The Disciple Newsletter
In This Issue
April Schedules
Online Giving
Ingles Cards
Susanna Wesley Circle
Easter Services
A Message from Wes
Children's Ministry
Music Ministry
Bridal Showers
Ugly Quilts
Stephen Minister
Howell's Newsletter
Caleb Grindstaff's letter
Rec House
Quick Links
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April Schedule:
Snacks:   4/2-Jan Scott & Susan Rozmus ; 4/9-Donna Banks & Lynn Walker; 4/16- John & Suzette Renfro; 4/23-Sharon Helsher; 4/30-Sharon Honeycutt

Greeters:    4/2-Charles Dellinger; 4/9-Virginia Ray; 4/16-Bob Drummond; 4/23-Wampler's; 4/30-Nelson's

Scripture Readers: 4/2-Linda Richmond; 4/9-Russ Darnall 4/16-Mary Tom Aldridge; 4/23-Teri Darnall; 4/30-Erika Tyner

Youth Dinners: 4/2- Molly Lawrence; 4/9-Tracy Howell; 4/16-no dinner; 4/23-Gwen Reynolds; 4/30-Taube & Sheila Roy

Altar Guild for April -Betsy Myers and Phyllis Patterson
Online Giving is
Now Available!
Higgins is offering online giving through EasyTithe!

Try it now, online or through the mobile app!
Please contact the office or send us an email if you have any questions.
Ingles Gift Cards!
Purchase Ingles Cards and 5% of the face value goes directly to Missions. It doesn't cost you anything extra! (If you order a $100 card, $5 will go directly to Missions and you still have $100 purchasing power). It can be used for anything at Ingles including GAS. See Stewart and Rebecca Leadbitter after Celebration service at the Welcome Desk. Sanctuary service participants please drop by the Welcome Desk before Sunday School. Thank you!  
Volunteer Opportunities
We would love to have some more volunteers for "Greeters" and/or "Scripture Readers" for the 11:00 service. Please call the office if you are interested. I
The Susanna Wesley Circle
The Susanna Wesley Circle will meet on Tuesday, April 11th at 9:30 am. in the FLC.  Shirley Ann McAllister will give an Easter program and hostesses are Billie Marie Ray and Mary Nelson.  All ladies are invited!
Some of the Higgins family may have moved, but they are still in our hearts. Send them well wishes!

Ms. Libby Hammond
6500 Gaines Ferry Rd, G5
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
ph: 678-886-7805

Zach & Cori Howell
10126 Ballyclare Ct.
Charlotte, NC 28213

Bev Hunsucker 
209 Hatfield Drive
Franklin, TN 37064
Cell: 828 230-1787

Sam & Ethel Nash
3066 Point Clear Drive
Tega Cay, SC 29708

Emily Sigmon
Furman PMB 29396
3300 Poinsett Highway
Greenville, SC 29613

Mat Sigmon
6 Smythe Street, 3rd
Brookline MA 02445
Low-impact Aerobics class on Monday mornings at 9:00 a.m. for older adults.  It is free!!!  Contact Teri Darnall at 208-1904 for more info
Volunteers Needed to Visit Shut-ins
     Higgins has a growing number of shut-ins who would greatly benefit from your visit. They are often adjusting to one of the following changes: living alone following the death of a spouse, maybe their adjusting to living in a care facility, some may have more pressing health issues and in general they just need a friendly face who will take the time to sit down and have a cup of coffee, just talk, have a devotion or prayer time together and just simply care!
   The word of God directs us to visit those in need. If you feel you would enjoy spending time with one of them, please prayerfully consider contacting either Elaine Dellinger at the 11 o'clock service {PH 682-74524} or Nancy Smith (284-6142) at the 8:30 service to sign up.
You may be surprised that you receive the greater uplifting in spirit by the time you leave them.

