April 2020
Happy April!
Greetings from a distance - at least 6 feet!

Being a high risk person, I'm writing this from a space that feels like it is getting smaller and smaller as time goes on. Remember, as humans, fear from powerlessness can mess with our normal thought patterns and reactions. However, if you take control and use this time at home, you may discover some of the hidden benefits that can be had in this situation. Work with me here and, let's review some things, so we can remind ourselves the treasures to be found in this period of change and isolation. We can call this our COVID-19 manifestation bucket list.

  1. Let's start with our body and health, since that's what this is all about. You actually have time to get outside and find the joy and benefits of nature again. Walk, run, skip, breath, get some Vitamin D, exercise and move your body. The benefits are too numerous to list. Its a great time to loose some weight and eat healthier now that you have time to cook. Please, if you do nothing else during this time, begin or maintain meditating. Even the western health community is now embracing meditation as a fundamental basic of life everyone can benefit from.
  2. Read a book! Reading puts your brain in a alpha mode which is the same zone your brain is in when meditating and talking with spirit guides. Tap into your creative side and explore options that you have never had time for, and most importantly, remember worrying does no good. It doesn't change things and creates negative energy in your attitude, health and aura.
  3. How about those home projects and spring cleaning! They might not be the most fun, but doing chores literally gives you control over your environment. While you have the time at home, how about switching your closet from winter to summer clothes and ditching stuff that hasn't seen the light of day for years. Rearrange the might find some money and besides change is always good for us. Find and embrace your hidden home decorating talents and don't forget those outside landscape projects. Feel the earth, breath the fresh air then sit back and enjoy the accomplishment.
  4. Review your finances! Now's an excellent opportunity to get your receipts organized for your 2019 tax preparations. As we all think of ways to reduce expenses and earn some side money, maybe you can start creating that budget that's never been anywhere except in your head.
  5. Lets talk about family and friends. If you have kids, first of all my heart goes out to you. Remember kids hear basically everything, so try to keep it light and as fun as possible. Everything we've talked about so far can be healthy outlets for the whole family, and your kids might even come up with some great projects of their own so remember to be supportive!
  6. Live Love! In these times, we may find ourselves in a psychological dichotomy with those closest to us. No question we love them, but 24/7 can put a strain on any relationship, even with ourselves. So, no guilt for those mental conversations and thoughts that you find yourself going through. Just breathe, take some time & space to yourself, and reflect on the love that you have. Reach out to a distant loved one via phone or video chat and catch up that way!
  7. Get stoned! Now would also be a perfect time to revisit all of your stones and give them a good spring cleaning outside and a little extra lovin'. You can spread your crystals out and create a grid to set an intention or manifest a change in your life, or take inventory and make a wish list of crystals to add to your collection. Wouldn't be a bad idea to put some Smokey Quartz in your pocket and move that Citrine piece front and center for a while.

Whether you develop an exercise program, a learning program, or pick up a hobby, just be sure to find something that brings you joy. When isolation is over, we'll look back and wonder what did I do with that time. We'll be asking each other what did you do! Hopefully in the next month (or two) you'll look back and be able to list accomplishments and have appreciation for new changes in your life. So see, there is a light at the end of this tunnel in that you've got an excellent opportunity now to readjust yourself and get rid of those bad habits and embrace the new you!

I do want to thank all our loyal and faithful customers who have reached out to help and offer such kind words of encouragement. My family includes everyone at Nature's Treasures and we're trying to take care of everyone as best we can. The way you can help us most is by going to our online store and find that something that is calling you. If you don't see it online, then email us to get in touch with your personal online shopper to go out into the store and find what you are looking for.
HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! Hope your Easter is filled with blessings and lots of chocolate bunnies. Don't forget to count the eggs before hiding them! And remember to continue "social distancing" so we can all get back to normal sooner than later.
Karen and the Staff
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Orgone 7 Chakra Pyramid
The Empath's Survival Guide Paperback by Judith Orloff MD
Brecciated Jasper Crystal Sphere 40mm
What's New At The Counter
& Available ONLINE!
White Azeztulite
from the Robert Simmons Collection
Deva Green Phantom Quartz
from the Robert Simmons Collection
Meet Our Staff
Katie G.
Born and raised in ATX, Katie G attended The Art Institute of Austin and studied Media Art and Animation hoping to join Pixar Studios! However, as life sometimes goes, spirit led Katie to San Marcos where she learned office administration! Today she uses both of these skill sets at Nature's Treasures helping to create product content, maintain inventory, , handle shipping and intuitively select items for customers of the Online Store. Katie loves to draw, play with tarot cards, watch anime, and read manga like a nerdy cat girl! Katie aspires to continue to grow spiritually and one day join the Nature's Treasures Practitioner Program and to animate the world!
What's in the Depot
& Available ONLINE!
Assorted Rough Calcite
Red, Green, Blue, Yellow
In-House Cut & Polished Collectable Agates
April Birthstone
Herkimer Diamond:
The Stone of Attunement
In traditional circles, Diamond is the birthstone for the month of April. However, we are seeing an increase of alternate stones being used, especially in Europe. Let us introduce you to one of them--  The Herkimer Diamond : Stone of Attunement.
To learn the fascinating history of Herkimer Diamonds, click HERE .
What's New in the Store
& Available ONLINE!
We are proud to add new sought after selections from our friend Robert Simmons. Watch for new additions.
Limited supply, shop while supplies last!
The Beat Goes On...
We know many of you are disappointed you didn't get to shop one of our major Crystal & Mineral events...we are working around the clock to add these premium picks to our online store. Watch for new additions!


