Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
I know it's spring, I'm sure it's spring, so why does it keep snowing? This is a cruel joke!
It's time to celebrate the rebirth of nature. The trees are budding, but where is the grass? Allergies are making themselves known, but where are the daffodils and tulips? The birds and other animals are exhibiting "spring" behaviors, so I have no doubt spring will soon make itself visible!
"Come on Spring, we're anticipating your arrival!"
The MASWA Board
Minneapolis Area Senior Worker's Association
Membership Meeting
Thursday, April 26, 2018
2:20 pm - Sign In/Networking
2:40 pm - Introduction/Announcements
3:00 pm - Program
4:00 pm - Adjourn
TOPIC: Alcoholism, Addiction and
Aging (1 CEU)
SPEAKER: Rev. Dr. John A. MacDougall
Speaker's Biography:
John MacDougall is the Spiritual Care Coordinator at The Retreat, in Wayzata, Minnesota. The Retreat is a Twelve Step based, residential immersion program for recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction.
Dr. MacDougall is a graduate of Rutgers University, Princeton Theological Seminary, and the Theological School of Drew University, with a Doctor of Ministry degree focusing on family therapy with families troubled by chemical dependency. From 1994 to 2014 he worked at Hazelden in Center City, MN, with the last twelve years as Director of Spiritual Guidance. He was an instructor in the Graduate Schools of Addiction Studies at Rowan University and at Hazelden.
He was co-author with Bowen White, M.D. of Clinician's Guide to Spirituality, published in 2001 by McGraw-Hill, and is the author of Being Sober and Becoming Happy, published in 2013 by Amazon.
To understand alcoholism and addiction as a brain disease.
To identify additional issues that are present for people over age 55.
To discover how and why Twelve Step Programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous
and Narcotics Anonymous work well as recovery plans for older adults.
Calvary Lutheran Church
7520 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN 55427
directions and parking info:
Call Karen Mandile, 952-345-4405, MASWA Program Chair,
with questions related to this program.
Certificates of Attendance (CEU) will be available. Annual Membership fee $30.00 Guest fee $5.00
We have been working hard to find board members for the coming two years. We have some great people serving on the current board and we are so fortunate that several of them are continuing on, either finishing up their term with another year to serve or there are some who have agreed to serve another two-year term. We still have a couple of openings and I'm asking you to consider serving on the MASWA board for a two-year term. The openings are:
1. Program Chair - This position secures speakers for the membership meetings, as well as securing a sponsor for the membership meetings. The term for this position is from June 1, 2018 - May 31, 2020. I should mention the speakers and sponsors are scheduled for the rest of this year, therefore the individual who volunteers for this position can start working on speakers and sponsors for next year.
2. Members-at-Large - We need two more members-at-large. These individuals are responsible for planning the Spring Luncheon and Annual Meeting. This is a fun committee to be on. If you like planning parties, you will enjoy this position. The term is from June 1, 2018 - May 31, 2020. We already have one member-at-large, but it is a three person job.
3. Nomination Chair - This position nominates individuals to serve on the board of directors. It requires a person who knows a lot of people and isn't afraid to ask them to serve on the MASWA board. This person also works with the Past President, who is their committee member.
If you would like to know more about any of these positions, feel free to ask any board member for more information. The new board will be introduced at the Spring Luncheon and Annual Meeting on May 10, 2018 at the Plymouth Creek Community Center.
The Board has also been working on selecting organizations to receive our charity donations this year. It is always a struggle because there are so many organizations that could benefit from a donation. Our criteria is that the organization provides services or products to enhance the life of seniors in the Minneapolis area. After much discussion, the board has decided to award two donations this year. The organizations we chose are "Gifts for Seniors" and "Training to Serve". Gifts for Seniors provides Christmas gifts for seniors who do not have families to celebrate Christmas with. Training to Serve is an organization that has trained 10,000 individuals to provide appropriate care for LGBT seniors. Both organizations will receive $2500.00 from MASWA.
I'm looking forward to seeing all of you at this month's membership meeting and the Spring Luncheon and Annual Meeting on May 10th. Until then, take care!
Save The Date!
MASWA Spring Luncheon & Annual Meeting
Plymouth Creekside Community Center
14800 34th Ave. No.
Plymouth, MN 55447
Thursday, May 10, 2018
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Cost: $30 members; $50 non-members; $60 for everyone after 4/20/deadline
You can sign up online at the MASWA website
Vendor and Sponsor Opportunities Available!
Contact Anne Tabat for more information.
Public Policy Meeting - Save The Date
Thursday, June 28, 2018
2:20 - 4:00 p.m.
Calvary Lutheran Church
Golden Valley, MN
For the latest news on Public Policy, go to the Public Policy page on the MASWA website.
Minneapolis Area Seniors Workers Association
P.O. Box 26630
Minneapolis, MN 55426