"In addition to visits, Higgins will also be serving communion to the home bound or anyone in the community that would like it brought to them the first Sunday of every month. If you'd like to add anyone to the list, be added or would like more info. Contact Deena Bingham (828)208-2377."
Volunteers Needed: 
Our church has been invited to participate in a "Creation Care" booth at our local Earth Day celebration on the Town Square on Saturday, April 22, 10:00 - 3:00.    We have bought a pound of zinnia seeds to share with attendees.  We will include with the seeds a card about how to plant and care for the zinnias and why zinnias are important flowers for pollinators.  We will also include Scripture about the Earth being the Lord's Creation and why we need to care for His Creation.  If this sounds like something you would enjoy helping with, please contact Kristy in the church office.

Monday Prayer
Do you want to see more of God's presence, power and purpose
 in our church?  If you do, please join us in prayer for that purpose alone - to pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  We are meeting each Monday in the Prayer Room at 1:00 and praying for about 20-30 minutes.

Wednesday night prayer:
April 5- Soaking prayer at 6:30 pm in Sanctuary

April 12-Seder meal - no prayer meeting

April 19-Soaking prayer at 6:30 pm in Sanctuary

April 26-Intercessory Prayer in prayer room at 6:30 pm

In Memory of
Raeanna McCourry by Garland and Mary Ann Wampler

In Memory of
Phil Hunsucker by Evalyn Wilkinson

In Memory of
Marie Myers by John & Mary Nelson

Evangelism Explosion will be starting again soon! This leadership training teaches attendees how to live out "The Great Commission," which is Jesus' commandment to go into all the world and preach the gospel. It will begin with a day-long training on Saturday, April 22, from 9-3. We will then meet once a week, on a day yet to be decide, where we will continue to learn how to share our faith and receive practical witnessing experience. Please sign up at the welcome wagon.
Rebuilding Project

Rebuilding project-Volunteers needed:  A mission trip is being planned for April 30-May 5 to Eastern NC for rebuilding from Hurricane Matthew.  We need people with their own tools and little Habitat experience.  Please see Wes if you are interested or email at 

April 2017
Our Vision

Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:37-40, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets."

As the group of believers that meets in the building known as Higgins Memorial UMC, what does that look like?

We love and serve the Lord with all that we are. We live our lives in worship to Him, through serving Him, using the gifts He gave us when He welcomed us as members of His family and joined us to the Body of Christ. (Luke 4:8; John 4:23, Romans 12:5-8, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31). He prepares us for His work through the study of His Word, fellowship with one another, and prayer - equipping us, so that we may accurately speak the truth in love and act in love (Acts 2:42, John 13:35, Ephesians 4:11-16, 2 Timothy 2:15). We fulfill the purpose He has for our lives by acting in God's power, not our own (Luke 24:49, Acts 2:1-4, Titus 2:11-12, Matthew 11:28-29).

As members of His Body, we are driven by God's heart for others so that our hearts are changed (John 13:34-35, Romans 8:5, Ephesians 5:2, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8). We love our neighbors as we love ourselves (Luke 10:25-37). We partner with and involve other churches (Hebrews 10:24-25, Ephesians 4:4, Colossians 1:18).Together, we go out into the community to reach the lost (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15). Together, we serve the hungry and unsafe; youth, particularly those with inactive or absent parents; the homebound; those struggling in poverty; those who feel unloved; and those who don't have biblical understanding (Galatians 6:2). We are a sanctuary for all, just as He is our Sanctuary (Jeremiah 17:12, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 28:7).
Easter Services
Sunrise Service on the Square
 Sunday, April 16 at 6:30 a.m.
Community Wide Easter celebration
Please bring flowers or greenery to the service

Covered dish breakfast to follow at First Baptist Church in
the fellowship hall - will open at 6:00 a.m. to drop off breakfast items
Higgins will continue our regularly scheduled services at 8:30 a.m.

