Seek  G od, S erve O thers,  S hare Life   
Sunday Worship at 10am!
Upcoming Church Events
Welcome Visitors!
J oin us each Sunday as we gather around Word & Sacrament. 
Stop by our visitors table for a free gift. 

We have a nursery for your young ones, a "Pray Ground" for toddlers to enjoy during worship, and coffee and snacks are available in the Narthex. 

Holy Week and Easter Services
All are invited to join Holy Week Services at St Luke. Join us as we pray and contemplate the cost of discipleship and God's great love for us.
Palm Sunday
On Sunday April 14, we will begin with a procession of palms. as we sing All Glory Laud and Honor. This year our children shall lead us into the sanctuary with shouts of Hosanna in the highest! The Adult Choir under the direction of Jacob Allen will lead us in All Glory Laud and Honor, and hear the reading of the Passion and death of Jesus Christ.  

All are invited to join Holy Week Services at St Luke. Join us as we pray and contemplate the cost of discipleship and God's great love for us.
Maundy Thursday
On Thursday, April 18, we remember the last supper Jesus shared with his disciples. We receive the absolution of our sins and hear the words of Jesus as he gives us a new commandment to love one another. Jesus' new command is demonstrated in the washing of the disciples' feet. Holy Communion is then celebrated as a gift that Jesus gave to his followers just before his arrest on the Mt. of Olives. Finally we remember Jesus' arrest by stripping the altar in the sanctuary. The service at St. Luke will begin at 7:00 pm.
Bartlett United Methodist Church has invited Pastor Cliff to preach at a noon service at 5676 Stage Road. All are invited to attend.

Good Friday
April 19, is the day we remember when Jesus died on the cross. It is a day of great sadness, but it is good in that through the cross Jesus delivered salvation to those who believe. Our noon service will be the Biblical Way of the Cross. Together we prayerfully walk in solidarity with Jesus on his agonizing Way of the Cross - from his last torturous moments, to the Garden of Gethsemane, to his death and burial.

At the heart of the evening service is the passion reading according to John, which celebrates Christ's victory on the cross. As Jesus draws all people to himself, we pray for the whole world for which Christ died. Finally, we honor the cross as the sign of forgiveness, healing, and salvation.  

Easter Sunday Sunday, April 21 is Easter at St. Luke and it will be wonderful!
You are invited to bring flowers for the resurrection cross, as we celebrate our risen savior with music, song, and the sacrament of Holy Communion. Our service times will be 8:00 and 10:00. Both Easter Services will have brass accompanist.
An Easter Breakfast will be served in the CFC between 8:30 and 10:30am. Come and celebrate our Risen Lord
at St. Luke this Easter!

Remember, St Luke church is a blessing to share ! Invite a friend to Holy Week and Easter morning Services.

    Watch and Share our Video at this link:


Join us on Wednesdays at Noon or 7:05 pm through April 10.

Weekly Recurring Events:
Sundays               9:00 am        Sunday School for All Ages
   10:00 am        Worship Service of Holy Communion
Mondays              5:15 pm         Jazzercise
Tuesdays            10:00 am        Ladies' Bible Study-Lenten Study
                            5:15 pm         Jazzercise
Wednesdays       10:00 am        Knitting in the Narthex
                            12:00pm        Lenten Service
     5:00 pm        WEB Meal
     5:30 pm        Praise Team, Pastor's Lenten Study
     6:00 pm        Cherub Choir
     6:30 pm        Confirmation Class
     7:05 pm        Lenten Service
     7:30 pm        Adult Choir Practice      
Thursdays            1:00 pm        Al Anon
    1:30 pm        Women's Bible Study
     5:15 pm       Jazzercise
Fridays                 6:30 am        Men's Bible Study

Upcoming Events:
Please refer to the 
Church Calendar   on our webpage for further information 
about upcoming events.

