Officially launching this season, the Look Out For Loons! program will provide training and support to volunteers across the state so they can conduct local outreach in order to reduce disturbance to nesting loons and increase nesting success. Of particular concern to nesting loons is disturbance from boaters, boat collisions, large wakes close to shore, and the dangers of lead sinkers.

No experience is necessary! Look Out For Loons volunteers will be provided with loon natural history information, they’ll receive a digital slideshow and script to use with community groups, and they’ll get outreach materials to share with local lake users. Their goal for the summer will be to get the word out about ways all lake users can help loons, by slowing down, observing headway speed within 200′ of shore, and giving loons space, especially during the nesting season. 
Come to a Zoom information session to learn more! Hosted by Susan Gallo of Maine Lakes, you’ll hear more about the program and how you can get involved. There will also be an information session at the June 17th Maine Lakes Conference. (You can register here).
Register for information sessions at the links below. FMI, visit or email

Hope to see you there!