Respecting the Human Body
The USCCB Committee on Doctrine published guidance to Catholic health care institutions regarding respect for the integrity of the human body.

This welcome clarification comes in light of numerous medical procedures that seek to undermine bodily integrity in the name of reflecting the will of the patient, rather than healing, especially "Gender Affirming Care".

Healing the Many Wounds of Pornography
Amanda Zurface of Covenant Eyes joined the podcast to introduce Safe Haven Sunday, which helps parishes address the widespread impact of pornography in a way that can bring healing for families.

Before that, we uncovered the "Spooky Body" problem of how we think about our souls, with the help of Dr. Therese Scarpelli Cory.

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Communion and "Inclusion"?
Controversy continued regarding the possibility of admitting those in manifest grave sin to communion, in what proponents call "radical inclusion". Particularly in regard to Catholics who habitually engage in same-sex sexual activity and those who are divorced and civilly remarried, prominent American bishops have taken opposite sides, including our chairman, Bishop Barron.
Legal/Policy Updates
Women's Sports – The USCCB reiterated its support for the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act in a letter to congress. The bill would ensure fair opportunities for female athletes without unfair advantages for female-identifying male athletes.

Sports on the World Stage – World Athletics, which governs track & field events, along with other running competitions, updated its guidelines to protect women's sports, prohibiting female-identifying men who have undergone "male puberty from competing in women's sports.

SOCE Outcomes – A Catholic University professor, Fr. Paul Sullins, gave an interview on the research regarding the outcomes of "Sexual Orientation Change Efforts" (SOCE), which are non-coercive, unlike the practices historically understood as "conversion therapy". Bans on "conversion therapy" often lump the two together, but Fr. Sullins's research shows that the outcomes of SOCE differ considerably from coercive methods, which are no longer practiced.

StatesArkansas and Idaho passed bills ensuring public school students would use bathrooms in accord with biological sex. The Florida government is proposing that higher grades should be covered by the Parental Rights in Education law, labeled by critics as the “Don’t Say Gay bill”. Currently the bill only applies to grades K-3. Georgia passed a bill banning GAC for minors, the governor of Kentucky vetoed a similar bill passed by the legislature, and the Missouri and Montana legislatures advanced similar bills. The Kansas State Senate passed the Woman's Bill of Rights, defining male and female along biological lines. Minnesota passed a bill preventing child removal and extradition requests on the basis of GAC, including patients from other states that have banned GAC.

International – The Indian government opposed recognizing same-sex "marriage" in a filing to its Supreme Court, which is currently hearing a landmark case on the subject. The Italian government instructed the city of Milan to stop recognizing both members of same-sex couples as parents of children in city records. A bill was introduced in Japanese parliament to recognize same-sex "marriage". Panama's supreme court ruled against the constitutionality of same-sex "marriage".