The College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario
Newsletter | April 2022
In this issue…

  • COVID-19 Updates
  • Coming Soon: Standards for Practice Consultation
  • Reminders: Annual Renewal and Quality Assurance
  • Case of the Month: Lessons from an In-Home Assessment Complaint
  • Mental Health & Wellness Resources
  • 2021 College Performance Report
  • Feedback: Culture, Equity, and Justice Survey
  • April Poll and March Poll Results
Important News
Updates and Opportunities
COVID-19 Updates
Province extends existing public health measures to June 11, 2022
Ontario began to ease public health measures on March 9, 2022 and had planned to lift remaining measures on April 27th. However, the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) recently announced that Ontario will maintain the current measures, directives and orders until June 11, 2022.

These extended orders include provincial masking requirements in:

  • health care settings (for example: hospitals, doctors’ offices, clinics that provide health care services, laboratories, specimen collection centres, and home and community care);
  • long-term care homes;
  • retirement homes; and
  • shelters and other congregate care settings that provide care and services to medically and socially vulnerable individuals.

The CMOH Directives currently in effect will also continue until June 11, 2022. The Ministry will issue guidance on personal protective equipment recommendations for infection prevention and control in health care settings for after these directives are lifted.

Occupational therapists are encouraged to monitor information from their local public health units for region specific updates.
Please continue to check the College and Ministry of Health websites for the latest updates.

If you have any questions, please contact our Practice Resource Service at 1.800.890.6570 ext. 240 or
Coming Soon
Standards for Practice Consultation
Prepare to share your views on the proposed changes to the Standards for Practice!

Over the last 14 months, the College has been updating and streamlining the Standards for Practice. Consultation with committees and subject matter panels about the proposed changes is complete and the Board has approved the proposed Standards for Practice (now combined into one document) for public consultation.

The purpose of the consultation is to give registrants, the public, and other stakeholders the opportunity to provide input about the proposed new document. This feedback will be used to finalize the Standards before being approved by the Board.

Changes proposed in the Standards include:

  • Enhanced consistency for readability and flow 
  • Plain language for ease of registrant and public use
  • Integration of the new competencies (2021) including culture, equity, and justice practice expectations
  • Significant updates to Psychotherapy, Professional Boundaries and Prevention of Sexual Abuse, and Supervision of Students and Occupational Therapist Assistants 
  • Moderate updates to Assessment, Consent, Prevention and Management of Conflicts of Interest, and Record Keeping

Watch for an email notice about the launch of this consultation later this spring!
Mark Your Calendar
Upcoming Events and Dates to Remember
Annual Renewal Now Open
Renew your registration by May 31, 2022
Reminder: Occupational therapists are required to renew by May 31, 2022.

  • If you do not renew or resign your registration by the May 31, 2022 deadline, you will receive notice that your registration will be suspended for non-payment of fees, if fees are not paid within 30 days.

Quality Assurance Updates
Introduction and PD Plan reminder
Greetings from the Quality Assurance team!

My name is Lesley Krempulec. I am an occupational therapist, and the new Manager of the Quality Assurance Program. In the coming months, I look forward to sharing what’s new and upcoming in the program.

With spring comes a reminder of the annual Quality Assurance requirements. The Professional Development Plan for all registrants is due May 31, 2022.

Please feel welcome to contact me at 416.214.1177 extension 227 or if you have any questions.
You and Your Practice
Cases & Resources
Case of the Month
Lessons from an in-home assessment complaint
Amanda is an independent assessor for an insurance company and receives a referral for an attendant care assessment for Michael. During the assessment, Amanda has Michael do a variety of activities and makes notes on her laptop after each activity.

When the assessment is done, Michael asks about the outcome. Amanda explains she has not finished the report yet. She does not want him to worry though, so she states “You have nothing to worry about” and leaves.

Amanda later compiles a thorough and detailed report from her notes and sends it off to the insurance company. She realizes that what she is recommending is less than what Michael wants, but it is in her professional opinion what he needs.

The insurance company makes a determination based on her report and when Michael is informed of the outcome, he is extremely upset and files a complaint with the College...
Mental Health & Wellness
Access support and resources for healthcare workers
May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

Did you know? Health care workers from anywhere across Ontario can access services by going directly to a partner organization or via the COVID-19: Support for People page. You can find resources for self-led support; support with peers; and confidential support from a clinician, including iCBT and more.

Visit COVID-19: Support for People to find more information about many publicly available and confidential mental health and addictions services and supports.
College Governance
Decisions, Directions, and Outcomes
College Performance Measurement Framework
2021 Highlights
The Ministry of Health requires all health regulatory Colleges to report on how well they are executing their mandate to act in the public interest. This report is called the College Performance Measurement Framework.

For the 2021 report, we are happy to note the College met 47/50 measures, partially met 2 measures, and only had 1 measure it did not meet. You can read the 2021 report on our website.
Have Your Say
Share Your Feedback and Get Involved
Feedback Survey
Culture, Equity, & Justice in Occupational Therapy Practice
Thank you to everyone who attended our webinar on our new resource "Culture, Equity, & Justice in Occupational Therapy Practice." If you could not attend the webinar, a recording and related Q&As will be made available at a later date.

After you have reviewed the resource, please complete our survey and share your thoughts and suggestions. It's important to us to continue to revise, update, and improve this information.
April Poll
New Resources Available for Review
The College recently shared its new Culture, Equity, and Justice in Occupational Therapy Practice resource and the new Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada, which are coming into effect later this year.
Have you read and reviewed these documents yet?
Yes, I have read Culture, Equity, and Justice in Occupational Therapy Practice
Yes, I have read the new Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada
Yes, I have read both
No, I haven’t read them yet
Thank you for participating in our poll! We encourage you to take some time to review the new documents and contact the College at with any questions.

We appreciate your feedback and welcome comments at any time.
Last month we asked you: The College welcomes registrant input to consultations and surveys. When do you participate?

We received 110 responses! Here's how you voted:

26.4% said "If applicable to my practice."
11.8% said "If I have time."
14.5% said "If I feel strongly about the topic."

and 47.3% of respondents said "All of the above."

Our consultation for the new streamlined Standards for Practice will be launching soon. We hope that registrants will share their thoughts and feedback with us on this important project.
Do you know someone who would like to be added to our mailing list?
They can sign up here. Have additional comments or suggestions for the College email news? Send your thoughts to
Any changes to your profile information in the last 30 days? Make sure you update your profile.

If registrants unsubscribe, they will be contacted to re-subscribe. The College communicates to occupational therapists by email regarding changes to standards, mandatory registration requirements, public consultations and more. We strive to keep communication relevant and to a minimum.

20 Bay Street, Suite 900, Toronto, ON · 416.214.1177 1.800.890.6570 · ·