April 2022
Central Region representatives attend Mobile Oilmen's Golf Tournament
Representatives from the SSMRC's Central Region attended the Mobile Oilmen's Annual Golf Tournament in late April, with Local 729 Business Representative Mike Hines' bacon-wrapped pork chops and chicken thighs taking home first prize in the tournament's cooking competition. Learn more about the event here.
Local 1192 business representatives attend charity sporting clay shoot
Local 1192 Business Representatives Clint Smith and Les Roberts partnered with Plant Barry and Alabama Central Credit Union at the 2022 Plant Barry APSO Sporting Clay Shoot to help raise money for children in Alabama who are facing life threatening conditions. Learn more about the event here.
UBC Military Veterans Program training center opens near Fort Campbell
A new training center that is part of the Military Veterans Program run by our parent organization, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, began training its first class of applicants earlier this month. The Clarksville, Tennessee, center is serving soldiers transitioning out of the U.S. Army at nearby Fort Campbell. The MVP program also operates at Fort Hood near Killeen, Texas. Learn more about the center here.
Local 2411 awards 50- and 55-year
service pins
Earlier this month, Local 2411 honored two members with a combined service tenure of 105 years of service. Pictured on the right, former business representative, Paul French was presented with his 50 year pin, and pictured on the left, Roy Griggs was presented with his 55 year pin. Paul is fully retired and planning on living out the rest of life enjoying life as it comes. Roy continues to work at the age of 81 years old. He enjoys the retired life but continues to try to get on every shutdown he can. Thanks to Paul and Roy for all their service and support to their local as well as the council.
Local 1263 member Ellis Griffin
uses years of experience to help
bring up the next generation
Since he became a union millwright in 1994, Ellis Griffin has worked across all 11 of the council’s states in nearly every industry that the SSMRC serves, and while he mainly sticks to turbine work these days, he takes pride in serving as a mentor to the apprentices working alongside him. Learn more about Ellis here.
Eastern Region representatives
attend Fort Myers job fair
Cliff Tucker, business agent for Millwright Local 1000, and Logan Brown, director of the SSMRC's Eastern Region, attended the Fort Myers (Florida) Technical College job fair earlier this month. This college has a turbine generator maintenance, inspection and repair program.
Member appreciation hats and t-shirts shipping soon
Members who selected the free t-shirt and hat for their Member Appreciation Gift should begin receiving their items in the next couple of weeks. If you selected the shirt and hat and do not receive your items by the end of May, reach out to Tyler Hanes at or at 205-236-6236.
Member Milestones
Congratulations to the following members, who became journey-level millwrights between March 15, 2022 and April 15, 2022.
Local 216:
Kevin Gray
Joseph Price

Local 1554:
Taylor Helms
Local 2232:
Henry Chang
Trenton Marksberry
Christopher Moody
Lee Quiroga
The SSMRC mourns the loss of the following members, who passed away between March 15, 2022 and April 15, 2022.

Local 2232:
Larry Roberts

U.S. economy adds 431,000 jobs in March
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the American economy added 431,000 jobs in the month of March, and the unemployment rate was 3.6 percent, down from 3.8 percent in February. Read more from the latest jobs report here.
Honoring those lost,
committing to safer workplaces
Every year on April 28, we pause to remember those who died or were killed on a jobsite on Workers Memorial Day. U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh shared a video and blog post to mourn those lost and reiterate a commitment to improving safety on all jobsites.

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