This entire month is our Tucson Trunk Sale (look for the BALLOONS at our Event Center Entrance and read more below), but we will also be out this first weekend. Look for us at the Austin Metaphysical and Holistic Life Expo on Saturday, April 2 from 10-6 and Sunday, April 3 from 11-6 at the Norris Center, located near the corner of Burnet and Anderson Lane here in Austin. We will be showcasing some of our new inventory from the Tucson buying trip including crystals and minerals from Madagascar, Morocco, Indonesia and other exotic locations. We will also have our booth at the monthly San Antonio Healing Arts Festival & Market on Sunday April 3 from 11-6 at the Hilton Garden Inn in San Antonio. Be sure to come by our booths and say hi if you find yourself in the vicinity. We continue to support our local neighborhood nature projects through the Friends of Patterson Park and the Austin Parks Foundation.
Holidays this month start on the 1st with April Fools' Day (one of the only widely practiced holidays that no one has definite knowledge as to exactly why and when it was started) and the first day of Ramadan. World Health Day on April 7th was established when the World Health Organization was founded in 1948, designed to bring awareness internationally to specific health issues that need global attention. This year April holds the Christian observation of Jesus Christ sacrifice beginning Sunday, April 10th with Palm Sunday (the beginning of the Holy Week), followed with Good Friday on the 15th and culminating on the 17th with Easter Sunday.
The latter part of the month we call attention to our Mother Earth with Earth Day celebrated internationally on April 22nd. We celebrate and offer support by donating a percentage of our sales that day to our local Rainforest Partnership organization. Please consider choosing this day to come browse and find your must have crystal, or scroll down to our Featured Affiliate section to donate directly!
The last event to call your attention to is Arbor Day on April 29th. This holiday was officially established in 1872 with president Nixon making it a National Holiday in 1970. To honor this day please consider planting plants and a tree, also known as natures lungs, somewhere/anywhere. If you’re not feeling the green thumb vibe check out these other options for gifting and honoring people and events with a tree at some of the following web sites:
Our online store is welcoming Spring with our Spring Scents Sales Event exclusively on our website. Stock up on your favorite incense and accessories, candles and oils at up to 50% off while supplies last. Be sure to check out the online store’s new supply of crystals and minerals from our Tucson buying trip. They have their own collection of crystals and minerals to explore and purchase. We are excited to announce the availability of our new Nature’s Treasures App. You can now download our app and get 10% off your first in-app purchase! What a great time saver and direct way to stay connected to our Nature’s Treasures family of knowledge and events.
Spring has sprung! Bluebonnets and wildflowers are up and blooming showing us their majestic beauty. Now is a great time to go find a bunch of bluebonnets and take a selfie or great picture with those you love. I promise you, if you make this an annual tradition, then you will treasure the time spent time and time again.. ❤️
Please everyone, continue to stay safe and healthy.
Karen and the Staff
16th Annual Tucson Trunk Show
Let the party begin!! We’re opening our doors at 11:00 on Friday, April 1st and officially beginning our 16th Annual Tucson Trunk Sale. The tables are loaded with flats and flats of goodies to see, touch and discover. We will be running our Tucson Trunk Show for the whole month of April, continually restocking and processing new merchandise for you to explore the whole month. Be sure to check out our features, sneak peaks and updates HERE and SUBSCRIBE HERE for our Special Sales & Events e-mail updates!
14th Annual Tucson Trunk Show, 2019
How the Auditorium looks pre-show...
Boxes, Barrels and Pallets, Oh My!!!
Why is it called the Tucson Trunk Show?
After returning from what we thought then was a huge inventory purchase at the International Tucson Gem , Mineral, Jewelry and Fossil shows in 2006, we decided the best way to showcase all the new inventory was to have a sale designed to look like the Tucson Show . We set up tables outside and loaded them with merchandise still in flats and basically unprocessed. Originally this event was known as the Tucson Truck Sale. As the years progressed, we grew to have semi-truckloads of new goodies delivered all at one time from the annual International Gem & Jewelry Shows in Tucson, Arizona. During those times all of the crystals, minerals, statues and bulk rock would be delivered by semi-trucks to our sister company that had a loading dock before being transported to our store using a fleet of 20+ foot long moving trucks. Some of these goodies were marked with a discounted retail price when they arrived to us so we decided to called it our Tucson Truck Sale.
However, over the years, people got confused when we would advertise our Tucson Truck Sale and thought we were selling trucks (believe it or not, it's true!) and that everything in the show was on sale. Eventually, we adjusted the name to better reflect the showcasing nature of the many treasures we make available during this annual event. Now, for our Annual Tucson Trunk Sales, we have a vast number of smaller deliveries made throughout a longer time frame. After the major buying event in Tucson, we still haul back what we can, but instead of semi-truck loads, we were able to reduce our specialty buying to fit on a 24 foot long trailer brought home thanks to DG Moving Forward (seen above as we unload the trailer).