Save These Dates!
Apr. 14  Sun.     Palm Sunday
Apr. 18  Thur.    Maundy Thursday Service, 7pm
Apr. 19  Fri.       Good Friday Services, Noon and 7pm
Apr. 20  Sat.      Easter Egg Hunt, 10am, Decorate/set up at 10:30am
Apr. 21  Sun.     Easter Sunday Services, 8 & 10, Breakfast 8:30 -10:30 am
Apr. 24  Wed.    New Members' Class, 5pm
Apr. 27  Sat.      Montgomery Pilgrimage
Apr. 28  Sun.     Congregational Meeting, 11:15am

HEALTH EXPO - Saturday, March 30, 10am - 1pm
Click for a video spot about the Expo, sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Alumnae Chapter and St. Luke Lutheran Church!

A Message from Our Pastor
Dear St. Luke Saints,

It is nice to be invited by a friend to attend an event that is important to you. Did you know that many people want to attend Easter Service and would be happy to receive a personal invitation to attend?

We are fortunate, we know how wonderful it is to have a church home at St. Luke. We know the comfort of attending a familiar worship service. We know the joy of seeing our church friends each Sunday at St. Luke. We know what it is like to have someone pray for us, visit us when we are sick, and even bring us a meal in our time of need.

Not everyone has a church home like this; many people are facing life alone, without the support of God or a church home. Now is your opportunity to share your love of the Lord and St. Luke by inviting your friends, family, neighbors and acquaintances to attend Easter services at St. Luke.

Lutherans tend to be shy about inviting other folks to church, but many people want to worship on Easter Sunday.  Any family with small children would be thrilled to attend the St. Luke community Easter Egg hunt. If only they knew about the good things going on at St. Luke!

We all know that St. Luke is a great church, made up of caring and loving people.
We all know how much St. Luke means to us. It is time to share St. Luke with others!

Please take some time during your Lenten devotions to pray about who you can invite to the Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Services. Offer to attend Easter Service with them and better yet, offer to pick them up and drive them to Easter Service with you! You may even want to invite them to join you for Easter Dinner after church in your home.  

I look forward to seeing you and your friends on Easter Sunday at St. Luke! Services will be at 8:00 am and 10:00 am Easter morning on April 21. An Easter breakfast will be served between services between 8:30 and 10:30am.

Your partner in ministry,

Bishop Gordy at St. Luke Sunday, March 31, 10am
Welcome Memphis area Lutheran churches joining us to hear   Bishop Julian Gordy Sunday - Christ the King
Tupelo, Living Word Arlington, Epiphany Collierville, and Peace Memphis . Following worship today, we'll have a catered meal in the CFC and a discussion on the upcoming election of our new bishop.

Calvary Lenten Series and Waffle Shop 
Join us as we attend the Calvary Lenten Series and Waffle Shop on Thursday, April 4.  We will carpool from St Luke at 10 am and eat lunch at the Waffle shop before the service. T he Lenten service begins at noon with Rabbi Micah Greenstein.

Memphis Cares Again!
Sunday, April 7, 3:00 pm at Crump Stadium (next to Central High, Memphis).

A revisiting of the April 7, 1968 worship service brought together in the immediate aftermath of the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Over 5,000 persons from the Memphis Faith Community attended under the leadership of Dr. James Lawson and Mr. John T. Fisher.  One of the fruits of the gathering was the eventual founding of MIFA (Metropolitan InterFaith Association).  

Leadership on 4-7-2019 will include Dr. Lawson and the daughter of Mr. Fisher, Ms. Suzannah Fisher Ragen.  

Thrivent will be providing items to be given to homeless persons, volunteers are needed to help with this Thrivent project.  Contact Pastor Cliff for more information.

St. Luke's Annual   Easter   Egg   Hunt  
on Saturday, April 20th, at 10:00 am! We would love to have your friends, neighbors, co-workers, schoolmates, and anyone else you can think of!  All are welcome! We will have three different  egg   hunting   sections sorted by age groups: 0-3, 4-7, 8-11. Please plan on bringing a basket or a container for your   eggs !

There is a box set up in the Narthex to collect candy and/or small toys for our Egg Hunt. Please purchase individually wrapped candy/toys that will fit inside the small plastic eggsPlease no chocolate; it melts before the kids begin their huntThank you for your donations!