Holy Week Services at Higgins

Palm Sunday, April 9 at 8:30 am or 11:00 am 
Wednesday, April 12 at 6:00 pm.  The Last Supper
Good Friday, April 14 at 6:00 pm
Easter Sunday, April 16 at 8:30 am and 11:00 am
The Wessage
A Message from Wes

My Nicodemus Moment
Nicodemus went through the night to visit Jesus.  Probably because he did not want any of his Pharisee brothers to see him going to a "rebel street preaching" Rabbi for answers to his aching fears, hurts, anxieties, doubts.   Something had kept Nicodemus up that night.  Something was on his mind.  And he was going to get an answer from the only teacher who could answer his question.
Nicodemus was one of the elite 6,000 men of Israel who had pledged to live out the Law of God to the nth degree.   Even more, Nicodemus was one of the very select 70 who sat on the court of the Sanhedrin.   One of the responsibilities of the Sanhedrin was to watch for any false teachers.   This group most certainly was watching Jesus very closely.
So in going to visit Jesus, Nicodemus was stepping close to a defection.  He was getting close to turning his back on the group he identified with - the Pharisees.   But Nicodemus is searching.  He is willing to risk his religious and social reputation to find the answer to his Spiritual Hunger.
Nicodemus didn't even need to ask Jesus.  Jesus already knew Nicodemus' need.   So Jesus said straight off in the conversation,  "To see the Kingdom of God, a person must be born again."   This phrase used by Jesus can be translated as: Born Anew or Born from Above.
Jesus later uses an ancient phrase spoken by the prophets of Israel, "washed of water and the Spirit."
So there it is.  The answer to Nicodemus'  night time questions is to be born all over, again.  So this is not going to be a simple adjustment of attitude or a small change in behavior.   Following Jesus is not a move from Good to Great!  Following Jesus is to become someone very different.
Ultimately, our needs are met by being born of the union of God's Holy Spirit with our flesh lives.
I can think of several Nicodemus moments in my life, times when I was confronted by my need for God to completely remake me --- from the inside out.
How are you doing with the Nicodemus moment?   How is God's Spirit doing a remake project in your life?
In His Grip Forever,

Pastor Wes

A Special Invitation from Pastor Wes
Join us for Evangelism Explosion, April 22
9:00 to 4:00
Includes lunch and all materials
Learn how to share Jesus with others and invite them to become a follower of Jesus also.
More information in this Newsletter
Children's Ministry
A Message from Kim

A True "Sanctuary" for Families
You may have noticed some changes in the Sanctuary.  We are making it a true "sanctuary" for children - a place where they can safely be children and experience worship in meaningful ways for them, and a "Sanctuary" for parents to be able to worship with their children without angry, judgmental stares when their kid's make some noise.
Mainline denominations, such as Methodists, are losing members at an alarming rate, especially young people.  Most people in their twenties and thirties are considering church irrelevant.  Andrea and I have been talking to people in that age group and asking them what would draw them back to church.  The changes we are making are a result of those conversations. 
People with children have told us that they want to walk into a space that gives the message that we are expecting families with children and are glad they are there.  So we have put kids Bibles and bags of activities in the pews and we have made a Kid's Corner with quiet toys and books.  The Kid's Corner is not tucked back in the back where kids can't see and participate in the service.  That would send the message that we don't want kids to be an integral part of our congregation.  Our Kids' Corner is right up front, where the kids and their parents can see and hear and interact with the worship.  We also have a Kids' Message and a Kids' Hymn in the Sanctuary Service which even the adults are enjoying.
We have heard lots of positive feedback from families, and, most importantly, we have started attracting more families.  We have some more ideas that you will see soon.  If you haven't seen our Kids' Corner, go down to the Sanctuary and check it out.  Please invite families to attend the Sanctuary Service at 11:00 each Sunday.

