April Newsletter

Spring is here, and things are heating up at the park! There are great opportunities to get more connected to the park this month:

Celebrate Earth Day and join in on a Beach Sweep at IBSP

Learn something new at our last Conservation Talk of the month with ReClam the Bay
Come to the May Day Spring Festival and Pet Expo on Saturday May 5th. 
Or better yet, volunteer!

See you there!

- Friends of Island Beach State Park 

Volunteer Opportunities


"Don't ever question the value of volunteers. Noah's Ark was built by volunteers; the Titanic was built by professionals." - Dave Gynn

Check out this list of great ways to get involved and share your time with the community:
  • May Day Festival - Volunteer Meeting -The May Day Spring Festival and Pet Expo is a volunteer run event. Can you dedicate a few hours of your time to help make it a success? Join us at our volunteer meeting on April 22nd at 12:00 pm to learn how you can help. Please register here. Can't make the meeting, but still want to help? Contact Stevie Thorsen for details.
  • Conservation Talks Lecture Series - Our last Conservation talk of the season is April 22nd, and we expect a big turnout! We will need help with setup, breakdown, and parking. 
  • Visitor Guide Distribution-  Every year, the Friends put together a visitors guide dedicated to Island Beach State Park. We need volunteers to get it out into the community.
  • Ocean Fun Day - On Sunday May 20th, we need a volunteer to represent the Friends and man a table. Ocean Fun Day features exhibits, classes, nature tours, and children's activities all about our coastal environment.
  • National Trails Day - Save the Date - June 2nd. Register Here
Contact Stevie Thorsen if you are interested in helping out!

Clean Ocean Action 33rd Annual Beach Sweep

Save the Date: 
Saturday, April 21st, 2018 and Saturday, October 20th, 2018! 

Registration for the 2018 Spring Beach Sweeps is now open. Register Here.

"Since 1985, over 115,800 volunteers have participated and removed 
over 5.9 million pieces of debris from New Jersey's beaches and waterways." - cleanoceanaction.org

Reducing Plastics in the Park

A recent report stated that plastic pollution has become an epidemic on the Jersey shore, with plastic debris collected from beaches increasing by 30% in 2017.  

The Friends of Island Beach State Park support action and legislation to reduce the use of plastic. Any visitor of Island Beach State Park has likely come across plastic debris during their visit - straws, bottle caps, plastic bags, fishing lines, balloons. Not only is this plastic unsightly, but it can be deadly to marine and coastal animals that may ingest it or become entangled in it. 

Thousands of animals, large and small, die each year due to plastic pollution.  Single use plastics is one of the greatest threats to the health of beaches and oceans.

What can you do to help?

-Pick up trash during your next beach visit or participate in a Beach Sweep

-Tell your congressmen that you support the following legislation:

-Reduce your own personal use of plastic

Support the Pete McLain Osprey Cam

The Island Beach State Park Osprey Cam is now live! 

The Friends of IBSP would not be able to keep the camera running without the generous support of our members and donors. The osprey camera costs ~$5,000 per year to run. 

Would you consider making a tax deductible donation to help support our Osprey Cam Project? Bandit and Bay, our resident osprey, appreciate your support! They have returned to their nest and will soon have chicks. 

Conservation Talks: Final Lecture April 22

Join us for the final installment of the Conservation Talks - Lecture Series. This week we will be hearing from ReClam the Bay!

ReClam the Bay is a local non-profit that promotes environmental involvement and education by growing and maintaining millions of baby clams and oysters at upwellers located along the Barnegat Bay. Learn about the important work they do and how you can get involved. 


R egistration required. We hope to see you there!

Save the Date for our 2018 Events

Want to know the date for all of our events in 2018 - we've got you covered! Check out our calendar so that you can mark yours and plan to attend the Beach Plum Festival, May Day, General Meetings, Dune Grass Plantings and more ...

We're committed to making Island Beach State Park - one of New Jersey's most popular state parks - one of it's best cared for. Thanks for your continued support!
visit our website at 

Friends of Island Beach State Park
PO Box 406, Seaside Park, NJ 08752