The event will happen rain or shine, so come either way! We will have fun, fellowship, and refreshments to go around! We hope to see you there, and please tell a friend!

New Members' Class
Want to know more about St. Luke and the Lutherans?  Join us Wednesday evening April 24, 5-7:30pm.  We'll provide dinner and an overview of our church.  Let Paul White or Pastor Cliff know you'll attend!

Montgomery Pilgrimage
Join Bishop H. Julian Gordy, and fellow Lutherans and friends from across the synod on a pilgrimage to Montgomery, Alabama, Saturday, April 27, 2019. Our purpose is to experience The Legacy Museum, and The National Memorial for Peace and Justice followed by a period of reflection and conversation with Bishop Gordy and members of the Equal Justice Initiative.
You are invited on this pilgrimage with Pastor Cliff and other St. Luke members. We will drive to Montgomery on Friday, April 26 and stay in a hotel close to the National Memorial for Peace and Justice. We will tour the museum and memorial and drive back to Memphis on Saturday, April 27. Please consider joining us. Email us at [email protected]
   Pilgrimage, a journey, especially long one, made to some sacred place as             an act of religious devotion.

Congregational Meeting
Sunday, April 28 immediately after worship, stay for our semi-annual congregational meeting.  We will discuss important church business so please plan to attend.
Worship Committee
Worship News
Our Lenten journey culminates this month with the glorious resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday.   Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday as we read the Passion which focuses us on Christ time of ultimate sacrifice.  We must never forget how our Lord so humbled himself and gave his life that we might live. May we never forget his gift of grace and love. You are invited to participate and fully engage in Holy Week events and enrich your faith walk.  
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in me will live, even though he dies and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" John 11 25-26

April Worship Schedule

April  3 Wednesday services
                Noon service - Traditional
                7:05 PM - Taize service
April 7       Traditional Communion Service
April 10     Wednesday services
                Noon service - Traditional
                7:05 PM - Youth Service
April 14     Palm Sunday
April 18     Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM
April 19     Noon - Stations of the Cross
                 7:00 PM Good Friday service
April 20.    Egg hunt, Worship decorating church after egg hunt
April 21     Traditional Communion Service at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
April 28     Contemporary Communion Service

Upcoming events
May 5        Senior Bibles - Sunday School Teachers Appreciation - Receive New Members
May 12      Mother's Day - First Communion
May 19      Confirmation
May 26      Contemporary Praise service

Help Needed
Sign up sheets have been posted in the Narthex on the window behind the sound board.  
There are opportunities to serve as a reader on Palm Sunday and in Good Stewards positions at both services on Easter Sunday .  Jesus loves when you give him the gift of your service. A servants heart is a happy heart!

Easter Flower Orders
Pick up your order forms from the table in the Narthex. Complete and either drop in the box or the offering plate. Just $10 per plant in honor or memory of loved ones.

Message From Our Council President
Greetings St. Luke Saints,

Until going through the Lenten study, Practicing Forgiveness with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind, I never realized how much I have never forgiven myself for. And I mean not just big things, which are the things that wake me up in a cold sweat, but those nagging smaller (seemingly) things that attack me in the least likely moments of my life. I hadn't thought about the prisoner that I had become of these guilty feelings. Allowing myself to begin the healing process through forgiving myself has been at times a bit heart wrenching, but I am trusting God that this process will end with me having greater peace with my Soul. I pray for everyone on this journey with me that you too find this healing and peace.

As our Lenten journey continues, Holy Week culminating with Easter will be here before we know it. I hope that everyone can attend Maundy Thursday and one of the Good Friday and Easter Sunday Services. These Services at St. Luke will give your Spiritual and emotional being a workout! In addition to worshipping, I prayfully ask everyone to consider serving as a Good Steward for one of these Services. Or, if you have the thespian bug, maybe you can play a leading role in St. Luke's annual reading of the Passion of Christ on Palm Sunday. I look forward to worshiping during this special time with my St. Luke family.

