April 2023 e-News
For the Sake of Maine's Lakes
Special Action Issue
I believe even the most hardy chionophiles among us are ready to move on to warmer weather. And yes, I had to look up the word for people who love cold and snow! I know I am ready for some buds to bust and some early spring flowers to pop up, for lakes to wake up and turn over and to hear the first call of a loon returning from the coast. While we all wait for those things to happen, why not put your time to good use and take some positive action for healthy lakes?
The April issue of our e-news is all about action! So while you wait for the garden to thaw or the ice to clear off that pond, consider signing a letter, taking a survey, learning about LakeSmart, raising money or registering for our annual conference! Even the smallest action contributes to healthier Maine lakes for all who use them.
Enjoy the spring, and thanks for all you do to support clean Maine lakes!
Executive Director
Maine Lakes
In this issue:
- Sign a letter to support LD 693 for safe wakes on Maine’s lakes
- Learn more about the new “Look Out for Loons” program
- Sign a letter to support LD 958 to strengthen lead tackle rules
- Take a survey about the economic value of Maine’s lakes
- Learn more about LakeSmart
- Raise money for your organization with Barefoot Bay
- Register for the joint lakes conference: Together for Healthy Lakes
1) Sign a letter to support LD 693:
Safe Wakes for Maine’s Lakes
Click HERE to get to the sign on letter.
LD 693, a bill that would keep the activity of wake surfing 500 feet away from shore and in water more than 20 feet deep, has had great public support.
If you spoke up or submitted testimony for that bill in the last few weeks, thank you! The Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IFW) Committee heard from over 120 organizations and individuals who submitted testimony either in person or in writing in support of the bill. IFW Committee members are learning more about the issues this bill addresses, and they will be discussing the merits of the bill (and likely voting to support or oppose) in a Work Session this coming Wednesday.
They need to hear loud and clear from constituents like you that public support for this bill is overwhelming. Please add your name to the sign-on letter at the link below to support LD 693. Even if you’ve already submitted testimony, adding your name here (along with your town and lake of interest) will help us show IFW Committee members the strong level of support this bill has in their districts! The Sign On letter already has over 700 names and we hope to have well over 1,000 by the time we share it with the IFW Committee on Tuesday in time for the work session.
Click HERE to get to the sign on letter.
Please sign on before the end of the day on Monday April 10th.
FMI about the background of the bill, click here.
For lake advocacy updates, click here.
Thank you in advance for adding your name as an individual or as an organization to the sign-on letter and for supporting this grassroots lake protection effort.
2) Volunteer for the new “Look Out for Loons” program
Officially launching this season, the Look Out For Loons! program will provide training and support to volunteers across the state so they can conduct local outreach in order to reduce disturbance to nesting loons and increase nesting success. Of particular concern to nesting loons is disturbance from boaters, boat collisions, large wakes close to shore, and the dangers of lead sinkers.
No experience is necessary! Look Out For Loons volunteers will be provided with loon natural history information, they’ll receive a digital slideshow and script to use with community groups, and they’ll get outreach materials to share with local lake users. Their goal for the summer will be to get the word out about ways all lake users can help loons, by slowing down, observing headway speed within 200′ of shore, and giving loons space, especially during the nesting season.
Come to a Zoom information session to learn more! Hosted by Susan Gallo of Maine Lakes, you’ll hear more about the program and how you can get involved. There will also be an information session at the June 17th Maine Lakes Conference. (You can register here).
Hope to see you there!
3) Sign a letter to support LD 958 to close the painted lead jig loophole and protect loons
Add your name in support here!
Maine’s first lead sinker law banning the sale of small lead sinkers was enacted in 2003 after researchers documented the ingestion of small lead sinkers and jigs as the leading cause of death for hundreds of breeding Common Loons across New England. The law was expanded in 2013 with the addition of small (less than 2.5”) painted lead jigs as well as an additional prohibition on use.
However, we know that paint on a lead jig does nothing to protect loons from the effects of lead. Muscular loon gizzards are extremely acidic, and they are filled with gravel that works to grind up food and other items they might ingest, including any fishing tackle they have accidentally consumed. Paint from tackle is eroded in a matter of days, and lead poisoning can quickly follow. LD 958 seeks to close the painted jig loophole and add small painted lead-headed jig to the existing ban.
