I had the pleasure of devoting nearly a full week to our Arctic activities. During the first-ever OOMD/Arctic Research Program PI Meeting in Seattle (see story below), we had a chance to dig deeper into our research activities, look for synergies, and discuss opportunities to more effectively link research activities under this program and the expertise of the Program PIs towards NOAA needs and services. For such a small program (in terms of dollars) it has been carrying out research in multiple major areas such as sea-ice/ocean dynamics and prediction; ecosystem baseline measurements; exploring new adaptive technologies such as Saildrone to address observing needs; and establishing reference atmospheric measurements around the Arctic. Discussions with organizations within and external to NOAA highlighted the potential value of observation-based knowledge towards addressing a range of societal needs. Over the next several months we will be following up on these discussions in the context of setting some strategic directions for this program.
This time of year is extremely busy for our team as we complete our administrative processes to obligate FY19 funding. We are also in the beginning stages of planning to develop a new strategic plan for OOMD. We will share more about this in our next newsletter. We will be focusing significant time on this during our upcoming Community meeting.
Enjoy the spring weather - get outdoors!
David Legler, Director - Ocean Observing and Monitoring Division
May 21 - 23 at Rutgers University, NJ
June 15-21, 2019 in
Brest, France
OOMD Community Workshop
June 17-19, 2019 at NOAA in Silver Spring, MD
June 25-27, 2019 in College Park, MD
July 8-18, 2019 at the Palais des Congrès in Montréal, Québec, Canada
Sept 16-20, 2019 in Honolulu, HI
 Program Updates: Welcome Renee Crain!
We are pleased to welcome Renee Crain who is serving as Acting Director of the Arctic Research Program for six months. Renee is on detail from the National Science Foundation's Office of Polar Programs where she manages the Arctic Research Support and Logistics program. Renee has supported research in the Arctic for more than 20 years and in that time has worked closely with NOAA colleagues at laboratories and cooperative institutes across line offices. Renee brings experience directing research vessel support, developing international agreements, and supporting remote sensing, a
utonomous instrumentation, risk management, environmental compliance, collaborating with Indigenous peoples, science education, and data visualization. She is active in the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) which enables better interagency communication and collaboration on Arctic research. Renee's detail is part of her participation in NSF's first-ever Leadership Development Program. In 2016, Renee served a detail in the Office of Science and Technology Policy to support Arctic policy activities. Renee has a Bachelor of Arts degree in biology from The New College of Florida and a Master of Science degree in biology from the University of Alaska Fairbanks where she specialized in physiological and behavioral adaptations of Arctic birds. Renee lives in Falls Church, Virginia with her husband Tom Wagner of NASA, son age 8, daughter age 6, and a rescue dog. In their spare time, Renee's family likes playing outside, hiking, boating, snowboarding and more. Renee is excited to join NOAA and looks forward to learning more and making connections across NOAA.
 Arctic Research Program PIs Meet at PMEL
Principal Investigators from the Arctic Research Program met April 30-May 1 at PMEL. This was the first ever PI Meeting for the program, and brought together over 40 colleagues from across the country. The meeting succeeded in catalyzing cross-program research collaborations and plans for future publications. PIs had the opportunity to share their research and coordinate strategic collaborations. OAR Portfolio Stewards also presented and discussed potential intersections between Arctic research activities and their respective scope of activities, leading to plans for increased interactions of the Arctic Research Program within the portfolios. Potential increased interactions with other NOAA programs (e.g. NWS and NMFS) were also facilitated through guest presentations. Acting Program Director Renee Crain concluded the meeting by discussing a timeline for a review of the Arctic Research Program and how the upcoming OAR Forum can help address cross-OAR and cross-NOAA activities. We thank everyone who was able to attend these important meetings and connect with their colleagues. We also thank Kelley Uhlig and Renee Crain for facilitating and leading the meetings, and PMEL for hosting us!
Dr. Sidney Thurston Interviewed on the Ron Brown's Indian Ocean Expedition
The UK's Meteorological Technology International publication featured a story on the Ron Brown's eight month global voyage in 2018. Dr. Sidney Thurston of OOMD was interviewed and spoke of the accomplishments of the cruise and the importance of ship-based oceanographic research. The interview included information about several sustained ocean observing programs supported by OOMD, such as RAMA (Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction), TAO (Tropical Atmosphere Ocean) moorings, and GO-SHIP (Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program). Dr. Thurston explained how data from these platforms helps us understand global ocean warming as well as other trends in the global ocean and the climate.
 Request for Information:
US Ocean Economy Satellite Account
The purpose of the RFI is to solicit input on the approach and definitions used. The general public and industry members can provide input by July 7. This information will be used to improve our measurements. Any questions or comments regarding the RFI can be directed to
 Call For Senior Management Meeting Spotlight Presentations
Are you looking for a way to build excitement and support for your research? Consider signing up to deliver a Spotlight Presentation at an upcoming Senior Management Meeting! Every Monday, our leadership in Silver Spring attend the OAR Senior Management Meeting. During each meeting there is an opportunity for scientists and program managers to showcase their research with a 15 minute, high level presentation, which can be delivered virtually from the field. The OAR Communications team offers help with a guided practice session the week before. If you are interested in signing up, please contact your program manager and/or our Communications Specialist,
Jessica Mkitarian.
 ICYMI: Jessica Snowden Shares Highlights from NOAA Kids Day
In Case You Missed It: NOAA Kids Day was celebrated April 25th, and our Acting Deputy Director, Jessica Snowden was invited to share her experience in the NOS Weekly.
Check out her article on the importance of sharing our work (and science) with our kids.
 Recent Publications
As always, for the OOMD Community, by the OOMD Community.
Do you have news to share with the OOMD Community, or beyond?
Contact Jessica Mkitarian: jessica.mkitarian@noaa.gov or
(301) 427-2472.