April 2018 - In This Issue Part II:

Team building is one of the most important investments you can make for your employees. Why? There are a number of benefits, but to start it builds trust, encourages collaboration and helps to mitigate conflict. We all want to build a high performing team, and keep our employees motivated. So, when it comes to incorporating team building, what does that look like and how do we achieve it? Read more on our blog, here.  

Q&A: Snap Judgments 
Q:  People make snap judgments when meeting someone new. How can I improve my presence while they're making snap judgments about me? 

-Andy, Legal Industry

A: We have heard the old saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover."  Although this is good advice, I always tell my clients this: most people need to pick up the book, open it and look inside before making a decision if they want to read it. A snap judgment; however, proves this old saying to be true. 
Amy Cuddy, a psychologist at Harvard Business School, has been studying first impressions for more than a decade. What she and her colleagues found are that there are two snap judgements individuals make about other people:
  • Can I trust this person?
  • Can I respect this person's capabilities?
According to Cuddy's research, 80% to 90% of a first impression is based on these two traits. Subconsciously, you and the person you are meeting are both asking these questions, "Can I trust that this person has good intentions towards me?" And, "Is this person capable?"

Although I agree there are other things people will make initial judgments about: your intellect, success and how you're dressed, the two judgements above are first and foremost.

Your presence should show positive body language (be aware that your body language does not lie), be a listener and if appropriate let the other person speak first. Also keep in mind that when you speak, the other person is both processing and decoding your message. Sometimes messages can be interpreted incorrectly. If you sense this has happened, ask a question to clarify and try again. 

Miscommunication can happen on both sides, therefore it is always a good idea to repeat what they have said by asking a question, "If I understand you correctly..." Or, "Are you suggesting..." This lets the other person know you are listening and sharing in the conversation. 
Small talk can be difficult for some people and very easy for others. Find the balance that's right for you, and with tact close the conversation when appropriate.

Also remember to do your homework, know who you are speaking with, and make sure you listen, so that you can demonstrate you are trustworthy.

This month we talked about The Five Dysfunctions of a Team , and trust is not only an essential component when meeting someone for the first time, but it is also the foundation of what makes a strong, effective team.

Notable Nonprofits: Aging UP 
Supporting Sacramento's Nonprofits is important to us.

Aging UP, a Sacramento nonprofit founded in 2016, empowers youth with experience in foster care to successfully transition into adulthood.
Currently, youth from foster care are statistically our community's most at-risk demographic. They disproportionately face unemployment, homelessness, early pregnancy, incarceration and long-term physical and mental health issues.
Aging UP fulfils the unmet needs of youth with experience in foster care by providing one-to-one mentoring, positive recreation and independent living skills education. 
Mentoring is the heart of Aging UP. Research continues to prove that the connection with a safe, stable and caring adult helps young people heal from trauma and improves their overall resiliency. 
Aging UP mentors are adult volunteers who successfully complete a thorough screening process and more than 16 hours of trauma-informed, strength-based training. Mentors are then matched with youth, based on the youth's personality, needs andpreferences. Once matched, mentor and youth engage in activities that help develop a genuine friendship while exposing the youth to new possibilities. 
The mentoring relationships are enhanced through group events. MeetUPs offer positive recreation, where matches enjoy physical, creative and unique activities together. The focus is to simply let teens have fun. Educational UPshops provide expert-led workshops that utilize a fun, hands-on approach toward self-sufficiency. Topics include healthy living, college and career development, financial literacy and more. Group events offer a stigma-free environment where youth enjoy new experiences, peer support andadditional adult role models. 
Together, we can help youth from foster care thrive into adulthood, not just survive. Learn more at  agingup.org,or contact [email protected]

In Case You Missed It... 

We hope you have enjoyed this quarter's newsletter, and the changes we have made to our format! In case you missed Part I of our April issue, you can view that, here

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On behalf of all of us at Jeanne Reaves Consulting, thank you for reading and for connecting with us. We hope you have enjoyed both issues of this quarter's newsletter. 


Jeanne Reaves 

Jeanne Reaves

We can help you reach your highest potential.
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