Click here to add your name in support of LD 958 to a sign-on letter organized by Maine Audubon. This letter will be shared with legislators before the hearing and will show the high level of support for this common sense bill.
if you'd like to speak up at the hearing or submit written testimony, we will be updating our advocacy page as soon as the public hearing has been scheduled. Maine Lakes will also send out a grassroots alert when the hearing gets scheduled. If you don’t receive those, please sign up here.
FMI, read the bill language here or read a Maine Audubon fact sheet here.
Thank you for supporting this legislation!
4) A Maine Lakes Economic Survey
Maine Lakes is in its second year partnering with researchers at the University of Maine in Orono on a project to update information around the economic value of Maine’s Great Ponds, including identifying key opportunities to enhance the benefits that Maine’s Great Ponds provide and implementing a statewide outreach program to highlight and ultimately improve the diverse benefits that our lakes and ponds provide. As part of that study, researchers have put together a survey that will be sent to 1,000 random Mainers asking them questions about their lake-related spending and how they value Maine's lakes and ponds.
In addition to those 1,000 random participants, we are hoping that a our members and supporters will also consider taking the survey. Your information will provide a snapshot of how passionate lake supporters and advocates value their lakes.
Please click here to participate in the survey.
Expect to spend 15-30 minutes to complete.
Thank you for sharing your information about how you value Maine's lakes!
5) Learn more about LakeSmart
Hopefully you have heard about LakeSmart, our flagship program that trains volunteers to work with homeowners and identify areas where they can work to reduce erosion from their property and keep phosphorus and other harmful pollutants out of the lake. While the 2023 season is close to capacity, now is a great time to learn more about the program and how your lake association or other community group might get involved.
FMI about how to get involved, email LakeSmart program manager Andrea Stevens at astevens@lakes.me. We’d love to hear from you and help a LakeSmart program grow in your community!
5) Raise money for your organization with Barefoot Bay
Have you wanted to offer a wide variety of hats and shirt options for fans of your lake to purchase, but didn't want to deal with the monetary investment, managing the inventory, figuring out where people can buy the apparel, shipping, etc.? We have a solution!
Our business supporter Barefoot Bay can handle the entire process for your lake and they donate 20% of your lake's apparel sales back to you. Read below for a short introduction from Barefoot Bay's co-founder, and good luck with your membership drives and fund raisers in 2023!
Hello Friends of Maine Lakes,
This is John, the co-founder of Barefoot Bay, www.barefootbay.net As mentioned above, we provide on-demand apparel that features your lake. We work with many lake associations, groups, and individuals around the country to provide a simple, seamless, and profitable way for you to offer apparel for your lake.
Barefoot Bay handles the entire process, from adding your lake to the online store, handling fulfillment, storing inventory, etc., all at zero cost on your end!
Barefoot Bay donates 20% of proceeds from apparel sales from your lake directly back to your Lake Association. At Barefoot Bay, we understand the passion people have for their lake and offering apparel for residents, visitors, friends, and family, is a great way to support and champion your lake.
Please reach out to me directly at john@barefootbay.net if you want to discuss and we'll get you set up.
Here's to toes in the water,
Founder, Barefoot Bay
7) Register today for the Maine lake joint conference: Together for Healthy Lakes!
We are very excited to announce not only that the Maine Lakes Conference is back and in-person, but also that it will be hosted jointly with Lake Stewards of Maine. The date is June 17th and the place is the China Lake Conference Center. Registration is open. There is a discount for early registration, and also a discount for LakeSmart volunteers, Water Quality monitors, and Invasive Plant Patrollers. Check the conference webpage for more information about the programming, workshops, sponsors, door prizes, and silent auction items that will be at this all-day, engaging and inspiring day. Information will be added in the coming weeks as the schedule of speakers and activities is finalized. To register, click here. (Note that you will need a separate registration for each attendee. We apologize for the inconvenience.)
If you have a business and would like to sponsor the conference, please visit our sponsorship page here.
We can't wait to see you in-person at China Lake in June!
Thanks for reading the April e-News. Look for the next one in May!
If you need to renew your membership or would like to donate to Maine Lakes, please visit www.lakes.me/jump-in.
Thank you for your support!