It is my sincere hope that our Arts and Sciences community of alumni, students, faculty and staff, along with their families, stay healthy and safe through the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

In this time of great uncertainty, I have been heartened by the tremendous response of our University community to the challenges posed by the current situation. The College of Arts and Sciences, along with the rest of the University, continues to operate and, while we are not meeting on campus, we have transitioned to online instruction and will be graduating our class of 2020 this spring.

It pleases me greatly to tell you that this transition to online instruction has gone very well overall. While challenges remain, our College is in a good position to address the current challenges posed by remote learning, and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the faculty and staff of our College who are admirably meeting them every day.

I hope that this month’s newsletter will convince you that the College of Arts and Sciences will continue to advance its mission of teaching, research, and service despite the immense challenges currently facing our country and the world.

- Dr. Andrzej Wierzbicki