Although the name has evolved over the years, the anticipation and magnitude of this event remains as impressive as always with new jewelry, crystals, minerals, and other treasures!
When do you plan to attend the 16th Annual Tucson Trunk Show?
When will you be coming to the Tucson Trunk Show?
Opening day! Have to get my first picks!
Sometime in the opening weekend!
During the week after opening to avoid the rush!
In the middle of the show since new treasures go out each week!
Final weekend of the show so I get to see everything that's available!
I'm coming every week/weekend to check out what's new!
16th Annual Tucson Trunk Show
Preview Poll Results
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Trunk Show Preview Poll. We started out with about a dozen of our favorite crystals and narrowed it down to 5 finalists. Here are the results!
Looks like everyone is Heart Chakra oriented this season with pink Rose Quartz and green Fluorite tying for first! Amethyst came in as the runner-up followed closely by Prehnite!
Click HERE -AND- HERE to read more about Fluorite
Click HERE to read more about Rose Quartz (and other love stones)
Nature's Treasures ONLINE!
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* Hand Selected Crystals from Premium Mines & Vendors around the World
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Version History
Mar 30, 2022 Version 1.6
• New and improved user accounts
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Pink Mangana Calcite Dragons Teeth Stand-ups ||...
Pink Calcite is a variety of Calcite. It is a calcium carbonate mineral that usually crystallizes in large mass formations. The pink color is caused by tiny inclusions of Manganese, which can range from a light white-pink, to an extremely bold...
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Free Standard Shipping for Domestic Order over $50.00
Shop online with confidence -- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, Free Return Shipping. Details HERE.
Banded Carnelian Worry Stone || Confidence || Madagascar
This Banded Carnelian Worry Stone would be perfect to have placed in your home or work environment. Carnelian is a protective stone that exudes a gentle and stable energy. Carnelian can stimulate your analytical talents and bridge between the...
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Kalachakra Tibetan Mantra Bracelet w/ Reconstituted...
1.25" Inch Silver Tone Metal w/ Reconstituted Turquoise. Adjustable & Gender Neutral. Made in Nepal.
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Check out with Shop Pay for carbon-neutral deliveries
Restoring the Casamance Mangroves
We're working with WeForest to plant 4.6M mangrove trees in Senegal, Africa. Choose Shop Pay and together we will:
*Rebuild habitat for endangered species and wildlife
*Grow fish populations and support sustainable harvesting
*Capture the CO₂ produced by our Shop Pay deliveries
Bring Nature Home with
Crystal Wisdom:
Information & News
Learn about crystals, what they mean, where they come from, and how to use them!
Blogs from our Crystal Wisdom: News & Information blog (below) can be read time
Thank you for your continued patience as we reorder and restock some of our most popular items! We hear your needs and are doing our best to order and process new inventory as quickly as possible despite the delayed supply chain due to COVID-19 (although things are getting better, many manufacturers and vendors had to reduce production or stop completely).
Keep an eye out on the Showroom Floor later this month for these and other popular items!
From the Crystal Wisdom: Information & News Blog available online!
Top 7 Ways to Work with Lemurian Seed Quartz Crystals
By working with Lemurian Seeds, we can create a holographic connection of unity between the Inner Earth realm, the Earth's surface, and the stellar regions from whence they came. Working with one Lemurian Seed can tap you into the entire network.
Read more
Featured Agate - Well almost agate...
Blue Mountain Jasper
Blue Mountain Jasper is n the same family as quartz, agate, chert, flint and petrified wood, that is the quartz group of SiO2.
This variety is mined in eastern Oregon, Blue Mountain, Malheur County to be exact. The miner is Dale Huett and he sells the rough material to cutters like us for retail sales.
The specimen shown is about 4 pounds and 7" x 5" across the polished face.
Featured Fossil : Spinosaurus
Spinosaurus meaning “spine lizard” went extinct nearly 99 million years ago. They lived in what is now North Africa. There are two varieties of this species that came from Egypt and a recent discovery found in Morocco. The Spinosaurus is documented as the largest of all terrestrial carnivores, grouped among other large carnivores, like the Tyrannosaurus Rex.
They measured up to 59 feet long and could weigh as much as 23 tons. They are recognized mostly for their five foot tall, sail-like back structure which could possibly have helped regulate their body temperature within any environment. Much like crocodiles of today, the Spinosaurus was semiaquatic, living both on land and in the water. Their diet consisted of primarily fish and land animals. Spinosaurus teeth had a straight conical shape with no serrations. Are you biting off more than you can chew? Perhaps, harness your inner Spinosaurus (by carrying a fossilized tooth) to maintain a balance within your environment and make room for new adventures.
Kate has lived in Austin virtually her whole life (minus a few years that she spent in Dallas for high school). Her crystal journey began not too long after visiting NT for the first time almost 4 years ago. She was immediately hooked after getting the basics (amethyst, a gem tree etc.). Now after working for Nature's Treasures for over a year, she has learned more about crystals than she ever imagined possible. Kate is studying to become an environmental scientist, so she loves everything "nature". Being in a fun and mental stimulating atmosphere like NT keeps her days filled with joy. She also loves to dance, play music, sing and expressing herself through her clothes. Speaking to customers about crystals and helping them on their own spiritual journey makes work fun.
