April 22 is Earth Day,
but we're working year round to advance our mission of inspiring and cultivating learning for a sustainable future! 2019 staff photo by Marshall Webb.
Our 2019-20 Climate Resiliency Fellowship
Are you an educator committed to learning and teaching about climate change? We'll help you design and implement interdisciplinary climate change education and place-based service learning projects in your school, shaped by youth interest and voice.
Thanks to foundation funding, this fellowship is now free to participants.
A Week of Sustainable Development Goals
Decrease Food Waste with an "Anti-Recipe": Moroccan Chickpea Stew
Chefs have been cooking this way for centuries, and Chef Jim wants homecooks to use this sort of adaptive cooking to make use of what is already in your kitchen.
Demystifying Rennet
in Cheesemaking
We all know the main ingredient in cheese is milk, but most cheeses also contain salt, cultures and rennet. Rennet is fascinating, yet it isn't well understood by most people.
"Every time we see a field trip happening at Shelburne Farms, it's evident how essential this place is to the future. The kids are learning to love the natural world, which means they’re learning to take care of it. And it’s happening in a place of breathtaking beauty — what classroom or textbook could possibly have the same impact? We’re so lucky to have these opportunities in our community and proud to be members."
—Joseph Ingram & Steve Berns,
Charlotte, VT
Upcoming Programs & Events
Saturday & Sunday, April 20 & 21
Saturday, May 11, 7:00AM–12:00PM
every Tuesday and Thursday beginning May 14, 2:30-3:45PM
Tuesday, May 14, 7:00–8:00PM
Thursday, May 16, 5:00-7:00PM
What We're Following
over large chains.
Shelburne Farms is a nonprofit organization educating for a sustainable future.
Our campus is a 1,400-acre working farm, forest, and National Historic Landmark.