Dear Parents:
Easter is coming up soon and I wanted to let you know what we have planned at Higgins.  Holy Week, the week before Easter, is a very special time for Christians.  It is a time when we focus on the most important event in the history of the world - the death and Resurrection of the Son of God, the Savior of the World.
We have several special events planned for Holy Week and we would love to have your family join us for them.
  • Wednesday, April 12, 6 p.m. - Interactive Family Passover Seder/Last Supper
    amilies will experience the Last Supper together much as the Jesus' disciples did and try some of the same foods that were probably eaten.  (This is not a full meal, so please plan to feed your family something beforehand.  You could just take your kids for a burger right after LIO and then come back.)  This event should last about an hour.
  • Friday, April 14, 6 p.m. - Stations of the Cross Good Friday Service
    Families will take a self-guided tour through "stations" that are designed to help us think about what Jesus suffered as He went to the Cross and to meditate on what His suffering means for us.  Kids will have a booklet with stickers to place on each page as they visit each "station".  We will all gather in the Sanctuary for the culmination of the service.  This entire event should take about an hour.
  • Sunday, April 16 - Resurrection Day!
    • o   6:30 - Sunrise Service on the Burnsville Town Square
    • o   7:00 - Breakfast at First Baptist Church fellowship hall
    • o   8:30 - Celebration Service at Higgins (The LIO Kids have been learning a dance to share at this service* and there will be a Kids' Message.  Please come if you can.)
    • o   10:00 - Easter Egg Hunt and Fun for Kids at Higgins
    • o   11:00 - Sanctuary Service at Higgins that also includes a Kid's Message. 
Adults and teens, if you like to dance we would love to have you dance with us.  Just watch the video and learn the dance and be at the church at 8:15 on Easter Sunday to run through it together.

Everything we do at Higgins is family friendly and come-as-you-are.  Jesus accepts us all as we are and He loves kids!  We would love to have you join us to celebrate HIM!
*You can find the dance the LIO Kids are learning on YouTube.  It's called God is For Us - Dance Moves by Chris McKown.  Please let your kids practice at home if they plan to dance on Easter.  Thanks!

Music Ministry
A Message from Andrea

Prepare Your Heart for Easter
This Good Friday take a walk in Jesus' sandals with us at Higgins Memorial UMC. Our church community is preparing a representation of Christ's Journey to the Cross. On the evening of April 14th , your journey will begin at the church office entrance. This is the only entrance that will be open at that time. As you enter, you will be given a written guide that will include scriptures and prayers that correspond to each classroom that you enter. All the rooms will be set up to depict a different station of Christ's Journey. The stations start with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and end with his burial. Your journey will culminate with everyone in the Sanctuary hearing short reflections on the cross. Music will be provided by the Higgins Music Department and special guests.
Helpful Hints:  Please arrive between 5:45 and 6:05 to start your journey through the stations.  You are allowed to spend as much time as you require in each station to prepare your heart if you feel that you would like to spend a good amount of time in each station come earlier. Enter the church through the church office entrance. Keep this in mind as you find parking.
Children are welcome and a separate children's guide will be provided to help parent's guide young one's along the way. Each station will include a sticker for children to collect in their guide.  The Journey is also handicapped accessible.    
Prayer Ministry
Your prayers are greatly appreciated
You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many. 
- 2 Corinthians 1:11
  • SHUT-IN'S: John & Sharon Cooke; Carol Clack, Mary Gilmour, Pete Hensley and Jerry Helsher
  • Sue & Marvin Holland's daughter, Sharon, is in critical condition in Johnson City
  • Kristy Sutton's father, health issues
  • Pam Shelburne, health issues
  • Andrea Bailey's grandmother, Phyllis Ray, health issues
  • John Nelson and Mary Nelson, health issues
  • Susan Rozmus and her family in the death of her son-in-law, Christopher
  • Bailey Willis, health issues (11 year old niece of Charlie and Stephanie Willis)
  • Bob Gouge, Carlyn Pelton's father, home
  • Sandra Spell, health issues
  • Jim Buckner, health issues
  • Barry Kelly, Heart surgery, home
  • Jenn Chenowith, brain tumor (friend of Diana Noble)
  • Doug Zillweger's brother, Todd (leukemia) 
  • Bill Riddle, health issues
  • Becky Gillespie, Chemo treatments
  • Marie Sharpe, Wes' Mom, health issues
  • Stephen Carver, health issues
  • LB and December Harris, health issues
  • Continued prayer for Jennifer McCourry's family
  • Bobby Jack & Shirley McAlister, health issues
  • Renee Wessel, continued prayer for healing
  • Trudy White, Bevo's Mom who is in hospice
  • Ben and Kelly Johnson (Young Life Staff)
  • Tom Alexander, on-going treatments in Chapel Hill
  • Kristen Brooks, terminal cancer
  • Rhonda McCall, missionary to Ukraine
  • The Kohman Family, CRU missionaries
  • Zach Howell, CRU Missionary to Charlotte Metro Team
  • Pastor Wes and your church staff
  • Sam Howell, US Army
  • J. P. Tabor, Airforce 
  • Our students in college and grad school
  • For children in foster care and foster parents
  • Pray for those who don't know Jesus.
  • Pray for those looking for a job/employment.
  • Pray for caregivers: Those caring for the elderly, parents, children, etc.
Prayer on the Square
April 9, 2017 - Sunday from 4-5 pm across from the Nu Wray Inn. --If the weather is bad, the prayer time will be held in the Family Life Center at Higgins in the classroom next to the kitchen.
Bridal Showers

