Our mission is to elevate child development to a new level by leading the social, emotional growth, and education of young children while providing a safe, welcoming, home-like environment with a caring, educated and professional staff that promotes partnerships with parents, children, and other childhood professionals.
Return all SUNSCREEN FORMS to the front desk, remember to fill out both sides of the form.
Summer Plans...
Please let Andrea know if your child's days of attendance will change or you plan to disenroll for the summer.
School Age Summer Program...
Katie's Kids will be offering a school age program this summer for children who have completed kindergarten. This program holds a 2, 3, 5 day option for attendance. To enroll print off the enrollment application and return with a $65 enrollment fee.
Teacher Appreciation Week...
May 2 - May 6
This is a week dedicated to honoring the teachers who share their love with the children. Please look for further information to follow.
We will continue to follow the guidelines set by DCFS and our local health department.
Drop Off and Pick U
- Remain in the lobby area – not allowed down the hallways/in the classrooms
- Drinking fountains remain closed
- Be mindful of social distancing
- Room 1 & 2 will continue with regular drop off/pick up at the classroom door.
Appropriate Weather Wear...
Spring brings us a variety of weather options. Please check with your child's classroom to ensure that extra clothes are the appropriate size. Also have a jacket or coat available for those colder days that spring brings. We will keep boots here to wear on muddy playground days.
Health Corner...
When does teething typically happen?
Toddler teeth usually appear during the first year. The very first baby tooth can develop as soon as about 6 months, while the last teeth should appear by the time your child is 3 years old.
6 to 15 months: The upper and lower central incisors — the teeth in the middle of the mouth — usually appear between months 6 and 12, with the lower ones making their debut first. Next, the lateral incisors — the teeth on either side of the center ones — should break through starting by month 9. The first toddler molars are the next to break through the gums, typically appearing early in the second year, though some tots may not start cutting those toddler molars until 18 or 19 months. And be prepared: Because of their (relatively) large size and double edges, toddler molars tend to hurt as they poke through the gums.
16 to 23 months: Here come your toddler’s pointy fang teeth! The canines are located between the lateral incisors and the first toddler molars. Usually, the upper canines turn up a few months before the lower ones do.
23 and 33 months: The second, or back, molars on the top and bottom can start popping up toward the end of the second year. Your teething toddler’s last set of molars will probably be in by month 33, if not before, and by the age of 3, your child’s grin will likely display a full set of 20 baby teeth. When will those baby teeth fall out? Most kids lose their first baby tooth around the age of 6.
What can you do for toddler teething relief?
Use these tried-and-true teething treatments to help your toddler feel better:
- Chill out. Offer soft, cold foods, such as chilled yogurt or applesauce. Or offer her some ice water in a cup with a lid. If she wants to sip from an open cup, skip the ice.
- Chomp on toys. If her teeth are aren’t big enough to bite through plastic, you can let your toddler gnaw on a chilled teething toy. (Steer clear of frozen ones though, since they can be hard on your baby's mouth.) You can also give her a cold or chilled washcloth to chew on. Of course, always be aware of possible choking risks.
- Use meds. If your baby is very uncomfortable, ask your doctor if your child can have acetaminophen or ibuprofen. (The best choice will depend on your baby's age and symptoms.) And be sure to confirm the dosage first.
- Give a massage. Dip your fingers in cool water and gently massage your child’s gums right before a feeding.
- Stick to the schedule. If you change up your little one's bedtime routine to soothe a teething toddler, that can lead to more sleeping problems down the road.
Ideas for Home...
Animal Tape Rescue
Tape small cars or animals to a cookie sheet, Great fine motor and hand eye coordination skill while also keeping your child busy.
Share your positive moments!
Do you have any positive moments you want to share about our staff? If so, we want to hear and share them! Simply click on the button below, fill out the form, and submit.
Help spread the word of Katie's Kids!
Do you have a friend, neighbor, or colleague looking for care? For every family you refer to Katie's Kids we will apply a $50 credit to your account after the family has been with us for 90 days.
Katie's Kids Learning Center |
Accredited by: National Accreditation Commission