My favorite crystal is currently all kinds of agate. As a Gemini I need to work with my feminine and masculine energies equally, and agate allows me to do that.
In The Community Events Center
The Nature's Treasures Community Events Center Auditorium is available for new reservations beginning May 1st! Keep an eye out for new upcoming events!
Stay tuned in to our Calendar and Upcoming Events Pages for the latest updates on events being held in our Community Events Center.
Classes | Lectures | Workshops & More
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft (56' x 40') Auditorium that seats 150 available for your event.
Daily Practitioners are Back!
We are so happy to welcome back our practitioners this month.
Practitioners will be available for private sessions in-store from 11:30a-5p.
Personal Shopping Services
Sunday, March 27th
Austin's Crystal Whisperer
Stay tuned for updates with Austin's Crystal Whisperer returning to Nature's Treasures to help you find the perfect crystals to go home with you. Update your e-mail subscriptions and remember to subscribe for Practitioner Updates for news! Dianna does offer facetime shopping visits, contact her for details. austinscrystalwhisperer@gmail.com
Intuitive Jewelry Services
Call Ahead for Availability, Saturdays Only
Crystal Heart Studio
Ask for Merlyn, a wire-wrapper and jewelry-maker who lets her intuition guide the creation of unique wearable art. Whether you want to bring in your own crystal or have Merlyn help you find the perfect crystal for you in-store, she will then combine the stone with others and harmonize their energies with assorted metals. Available for walk-ins most Saturdays in the Retail Showroom.
Austin Metaphysical & Holistic Life Expo
April 2nd, 10a-6p
April 3rd, 11a-6p,
$10 Admission
Find Out More!
Austin Gem & Mineral Society
First Saturday Meet-Up
April 2nd, 10a-2p
FREE Admission
Mark your calendars and plan to attend the AGMS First Saturday Meet-Up and Network events April through September 2022!
First Saturday events provide opportunities for Members to meet Members; learn about club events, activities and outings; talk with experts; learn more about our beloved hobby; exchange information, learn and share your interests.
April 2nd, 10a-2p, Free Admission
The Healing Arts Festival & Market
Sunday, April 3, 11a-6p
in San Antonio
Don't want to drive into Austin and wait in line to get into the store? Visit our booth at The Healing Arts Festival & Market to get your crystals and interact with a myriad of practitioners and vendors all with unique gifts and products!
April UPDATES: COVID-19 Safety Protocols
Thank you to everyone who has continued to support Nature's Treasures during this pandemic. We know everyone is ready for things to be back to normal, and so are we! Assuming we do not see a COVID spike after SXSW, we will be using the following protocols during the Trunk Show. Click HERE for the most current protocols and updates.
If you feel or are showing symptoms of being sick, please STAY HOME and SHOP ONLINE!
*2-ply masks that cover both nose and mouth are RECOMMENDED but not required
*Physical distancing will continue to be encouraged at check-out
*Main Building has 1 Entrance in the Auditorium and 1 Exit in the Showroom; Rock Depot has a separate Entrance/Exit
*Capacity will be increased to 200 customers in the Auditorium Trunk Show/Retail Showroom and 40 customers in the Rock Depot/Yard
*1 restroom will be available for customers
*No food or drink allowed
*Personal items larger than 8"x10" will not be allowed in the Retail Building
*Practitioners will be available Monday through Friday until 5:15 pm; Practitioner Schedules available HERE!
~Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we bring you treasures from around the world!~
*If you show symptoms of COVID-19 or feel sick, please Stay Home
*Online Shopping, FREE Curbside Pickup and FREE Personal Shopping available for individuals that cannot wear masks
*Storefront Hours: 11a-5:50p, Daily
*Max Retail Capacity: 100 customers
*Max Depot Capacity: 30 customers
*2-ply face covering is recommended
*Physical distancing exercised at entry & check out
*Layaways, returns/Exchanges, and wholesale/tax exempt purchases by appointment only
*Large bags, backpacks, purses, etc not allowed in Retail Showroom
Nature's Treasures will continue to review recommendations made by local government and the Center for Disease Control to move forward in a socially responsible way to best support staff, customers, the community and the economy.
If you would like to be added to a COVID-19 Response Notification to stay updated on the Nature's Treasures plan-of-action, please update your e-mail subscriptions HERE.
The Rainforest Partnership
Join us this Earth Day on Friday, April 22nd to celebrate Mother Earth and all of her beauty. This year we will be donating 20% of our Earth Day proceeds to help the Rainforest Partnership establish and maintain ecological communities around the globe!
Click HERE to visit their website!
Contact Information
Phone: 512.472.5015
Store Hours
Sunday - Saturday 11:00a - 5:50p
Visit NTRocks.com for Holiday Hours
Look For Us On Social Media