Cassie Leadbitter & Mitchell Robinson
Sunday, April 2nd
Family Life Center from 2:00-3:30 pm
They are registered at Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond
Sam Bingham & Joey Rannazzisi
Sunday, April 23rd
Family Life Center from 2:00-3:30 pm
They are registered at Bed. Bath & Beyond
April Birthdays

4/2    Erika Tyner                4/15   Carlyn Pelton                
4/4    Lizzie Bingham         4/17   Marc Tyner
4/4    Walt Wiley                4/21   Laurie Perry
4/7    Millie Randolph        4/21   Emilee Willis
4/11   Elaine Dellinger       4/24   Charles Gillespie
4/12   Travis Abernathy     4/26   Britney Harris
4/14   Deena Bingham       4/26   Mary Ann Wampler
4/14   Jamie Ray                4/30   Taylor Banks
4/14   Marcia Schoen         4/30   Leigh Bennett
April Anniversaries
4/2      Marc & Erika Tyner
4/6      Randall & Kim Garland
4/7      Darrell & Mary Alice Beaver
4/17    Jim & Julena McQueen
4/17    Charles & Nancy Williams (63 years)
4/22    Mike & Carlyn Pelton
4/23    Travis & Karen Abernathy
4/24    Jimmy & Virginia Ray
Ugly Quilts

 Ugly Quilts sent 11 quilts to Family Violence in March.  Thank you ladies for all you do!!!!!!!!

Mary Tom Aldridge, Marilyn Gulesian, Nancy Williams, Phyllis Patterson, Sandy Reynolds, Mary Nelson and Helene Moore.

Stephen Minister
Ever Thought about Becoming a Stephen Minister?

Higgins  will be training a class of Stephen Ministers on beginning late April.  Stephen Ministers work alongside our pastor to care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support to people who are going through a difficult time, such as divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment, terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness, or loneliness. If you have gifts for caring, encouragement, and listening, please prayerfully consider whether you might want to be part of this exciting ministry. If you think you might be interested, talk with one of our Stephen Ministry Leaders:  Julie Spitzer or John Rice.  Or you may contact Julie at home:  919-302-0897

Zach & Cori Howell's Newsletters

Letter from Caleb Grindstaff
March 1, 2017
Dear Family and Friends,
I am writing this letter because I have felt God leading me to take a year before college to focus on Him and His calling on my life. As I prayed, I felt led to serve with an organization called YWAM, and I have now been accepted into the program in North Cascades, Washington. YWAM, which stands for Youth With A Mission, is an international, non-profit, non-denominational, Christian organization whose main purpose is to minister to people around the world through evangelism, training, and mercy. On September 22, 2017, I will be on my way to starting my discipleship training for three and half months, and then sometime in December I will be sent to another country, such as Asia or Africa, to put my missionary training to practice for three and half months. However, this amazing experience that I have been blessed with will cost about $7,300 for education/boarding/food and travel. God has given me the passion to change the world through mission work, and I would be honored if you could help by donating and help fund me. I am asking you to pray about it and whatever God tells you to give, and then please give. Whether it be $500 or $5, anything will be a blessing to me and my dream and will be greatly appreciated!
To learn more about YWAM, go to   You can send donation to 489 Pollard Mine Rd, Burnsville, North Carolina 28714

Trusting in His provision,
Caleb Grindstaff

Reconciliation House