfeeding.org