Having a graduating college senior, I want to end this letter with a congratulations to all those graduating to the next adventure in their life. Whether that is school, a promotion, change in job or retirement, my prayer is that we allow God to lead us in that  journey. Only then can we truly know the joy He has promised us.

In His Service
Jim Allay
  Spiritual Growth Ministry
Lenten Devotionals
All St. Luke Saints are asked to read a daily Lenten devotional. This year the theme is forgiveness. Devotionals are available in the Narthex or online at Join their Lent Facebook Group or sign up for Daily Devotional Emails.

Lenten Small Group Study
Three groups are available to study  Soul Keeping, Caring for The Most Important Part of You . Lent is the time to look inward and care for your soul. This six-week study will help you grow in spiritual disciplines.
  •     Sunday, 9am, Room 106/108 Paul White's Sunday School 
  •     Tuesday, 10am, Room 135, Ladies' Bible Study 
  •     Wednesday, Meal at 5pm, Study at 5:30pm, Room 135 

The Thursday Women's Bible Study Group 
  meets on Thursdays at 1:30. We are studying the book, Listening to God. Please join us in the Narthex for the study of God's word and great fellowship!    

Tuesday Ladies' Bible Study
Join us on Tuesday mornings at 10am.  We are currently studying Soul Keeping, Caring for the Most Important Part of You, through April 10.  Then we'll return to our study by Jennifer Rothschild,  Walking by Faith: Lessons Learned in the Dark.   The study contrasts the evidences of walking by faith and walking by sight and encourages participants to take risks and give God control. Led by Tanya Bolkcom. 

The Women's Sunday School Class
The women's class is studying "Discerning the Voice of God" by Priscilla Shirer. It's not too late to join them Sunday mornings at 9am! See Jennifer Carkeet for more information ([email protected]).

Montgomery Pilgrimage
Join us on a Pilgrimage April 27.  See the Announcements above for details.

A Real Life need was met:   "Fourteen months ago, I was at a point where I needed someone to talk to about the struggles in my life...Soon after meeting my Stephen Minister, I quickly sensed I could trust him; knowing my Stephen Minister would be there for me "next week" (we usually met for an hour each week) gave me confidence.

Do you need someone to listen; to help you find your place to belong? Do you know someone going through a crisis? Then contact one of our Stephen Leaders; Paul White, Nancy Lendman, Connie White or Pastor Cliff.  Our Stephen Ministers are there to care!

Private Prayer Every Sunday

Sometimes it is good to be able to share our prayer concerns with another Christian. That's what the after-service Prayer Room (#111, next to the nursery) is all about. If you want to share a prayer concern for yourself or someone you love, there will be a Stephen Minister waiting for you! 

 Remember Christ said, 
     "For where two or three gather in my name, 
      there am I with  them."  
                                                                     Matt. 18:20

Social Ministry
Volunteers for Easter Breakfast April 21
We need men and women to help set up on April 20 after the Egg Hunt, and then to help cook and serve on Easter morning! Ron Todd is head chef, and Jim Allay is coordinating volunteers. Thanks for helping!

Easter Breakfast
 Join your family at St. Luke for breakfast 8:30 - 10:30 am on April 21. 

Lenten Offerings
Our Lenten offerings will be divided between Heifer International and the St. Luke Food Pantry.

HEALTH EXPO- Saturday, March 30, 10-1pm at St. Luke.

Family Promise News:
Tommy and Julius with the new trailer

When God closes one door, He opens another!  Family Promise is so blessed to have a new trailer donated from Via de Cristo.  We give thanks to Ken Westphal for helping to make this all happen!! 
Our next hosting for Family Promise will be July 7-14.

Family Promise of Memphis 2019 Golf Tournament
Help raise money for Family Promise by signing up to play golf on May 6, 1pm, at the Memphis National Golf Course.  $125/individual or $500/team.
All golfers will be treated to dinner, snacks, goody bags.  Prizes for the winners!
Registration forms are available in the Narthex.  Deadline to register is April 22.

