Thursday, April 30, 2020
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Registration cut off: April 27th at 5 PM
Zoom Webinar with moderator. Participants will be sent the webinar link one to two days before so they can log on and be sure they are compatible
Offering 6 PDH credits for Professional Engineers in NJ, NY, and PA.
Bridge Resistance Barrier Gates
Why do we use Drones for Engineering
Ethics for Professional Engineers
NJ PE license renewal extended until May 30
Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal announced that, in an effort to protect the public by limiting in-person contact that could result in the spread of COVID-19, multiple divisions within the Department of Law and Public Safety are extending the board deadlines for renewing and submitting licenses. Division of Consumer Affairs (DCA) and Professional Boards is extending by 30 days licenses for Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Professional Engineer & Land Surveyors, which are due for renewal during the April renewal period.
Executive Order to Cease All Non-Essential Construction Projects
Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 122, ceasing all non-essential construction projects and imposing additional mitigation requirements on essential retail businesses and essential industries to limit the spread of COVID-19 in New Jersey. The order also outlines specific protections and policies for all essential retail, manufacturing, and warehousing businesses, as well as businesses engaged in essential construction projects.
Exceptions to this shut-down include:
- Projects at New Jersey hospitals and schools
- Transportation and utility sector projects
- The building of affordable housing
- Other individual housing sites that can adhere to strict limits on the number of workers on-site at any given time
- Emergency repairs
- Work needed to safely secure a construction site
- Other limited instances
For the Executive Order click here:
NJSPE Would like to Welcome its Newest Members:
Christian R. Cueto, PE
Harbor Consultants Inc.
Teal S. Jefferis, PE
Jefferis Engineering Associates, LLC
Andrew T. Lee, PE
Lam Group
Kenneth McGoldrick, PE
New Jersey Turnpike Authority
Lucas William Piloco (STUDENT)
University of Vermont
Hannah Elizabeth Walsh (STUDENT)
Grove City College
Michael David, PE
Plaza Construction, LLC
Lawrence Klock, PE
Peter M. Longo, PE
Remington & Vernick Engineers
John S. Truhan, PE
Truhan & Associates Inc.
Reduced Cost Ethics Training for Professional Engineers
To help our members meet their requirements, the New Jersey Society of Professional Engineers has launched a new online ethics training for professional engineers at a reduced cost.
This two-hour online video, presented by the NJSPE counsel Larry Powers, will provide you with the two credits required for the ethics portion of your professional engineer license. Once the video is viewed in its entirety, you will be e-mailed a certificate proving you have met this licensing requirement.
NJSPE Member Renewals
If you have received your renewal and are paying by Purchase Order or Voucher, please send all paper work to NJSPE for a signature. You can mail it to NJSPE, 414 River View Plaza, Trenton, NJ 08611 or you can fax it to 609-393-9891. Thank you for your membership!
Both the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) and the National Society of Professional Engineers have chosen the New Jersey Department of Transportation to be a recipient of a 2019 Qualification-Based Selection Merit Award.
MATHCOUNTS 2020 Update
NJ MATHCOUNTS faced a challenging year. Thanks to the hard work of our volunteers, the 2020 chapter competitions were a rousing success. This year, 138 schools registered including 128 teams and 603 individuals totaling 1,115 participants.
The NJ state competition was scheduled to be held on March 14 at Rutgers University. Sadly, due to the COVID-19 crisis, the national MATHCOUNTS office made the difficult decision to cancel all state competitions. Shortly there after, the national competition was also canceled.
NJ MATHCOUNTS is beginning to plan the 2021 competitions. This process will require sponsors, donations and volunteers. To be placed on the sponsor or volunteer list, please contact Lisa Jones at
ljones@njpsi.com. To donate, please click the link below.
PSEG begins COVID-era planned outage for Salem nuclear Unit 2 in NJ
New Jersey-based utility PSEG has taken its Salem nuclear Unit 2 into a planned refueling and maintenance outage.
Plant operators removed the unit from the regional power grid on Saturday. The multi-week refueling and maintenance outage will include thousands of inspections and maintenance activities.
Mapping the coronavirus impact on US construction
Construction Dive
With limited federal guidance on whether construction is deemed an essential service, it's important to identify where the state in which you're doing business stands on the matter and to ensure there are not county or municipal variances that go against the grain of the state's order.
After Senate Setback, Fate Of COVID Loan Program Unclear
A partisan Senate fight has blocked two competing plans that would have provided a quick $250-billion infusion for a popular new federal loan program for small businesses-including many engineering and construction firms-hit hard by the coronavirus outbreak.
The outlook for the increased funds has turned uncertain as congressional leaders sent mixed signals.
How to use smart city technology to measure social distancing
The UK and many other countries worldwide have introduced social distancing measures to slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. To understand if these recommendations are effective, we need to assess how far they are being followed.
NSPE President Lobbies Senate for Relief Funding
NSPE President David Martini, P.E., F.NSPE, is urging senators to include professional associations, like NSPE, in relief funding for small businesses.
DOT Guide on AVs Misses Key Ingredient: PEs
NSPE continues to sound the alarm on how the lack of regulation for autonomous vehicles can put the public at risk. In public comments on the Department of Transportation's "Ensuring American Leadership in Automated Vehicle Technologies: Automated Vehicles 4.0," NSPE advocates for the presence of a professional engineer to keep people safe.
During Outbreak, NSPE's in Your Corner
The world finds itself today in a crisis unlike any in recent memory. While members of the engineering profession are facing the same uncertainties as everyone else, NSPE's volunteer leaders and staff are firmly committed to doing the very best we can to help you through this very difficult time.
NSPE Statement on Coronavirus COVID-19
As the world responds to the coronavirus, NSPE would like to express its concern for our members, staff, and all who are affected by this pandemic.
Licensed professional engineers are obligated to hold the public health, safety, and welfare above all other considerations. This principle is fundamental to the mission of NSPE and our NICET certification division.
Robert V. Kiser, PE
President |
Michael Bennink, PE
Past President |
Joseph A. Mancini, PE
President-Elect |
Vince Wagner, PE
Vice President |
Erica Vigliorolo, EIT
Treasurer |
William Delisky, PE
Secretary |
Brian Van Nortwick, PE
NJSPE Director at Large |
Robert J. Thiel, PE
NSPE Delegate
Lawrence Powers, Esq.
Counsel |
Joe Simonetta, CAE
Executive Director |