April Newsletter 
Inside This Issue
Quick Links
Connect in Athens!
Thursday, May 5th
Check out city-wide Nat'l DOP events happening in Athens on May 5th. 

+ Breakfast at the Classic Center. 
Prayer on the Athens Courthouse steps at Noon. 
+  Prayer gathering at Cornerstone Church in the evening. 

Women of Destiny
Want to connect with women's ministries in Athens and beyond? Join us on Saturday, April 30th for a women's ministry fair,
Women of Destiny

Ministry Job Board
See and submit local ministry job listings at our Community Job Board.  ACMin Job Board

Who's Praying? 

Use ACMin's Connect Page to keep up with special or seasonal
prayer and ministry training opportunities. Connect Page

April 2016 
Dear ACMin Family & Friends, 

We are excited to share with you our new mobile-friendly newsletter format! See the links to the left to navigate  Inside this Issue and to see Quick Links  for event and course webpages. 
April at ACMin
Image by artist and ACMin Board member, Dr. Mary Padgelek.
All God's Promises

As believers, we pray to have the 'mind of Christ' (1 Cor  2:16 ) and to 'be transformed by the renewing of our minds' (Rom12:2). And yet, we are often assaulted by negative, fearful, and defeated thoughts, expecting the worst and making contingency plans in case of a disaster.  We are surrounded by 'negative speak' (Luke  6:45 ). The Lord knows the evil in our hearts (Mark 2:8).
Thank goodness He gave us His Word, full of repeated assurances that He will never leave us or forsake us (Deut 31:6),  that those who put their hope in Him will not be disappointed (Is 49-23) , and that He fulfills the desires of our hearts (Ps 37:4).  And as if His promises were insufficient, He reminds us in 2 Corinthians 1:20 that all of His promises are 'Yes!' in Christ

Beloved, may today be the first day of the rest of a life filled with positive and hopeful expectations, based on the fact that God is still on His throne, ruling and reigning with love, justice, and mercy.  May all of your negative expectations be replaced with God's 'Yes!' in Christ.

Upcoming Courses 

Registration is now open for Summer courses like: 
  • Biblical Foundations of Worship, July 11th-15th, a week-long intensive course on the nature and practice of biblical, Christ-centered worship. Early registration discount until June 1st.
  • Walking in Sonship, July 11th-15th, a week-long intensive on identity and healing trauma/shame. Early registration discount until June 1st. 
  • New Testament Survey, May 3rd-Aug 9th.
See the  Quick Links  to the left to find our Summer Course Schedule.

 Transformed! Conference

Join Athens College of Ministry at the annual
Transformed! Conference coming June 10th & 11th here in Athens, GA where participants will attend in-depth, tranformative teaching sessions exploring the truth that we prosper "As Your Soul Prospers."
for more information. 
Faculty Spotlight: 
Meet John Rogeberg!

"When I graduated high school, I packed my stuff up and moved to Alaska," said John Rogeberg, ACMin's new Apologetics professor. 

"I think everyone thought, 'He'll get to Tennessee and turn around,' but I kept going. My whole goal was to find God for myself. I didn't have another plan."

John grew up in a strong Christian home with a Father who worked in ministry with Pat Robertson, Charles Stanley, James Kennedy and eventually retired with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. But at 15, John "wasn't feeling the church scene anymore. I just faded away."

So, a 19-year-old John moved 100 miles out of the closest Alaskan town and spent over 3 years living alone. "I worked temporary jobs, played in a lot of bands," said John. "But my whole goal was to find God for myself." John's search led him to study every religion. He even began to accept Universalism, until "C.S. Lewis put me in my place. He talked about how Jesus is either a liar or exactly who He says He is," said John, now convinced that eternity is a one-way road. "That was transformational for me."

John met his wife Karen in 2001 and brought her to Alaska to live until, "the darkness got to her in the winter time." So, the native Floridians moved back to the sunshine state. But God had other plans.

On Saturday, March 19th, more than  100  volunteers  
from 10+ different churches made themselves available for God to use in service to Athens. What an awesome example of unity, generosity, and love! Check out the   video recap   of ServeAthens ICN 2016 to see what we did! 

Our steering committee was blessed to have the unmatched passion and input of Andrew Wilkin, founder of Homeless Help Card, throughout the planning process for ServeAthens ICN. Be sure to purchase the HHCard that Andrew spoke about at the luncheon through ACMin's HHCard page! Let's help Andrew keep up the good work! 
2016 Campaign for Growth

Our college is excited to be growing into full accreditation. To get there, we're adding staff and students, and even making plans to move to our own campus!

The Athens College of Ministry belongs to all believers as a regional resource in Northeast Georgia and beyond. Will you consider helping to advance our narrative with your financial gifts like:

A monthly pledge 
to the ACMin Annual Fund

A one-time stretch gift 
to help purchase our campus

Click here for full details about the 2016 Campaign for Growth.

Athens College of Ministry | 706-769-1472 | acmininfo@acmin.org
P.O. Box 7953
Athens, GA 30604