What is the Texas 911 Lifeline law?
This law prevents a person under 21 from being charged with possessing or consuming alcohol if he/she takes a person to receive emergency treatment or calls 911 due to a possible overdose. Remember to call for help and remain on the scene. Minors can still get a DUI/DWI if they drive with any alcohol in their system, even if they are helping a friend.
Thinking of serving alcohol to your child or another minor? You should know the following
social host laws & ordinances::
- A social host is someone who provides alcohol or allows underage minors to drink in their home and/or private property.
- A local social host ordinance is a local law that holds adults liable for underage drinking on their property and/or for providing alcohol to minors. Communities across the country have begun to pass such ordinances to ensure the health and safety of youths.
- Texas already has a state law - the Provisions to Minors Law - which states that giving alcohol to minors is a Class A misdemeanor - just one degree below a felony. Punishment can include up to $4,000 in fines, up to one year in jail, or both, and an automatic 180-day suspension of the offender's driver's license. Additionally, an adult can be sued for damages if they knowingly serve, provide, or allow alcohol to be served to a minor on premised they own or lease. Since these laws are often difficult to enforce, local social host ordinances are more easily enforced and serve as another tool to reduce underage drinking (Source:Texasstandingtall.org)
Case #1
A mother called and stated that her 2yr old ate a Tylenol tablet that she dropped on the floor. After a few questions, the specialist told the mother that the child would be fine, based on the amount ingested, and there was no need for a hospital visit. The mother had also asked whether she should have induce vomiting. The specialist informed her that inducing vomiting is no longer recommended because it can cause damage to the esophagus.
Case #2
A mother called the poison center after her 3yr old got into some melatonin gummies. After answering a few questions, the specialist was able to determine that the bottle was near empty when the mom last used the melatonin; which means the child did not consume a dangerous amount. The specialist suggested that the mom turn on the lights in the room and let the child play, sleep, or watch television. Having the child exposed to the light would help break down the melatonin in the child's system.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been leading the headlines for the last year. Many individuals report experiencing anxiety and fear for their health and their finances, all while dealing with social distancing and isolation. Even short periods of isolation and loneliness can have negative consequences on one's physical and mental well-being. These situations may have pushed more people toward legal and illegal substance use. To help you stay informed, here is a look at information about drug scheduling, the Global Drug Survey, and drug treatment information/resources.
the pandemic's effect on drug use and information related to drug treatment.
The United States government tries to manage the distribution of legal & illegal drugs by classifying
drugs by classifying drugs by their specifics risks and benefits. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the lower the schedule number, the higher the drug's potential for substance misuse and dependence.
The Controlled Substance Act of 1970 regulated the production, distribution, and use of many types of drugs.
It classifies drugs into five different categories, called schedules.
. Each drug was put into a specific schedule based on the following factors:
- It's misuse potential
- Historical and current patterns of misuse
- Scientific evidence of the side effects
- Current scientific knowledge related to the drug
- Risk of developing a dependence
- Magnitude, length of time and significance of the drug's potential for misuse
- Possible risk to public health
Here's an overview of how COVID-19 has affected substance use according to the Global Drug Survey:
- 39% of respondents stated that they had used cannabis more frequently since the onset of the pandemic, with 22% reporting decreased use.
- The use of 'party drugs', including MDMA, cocaine, amphetamine and ketamine, has fallen during COVID-19 compared to pre-pandemic levels in the absence of festivals or nightclubs.
- Across the globe, people reported using benzodiazepines more frequently
- Use of other drugs, such as psychedelics and GHB, has remained mostly stable
- Opioid-related mortality appeared to have risen since the onset of the pandemic in the United States.
What is drug treatment?
Drug treatment is intended to help individuals suffering from addiction to reduce or eliminate compulsive drug seeking and use. Treatment can include medications, behavioral therapies, or a combination of both. For many, treatment is a long process that involves multiple interventions and lifelong monitoring. To find a treatment center & additional resources, click here.
References & resources:
A drug overdose is considered a poisoning. What should you do if a poisoning occurs?
- Remain calm.
- Administer Narcan if you suspect an opioid overdose. Click here for more information about Narcan.
- Call 9-1-1 if the victim has collapsed or is not breathing. If the victim is awake, call the poison center at 1-800-222-1222. Try to have this information ready:
- the patient's age and weight
- the container or bottle of the substance that was taken
- the time of the exposure
- the location of the patient
- Stay on the phone and follow the instructions provided by the poison center specialist or the 911 operator.
Stay on the phone and follow the instructions from the emergency operator or poison control center.
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