Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s):
surveys were administered to educators, families, and students the week of April 19, 2020, and closed on Friday, April 24, 2020. The response rates for the surveys were positive: 1426 students in grades 6-12 completed the student survey, 1126 families completed the family survey, and 402 educators completed the educator survey. Overall students rated
as 3.7/6.0, with 1 being not effective, and 6 being highly effective. Families rated
as 3.6/6.0. Educators rated NSBORO-CONNECT 2.0 as 4.3/6.0. Across the three surveys, the mean rating is 3.8/6.0. The results from these surveys will be used by administrators and educators to make adjustments to
. One common theme that emerged across the three surveys was not to change too much, as students, families, and educators are getting used to remote learning. However, there will be adjustments and improvements to
as we continue remote learning through June 16, 2020. Lastly, I want to acknowledge the extraordinary effort of families, students, and educators. On behalf of the District, I want to recognize the unprecedented ask that is being made of our students, faculty, staff, and families and express our appreciation for the school community in partnering with the District on making the best of challenging times.
Common Questions: Across the three surveys there were six questions that were common, with slight variations to the questions depending on the survey audience:
1. On an average day, how much time do you spend completing NSBORO-CONNECT 2.0 learning assignments? (does your child/do your students).
The mean response for families was 58 minutes. The mean response for students was 56 minutes. The mean response for educators was 38 minutes. The mean response across the three groups was 51 minutes.
2. What percentage of NSBORO-CONNECT 2.0 assignments are you completing? (does your child/do your students).
The mean response for families was 90%. The mean response for students was 91%. The mean response for educators was 68%. The mean response across the three groups was 83%.
3. What percent of weekly 'real-time' learning sessions are you participating in?
The mean response for families was 80%. The mean response for students was 87%. The mean response for educators was 76%. The mean response across the three groups was 81%. Students reported that they are attending a greater percentage of weekly Zoom sessions than families and educators. A common theme emerged throughout the family survey, which was to increase the number of real-time virtual sessions using video conferencing (Zoom or Google meet). This was most predominantly at the elementary and middle school levels.
4. How manageable has NSBORO-CONNECT 2.0 been for you as a student/family/educator?
The scale was 0-100, with 0 being unmanageable to 100 being highly manageable. The mean response for families was 74/100. The mean response for students was 72/100. The mean response for educators was 82/100. The mean response across the three groups was 76/100.
5. Rate your overall experience participating in NSBORO-CONNECT 2.0?
The scale was 0-6, with 0 being not effective to 6 being highly effective. The mean response for families was 3.6/6.0. The mean response for students was 3.7/6.0. The mean response for educators was 4.3/6.0. The mean response across the three groups was 3.8/6.0. The themes that emerged were around the challenges of online learning, appreciation for educators’ efforts, and increasing instructional time at ARHS.
6. Do you know how to access the school nurse, guidance, technology if you needed their assistance?
The mean response for families was 86% knew how to access school resources. The mean response for students was 48%. The mean response for educators was 82%. The mean response across the three groups was 72%.
Student specific questions:
Have you utilized office hours?
The mean response for students was 13%. Overall, 87% of students do not utilize office hours on Fridays. The student responses indicated that most students are emailing their teachers directly instead of using office hours and that their teachers were very accessible.
What type of assignment/lesson has been the most meaningful or engaging?
Students reported that self-directed and class assignments were most meaningful. Students also commented that discussions were meaningful. Group work was least preferred by students across grades 6-12.
How has your attendance been at the required meetings?
91% of students reported that they have not missed more than 2 sessions at required meetings.
What has been most challenging with NSBORO-CONNECT 2.0 for you?
Organization of resources and assignments
Time management
Volume of emails
Develop consistent classes in Canvas
Do you have any recommendations to improve NSBORO-CONNECT 2.0 if the closure is extended past May 4, 2020?
Don’t change too much - make minor changes to NSBORO-CONNECT 2.0
Less assignment work
A consistent place where assignments are communicated
30 Minute classes
Standardize Canvas
Family specific questions:
What has been most challenging with NSBORO-CONNECT 2.0 for you?
Work/school balance - challenging
Time child needs support
Volume of emails
Develop consistent classes in Canvas
Short classes
Do you have any recommendations to improve NSBORO-CONNECT 2.0 if the closure is extended past May 4, 2020?
Additional video conferencing sessions
Daily interaction with teachers
More social interactions and outlets for students
Increased time for learning (assignments)
Don’t change too much