Food First Sunday 
Thank you everyone for your donations of food staples to our St. Luke Food Pantry.  We especially need vegetables, fruits, canned meats, and soups. The Food Pantry is always open to St. Luke members, but open to the general public on the fourth Tuesday of each month, 10am-Noon.

Social Media Team 
     Love taking pictures?
     Do you know all the ins and outs of social media?
We would love to have you on our new Social Media Team! We are looking for a few people to help take pictures and videos on Sundays and during events, post about upcoming activities,  and manage our social media platforms. If you are interested, please contact Jennifer Wright ( [email protected] )

WOW (Women of Wisdom) and KNITTING IN THE NARTHEX!
The Women of St. Luke are combining forces on Wednesday mornings at 10am.  Bring your coffee/snack and needlework/knitting/crocheting or just yourself!  Fun fellowship in the Conference Room at the church.  Invite your friends!

On-Line Sunday Snack Sign-Ups!
Hey St. Luke Saints! 
I know our schedules can be hectic and signing up for things can be a challenge. We are doing what we can to make things easier here at St. Luke. Fellowship has put together an online snack table sign up! Now with just a few clicks you can sign up from home! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Kelsey Groff at  [email protected] or on her cell at (201) 673-1588 (call/text). Click the link below to sign up, sign the sheet outside of Pastor Cliff's office, or find the link on our website and Facebook page.
God Bless you,
St. Luke Fellowship Committee 
                         Click here to sign up:   Sunday Snacks  

The Opioid Epidemic Is a Mental Health Crisis, Not a Crime Wave!    
From Heartbreak to Hope:  A Family's Journey Through Opioid Addiction
Rick and Debbie Werner lost their oldest son, Jamie, to a fentanyl overdose two years ago. They are now certified Mental Health First Aiders and hope to inspire other families to get trained so they can avoid tragedies like Jamie's death.
Our oldest child, Jamie, died of a fentanyl overdose two years ago at the age of 27. We miss him every day and often reminisce and recall many fond memories of his life.
As a toddler, he was incredibly spirited and curious, always pushing the limits that we set. When he was two-years-old, he would run for the street when Debbie was pushing his younger sister in a stroller and couldn't chase him. When Jamie was about five, Debbie realized that she worried about him more than his two younger siblings combined. She felt that it would always be that way, and she was right.
As he grew older his curiosity and enthusiasm for life also grew. He loved to read and had deep and varied interests. He also loved to cook and, as a teenager, became the chef for our sometimes large family gatherings. We would often get in arguments with him about how much food to buy and how many different dishes we needed (he wanted more of both!) but we would also eventually agree that the results were delicious. And, it was always fun.
He was always a big talker, regaling us over dinner about his day at school or telling us in great detail about what he planned to cook next. When he was in his early twenties, we realized that his behavior sometimes could be described as "manic." Mostly, it was his positive energy bursting out from his big personality. But, at other times, he could also be depressed and quiet.
In his mid-twenties, we convinced Jamie to see a mental health professional who diagnosed him with bipolar disorder. At around this same time, his loved ones noticed that his behavior was becoming somewhat erratic, to the point that you couldn't always count on him. It occurred to us that he might be using drugs, but his insistent denials, combined with our own, put those thoughts to rest for a good while.
Finally, about two months before he died, he agreed to take a drug test. He tested positive for heroin use. He STILL wouldn't admit it and tried to convince us that the test was faulty. He was so good at arguing his position that he created a slight doubt in our minds about the test. And, of course, you always want to believe your child. Jamie died in February of 2017, never having sought treatment and never admitting that he was using opiates.
Looking back, there were so many signs, but between our denial and his always-ready explanations for his behavior, we never really came to grips with his issues. Some typical signs of someone with an addiction or substance use disorder are not caring about their appearance, acting erratically, impulsively and not seeming to care about things they used to care about. They can also leave things around like lighters, baggies, straws and perhaps a powdery residue on surfaces.
Many people with mental health issues self-medicate with pills or opioids, trying to quiet their mind and dull the pain. It's similar to many folks who want a drink after a tough day at the office. It's about trying to shut off the bad or uncomfortable thoughts. We don't know exactly how or when Jamie started, but we're fairly sure he got ahold of some opioid painkillers a few years ago. From there, his path included switching to heroin when prescription pills become harder to get, then getting that fatal dose of fentanyl - likely unbeknownst to him.
When thinking about how to alleviate our national opioid crisis, the key things that need to happen, in our view, are: 1) reduce the total number of opioid pills prescribed, which is happening slowly; 2) make addiction treatment available for more who need it and include medication-assisted treatment (MAT); 3) reduce the stigma that families and individuals endure in an addiction situation; 4) make mental health treatment more widely available for those in need; and 5) get more people certified in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA).
We have both decided to become certified Mental Health First Aiders and join more than 1.5 million people nationwide who have been trained. We will learn how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.
We will never forget Jamie and his memory will always both comfort and sadden us, but we think he would be proud of all of us as we learn new skills and work to expand treatment options for those in need. It also makes us hopeful for the future of this crisis and for those suffering with addiction and mental health issues.
Memphis Area Prevention Coalition
1207 Peabody Avenue Suite 324
Memphis TN 38104