$25 Gift Certificate! 

Nancy L
Thank you for your encouraging words and patronage during this time of crisis.

Be sure to enter the drawing 
next time you're in the store! 

In The Community
Global Peace Meditation, 4/4 @ 9:40pm
"2020 is a power packed astrological year that will lead us into the much anticipated Age of Aquarius. Astrologers worldwide have predicted 2020 will be a “defining year of the destiny of humanity”, a “tipping point” and a “major redistribution of power.”

J oin the 20 min Zoom meditation gathering hosted by Austin's Crystal Whisperer, HERE !
In The Community Events Center

For now... we are rescheduling our April group events.
Keep up with us on our Calendar for updates.

We will see you in May for some great events!
Classes | Lectures | Workshops & More
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft Auditorium 
and 1,200 sq ft Studio Space available for your event. 

Check our  calendar  for availability and email our Events Director at -
Looking Ahead
Austin Reformed Congregation of the Goddess celebrates Beltane and the Full Moon .
Join Leslie Werling for her Guided Angel Meditation !

Spiritual Life Productions presents this FREE monthly event. Read more HERE !
Adrienne Goff begins her Crystal Enrichment Series with Part 1: Manifest !

The Healing Arts Festival & Market makes their annual visit to Austin, featuring practitioners and vendors from the San Antonio area!
The Treasure Tome: A Trove of Knowledge
Shungite: The Miracle Stone

Shungite  has had a lot of interest in the past several years, and for good reason! Shungite is the 2 billion year old mineral that is hailed as a modern “Miracle Stone” of the 21st century. Shungite derives its name from the Karelian village of Shun'ga where it was first discovered.

Shungite rates 3.5 on the Mohs hardness scale and is composed mainly of carbon. But, according to  Judy Hall  in  Crystal Bible 3 , “Shungite contains virtually all the minerals in the periodic table.” Further, she states “it may have been instrumental in creating life on earth.”

To read more about how these stones formed and their energetic properties, click HERE.
Take Our Poll!
What's your store favorite?
Cards, Incense, etc.
April REMOTE Practitioners
In order serve you during this time of isolation,
these practitioners offer remote services!
Walter Ernst - Internationally known Psychic, Medium, Channeler, and Spiritual Teacher
Available: 10a-8p
Call: 406-334-0646

Sheryl Martin - Psychic Medium, Dream Interpretation, Reiki Master, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Empath, Ordained Interfaith Minister, Holistic Theology
Available: Flexible Hours, Divine Timing
Call: 559-779-5510

Julie Reeves - Sighted Intuitive Astrology, Tarot Reading & Past Life Consultation
Available: 11a-2p
Call: 512-694-7406

Stefanie Fix - Tarot Reading & Dream Interpretation
Available: By appointment only

Alice Rodriguez - Psychic Medium & Curandera
Available: M-F, 10:30a-6:30p; Sa, 11a-2:30p
Call: 512-577-7310

Peter Hansen - Psychic Angelic Reading & Healing
Available: By online appointment only

Thumper Donnelly - Psychic, Medium, Past Lives & Coaching services
Available: Flexible Hours, Divine Timing
Call: 737-224-3135

Madame Zee Professional Tarot Counselor & Intuitive Goddess Healer
Available: By online appointment only

Adrienne Goff - Remote Reiki & Crystal Healing
Available: By appointment only

Laura Tree -Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Consultant, Atlantean Healing, Diamond Violet Flame Transmutation
Available: Flexible Hours, Divine Timing
Call: 512-998-6089
Yuci Edwards - Spiritual Counseling, Tarot Reading, Angel Guiding, Coffee Cup Mapping, Akashic Records
Available: M-F, 10:30a-5:30p
Call: 210-452-7303

Kramer Wetzel - Astrology Chart & Tarot Reading,, Good Humor
Available: Most Afternoons, E-mail for Appt

Rebecca Andrews - Remote Healing, Herbal Consultations, Acupressure
Available: Flexible Hours, Divine Timing
Call: 512-351-1032

Azhalea (Sally) Ramirez - Angel Card Reader & Clairvoyant Medium
Available: M-F, 5-9p; Sa, 10a-9p
Call: 210-859-1718

Sheela Goodrich - Intuitive Advanced Energy Healing, Reiki Healing, Metaphysical & Spiritual Mentoring, Life & Relationship Coaching
Available: By appointment only
Call: 512-577-4055

Freedom Jennings - Aura Soma, Reiki Healing & Tarot Readings
Available: Su-W & F, 10a-7p
Call: 512-923-9228

Mia Michel - Intuitive and Healer, Akashic Records Consultations, Past Lives and Soul Readings
Available: Flexible Hours, Divine Timing
Call: 210-560-1189

Tara Ventura - Numerology Reading, Tarot Reading, Clairvoyant Psychic, Intuitive Counseling, Chakra Energy Healing
Available: Flexible Hours, Divine Timing
Call: 512-203-6320

Anne Berlin - Psychic Medium
Available: By Appointment; Su, Th, 1-3p
Call: 512-695-5851
Our Affiliates
Karen in Amethyst
Contact Information
Phone: 512.472.5015 

Store Hours
Sunday - Thursday 10:00am - 7:00pm | Friday & Saturday 10:00am - 8:00pm

Visit for Holiday Hours