April 22, 2018         

With Spring fully sprung in Naramata, we are busy preparing for our spring and summer guests and also for the celebration of our 70th Anniversary. This is an exciting time! 

Programs and accommodations are filling, Book today: choose the week(s) you wish to come, then go to Spring, Summer or Fall to find the program you like, and click the orange Register Now button. See you at the Centre! 

June 23 - Save The Date!
70th Anniversary Celebrations
Photo: Barb Green
Winter Session alumni from four different decades.
The Board invites you to join us June 23rd for our 70th anniversary festivities. Bring your fond memories and love for the Centre as we celebrate how the Centre has enriched our lives and those of our children -- and even grandchildren. We have a full day of activities planned as we mark this important milestone in the life of the Centre. Watch for further details soon!

Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Potluck Dinner
The Board of Directors will host the AGM June 23rd at 2:30 p.m. in Columbia Hall.  Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting; only members can speak and vote. 

Members will receive the AGM information package by email two weeks prior to the meeting.  Proxy voting is available; details will be included in the information package. Attending members may cast a  proxy vote for one other member,  in addition to their own vote.
Later in the day, join us for a potluck dinner in the Creekside Commons camp kitchen. Please bring your own cutlery and dishes, and food to share. We anticipate a warm, sunny day. 
All are welcome!

AGM/70th Weekend Accommodations
While a minimum of three-night stays are generally required in June, we offer the opportunity for one-night stays for this special weekend, if desired. To register your accommodations, for one or two nights, call 1-877-996-5751 or book online here. Enter the date you wish to stay and then choose from the available accommodations. If you wish to stay more than two nights, book  a personal retreat stay here.
Seeking Campground Hosts
If you are friendly and outgoing, love to camp and don't mind reminding folks about camping etiquette, you might enjoy serving as a campground host this summer. You will camp for free in exchange for your two-to-three-week stint as a campground host. We are looking for hosts from July 21 to the end of August. Read the detailed position description  on our Blog page or call the Centre's Managing Director Dennis Hixson at 1-877-996-5751 for more information.

Seeking Volunteer Hosts
We are also seeking individuals who are interested in recruiting and supervising volunteers at the Centre this summer. If you have experience as a volunteer, are outgoing and welcoming, are knowledgeable about the Centre, and can volunteer for two-to-three weeks, you may enjoy this position. Hosts receive a free campsite with 15 amp electricity and water, or inside accommodation at reduced cost equivalent to a campsite

Read the  detailed position description  on our Blog page or call the Centre's Managing Director Dennis Hixson at 1-877-996-5751 for more information.

Hearts and Hands
Join us as we help wake up the Centre for spring. Enjoy the camaraderie of working for a common cause, meet some new friends, and give back to the Centre that has nurtured you. Rooms and campsites are provided to volunteers at no cost. Part of your service may include cleaning in and out of your accommodations.

We suggest volunteers arrive on Friday, May 18, if possible, to prepare for a 9 a.m. start on Saturday, May 19. We will finish work the afternoon of Friday,
May 25, with Saturday, May 26 reserved for cleaning and departure. Volunteers are encouraged to come for the full week, but we also welcome those who are able to stay for only a few nights. Local volunteers are also encouraged to join us during any days they are available.
Register here or call 1-877-996-5751.

New Program Manager - Charmaine Pearce
Naramata Centre is pleased to introduce our new Program Manager, Charmaine Pearce. Originally from Australia, Charmaine brings a wealth of experience in program administration and management.  Since graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Political and International Relations, Charmaine has worked on projects in the Disabilities, Human Rights, and Renewable Energy sectors. She has also been active in various communities, volunteering with Scouts Australia, Queensland State Emergency Services, Vinnies Refugee Assistance Program, and the Queensland Police Citizens
Youth Club.
Charmaine recently moved to Naramata and looks forward to becoming part of the community, experiencing firsthand the spirit of Naramata Centre, exploring the local hiking trails and sailing on Okanagan Lake. We welcome Charmaine and look forward to her contributions to the Centre!

Dock To Be Replaced
You may remember that, like most properties on Lake Okanagan, our dock was destroyed last summer due to heavy rainstorms and snowmelt in June. We are pleased to announce that our insurance will cover the costs of replacing the dock and we are working out the details and timing to do so!

Naramata Centre has a core group of steady, willing friends and volunteers to whom we are grateful year after year. This month we acknowledge:
Jean McLeod Jean is like the Naramata Centre "Energizer Bunny," although she is neither pink nor furry! A faithful volunteer, she is ever-ready to help, always pleasant and welcoming, continually efficient, and there when we need her. Jean is very knowledgeable about the Centre and has provided excellent support to our new Managing Director and Office Manager. Jean served as our registrar for a short paid contract this spring, and when this term was complete, she offered to volunteer in any capacity needed. 

Jean, please know how much we value your generous support and unfailing allegiance to Naramata Centre!

Jim and Jean Strathdee - Jim and Jean are well known Naramata Centre music leaders. Jim first began singing at the Centre 50 years ago! This month Jim and Jean conducted an eight-stop concert tour through Alberta and Saskatchewan, where they promoted the Centre and distributed our 2018 program calendars. We are very appreciative of their efforts and look forward to seeing them at the Centre in August. Thank you Jim and Jean for your long-standing contributions to the Centre!

In This Issue
Naramata Centre Ambassadors
Thanks to all who have offered to keep their congregations up to date on what is happening at the Centre. If you would like share Centre  news with your church, please email:

Support the ongoing work of the Naramata Centre Society! Donations are always appreciated, and donors will receive a tax receipt at the end of the year. 

Keep In Touch
Membership in the Naramata Centre Society is a way to show your support for the work of the Board, stay informed, and have voting privileges at the Society's annual meeting. Sign up today!
Stay informed about Naramata Centre
Check out our website for updates, photos and news.

Follow us on Facebook. Even better,
like  our posts, comment and share them on your timeline. This tells Facebook you are interested and want to continue to see our posts! 
Stay tuned for Twitter and Instagram!
Missed a newsletter? Read past editions here.

The Naramata Centre Society |  Email:  info@naramatacentresociety.org
PO Box 68  Naramata, V0H 1N0