From Ann Vaughn, President


First off, I want to extend my continuing thanks to the many FAC members who have devoted a substantial amount of their time and thought to the grant review process and most recently have been participating in site visits—in person, this year! 

I have heard over and over again how truly inspired reviewers have been as they have read about the heroic work that is going on in our metropolitan area to change lives; even women who are directly involved in community nonprofit work report that they learn a tremendous amount through the grant review process.

After the committees deliberate and select finalists, the work—for every member— begins anew. We need to look at all of the finalist proposals with this lens: Which organization is likely to have the most significant impact with regard to addressing unmet needs and mitigating systemic inequity? Your first opportunity to “meet” these organizations and begin to evaluate their work begins with our (virtual) Meet the Finalists event on June 5th. Shortly thereafter, you will receive executive summaries of finalist proposals. And before the opportunity to vote, you will hear from each of the finalists as they describe in their own words the impact of their work. In other words, you do not need to have participated in grant review work to make an informed decision.

You will see this recommendation more than once before we vote for the $100,000 Grantee on June 20. Please join us in getting to know these amazing organizations who are doing such important work in our region, and be sure to cast your vote in June. Every member’s voice is critical to this process.  



Grants Update: Site Visits Are Underway!

Our Focus Area Committees have narrowed applications down to our semifinalists, and so we are now in the next phase of our grant review.

  • April 10 to May 9: Site visits and final review to narrow semifinalists to finalists
  • June 5: Finalists publicly announced at our virtual Meet the Finalists event
  • June 20: $100,000 grant recipient announced at The Big Give event

**Note: We're in the process of assembling leadership teams for our focus area committee work next year. If you are interested in co-chairing a committee (health & wellness, education, arts & culture, environment or family), please contact Sharon Dennis at sdennis@impact100dc.org.

On the Calendar: Upcoming Events

Meet the Finalists

Mark your calendars for a virtual event on June 5 to meet our four finalists for our 2023 grant cycle. Zoom link and other details to follow.

The Big Give

Our annual celebration, including the announcement of our $100,000 grant recipient, will take place on the evening of June 20. Details to follow, but mark your calendars now!

Volunteer Opportunities for Our Network

GALA Theatre, one of our 2022 finalists, is still looking for volunteers for their upcoming fundraiser on Monday, May 8! Help them manage the check-in/check-out process this marquis event that supports their incredible programs. For details, email their Executive Director Rebecca Medrano at rebecca@galatheatre.org.

Members: Join our LinkedIn Group!

Want to stay up to date on professional and social opportunities with Impact100 DC?

Want to share ideas and expertise about nonprofits and philanthropy?

Want to network with other members and get to know this dynamic group of women?

Members are invited to join our LinkedIn group to accomplish all of the above! Don't miss out!

Join our LinkedIn Group

Speaking of Meeting our Members...

Read our April Member Profile

Cheryl Lewis Hawkins

written by founding member Joan de Pontet

Cheryl Hawkins, center, at our Supra event

As the Founder and CEO of Prosperity Media Enterprise, Inc. which helps non-profits tap the power of media, Cheryl Lewis Hawkins has a keen appreciation of the effort it takes for local, equity-based organizations to apply for grants and how unusual it is for them to have an opportunity to garner a “national-scale”

grant of $100,000. She finds Impact100 DC’s

focus wonderful and is pleased to be with professional women who have the heart to help the community and make a real difference

Born and raised in Alexandria, VA, Hawkins became a mom when she was 19. She dedicated herself to raising her son and as he began to explore his interests, she did some “self-analysis” about her own. She loved movies, and Ruby Dee was an inspiration. Hawkins pursued a Certification in Acting and Production and in an open audition at Arena Stage met an actor, Joseph Pinckney, who had worked with Ruby Dee. That was the beginning of a long collaboration between Hawkins and Pinckney including a theater production, “Jagged Pieces of Black History” and their award-winning series for Howard University TV, “All Things Considered Black.”

As Hawkins focused on TV, she also earned her BA in Mass Media Arts (TV Production) from UDC, her MA in Communications (Public Affairs Broadcast Journalism) at American University and is currently an ABD (all but dissertation) Ph.D. candidate at Howard University where her interests are United States/Public History with a focus on the history of the African American Community of Alexandria during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Professionally, Hawkins is a senior producer with UDC-TV and for almost 20 years was the producer and host of “UDC Books,” one of the country’s longest running book shows. She is also VP and Executive Producer of Koalaty Entertainment, a full-service narrative and documentary film production company. She has been married to Rodney Hawkins, owner of Washington Technology Group, for 35 years.

Cheryl and Impact100 DC member Carole Mumin are working together with the Mayor’s Office to hopefully produce a TV show featuring the non-profits who receive Impact100 DC’s support. She noted that she loved that Impact100 DC shared its funding beyond the $100,000 award with other finalists and featured their work. She hopes that a TV/media coverage will provide yet another way to be impactful.


During our founding year, many members submitted short quotes, along with your picture, on what attracted you to Impact100 DC.

Those quotes remain powerful testaments to the collective work we are doing, and we’d like to refresh that project. 

For those of you who did not participate previously, or who did and would like to send a new thought, we would love to hear from you as to what aspect(s) of your experience with Impact100 DC you have found to be especially valuable - or what attracted you to Impact100 DC.

Please send your quote and high resolution pic to avaughn@impact100dc.org.

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Impact100 DC
PO Box 40121
Washington, DC 20016
Phone: 202-379-4773