Bureau of Developmental Services

Sharing What We Heard: Moving Forward Together

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 at 6:00 pm


Please join the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS) at this virtual community webinar to discuss the work to strengthen the developmental services system. We will summarize what we heard during the recent BDS community listening sessions and surveys. Your feedback guides BDS’ planning and vision for a system that meets each individual and family’s needs.


For additional information or to request accommodations, please contact the Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS) at bds@dhhs.nh.gov.  


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Webinar ID: 863 9055 3285

 Passcode: 408187

Lunch and Learns are coming soon!

Attorney Judith Bomster will be back to provide insight on important topics such as Special Needs Trusts, ABLE Accounts, Power of Attorney, and Supported Decision-Making.

Mark your calendars for June 25th and July 23rd, 12 noon to 2:00 pm.

Stay tuned for details in the next few weeks.



The Botvin LifeSkills Training Transitions program is a highly interactive, skills-based curriculum designed to promote positive mental health and personal development. This program helps young adults navigate the transition into the workforce and/or higher education.

Program structure

  • 6, 45-minute sessions
  • Flexible options of six weeks, once a week, or two to three times a week until course completion.
  • Can be taught during or after school hours
  • Virtual or in-person

Click on the image to enlarge.


We are at the halfway mark of the legislative session. Bills originating in the House of Representatives will now be heard in the Senate and vice versa. This means you will have another opportunity to be heard on important issues. Below are the status updates on the top-priority legislation we are following:

Click on the bill numbers for details.

HB1593 - Title: (New Title) making an appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Services to support recreational activities for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Hearing: 04/30/2024, Room 103, State House, 01:40 pm

Visit https://www.communitybridgesnh.org/call-to-action to learn how to be heard.

HB1168 - Title: establishing a committee to study the impact of the housing crisis on people with disabilities.

Senate: Health and Human Services Committee Report: Ought to Pass with Amendment #2024-1564s, 05/02/2024.

HB1291 - Title: relative to accessory dwelling unit uses allowed by right.

Senate Introduced 03/21/2024 and Referred to Commerce.

HB608-FN - Title: establishing a pilot program to support the Bureau of Developmental Services redesign. House: Refer for Interim Study: MA VV 01/03/2024.

SB353-FN - Title: relative to insurance coverage for autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome. House: Commerce and Consumer Affairs Public Hearing: 04/23/2024 02:15 pm LOB 302-304

SB408 - Title: establishing a committee to study the effects of the housing crisis on the disability community.

House: Special Committee on Housing Executive Session: 04/26/2024 11:00 am LOB 302-304