More Than A Meal

Date to Remember!!  
April 21st. Volunteers are appreciated from 3-5pm at Grace St Luke's Episcopal Church, 1720 Peabody in midtown.
Thank you,
                       Susie Carlson

Pay It Forward!
We couldn't help feed our community if it weren't for you all.  We want to tell you how it is going.  Last week Anita gave out 15 bags.  One of the people who had gotten bags of food in the past came  but not for food.  She came to give back in appreciation for the help that she was given.  She wanted to pay it forward and donated quite a lot of things for our food bags.   Anita's words are "a receiver is now a giver. What a blessing."

Anita, Kelsey and her mom, Lívia, Alice, Paul and Ed participate in this ministry along with all of you saints.   We are all surely blessed.  Thank you.

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Don't miss out on important information!
Children & Youth Ministry News
April 10th-    Confirmation Class leading the Wednesday Lenten Service

April 14th-    All SLY Easter Egg Stuffing-   
All SLY groups are invited to jo in us on  April 14th, as we stuff all of the eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt. We will meet in the Sr. SLY room for lunch at 11:15 am. An email will be sent with a link to sign up to bring food. We will watch a movie while we stuff the eggs. Please RSVP to Jennifer Wright  ([email protected]) by Friday, April 12th. If you would like to help chaperone, please let Jennifer know.   

due to Holy Week. Holy Week Services will be April 18th, Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 pm,  and April 19th, Good Friday Services at Noon and 7:00 pm.

Easter  Egg Hunt Helpers- 

On Saturday, April 20th,
St. Luke will be having our annual 
Easter Egg Hunt.  All SLY groups are needed to help with this activity (Confirmation class required to help). Please arrive by 9:00am to help hide all of the  eggs . The Confirmation Class  will also be selling sodas.  All money raised will go toward our Summer Confirmation Event.   If you are in town, please come to help with this fundraiser.  Please let Jennifer Wright  ( [email protected])
know if your youth will be attending.

Senior Recognition-  If you have a graduating  senior  that you would like to be  recognized  on  Senior  Bible Sunday (May 5),  please send Jennifer Wright ([email protected] ) the name of your youth, the name of the high school they are graduating from, a list of any honors they received, the name of the college they will be attending, and what they will be majoring in. Please also include a picture. We will also be  recognizing  college graduates as well. Please send the name of your graduate, the college they graduated from, their major, any honors they received, and any jobs they will be starting after graduation. Congratulations to all of our graduates!   

T-2 Ministry
T-2 Ministry Team - April 2019
Spring is a time of new life and new growth and it is the hope and prayer of the T-2 Ministry Team ("T-2" is the abbreviation for "Transformation 2.0") that holds true for our congregation as well. Our Team will be working with the Council and each of the Committees to develop a written plan to direct the activities of each ministry unit (discipleship, evangelism/ outreach, fellowship, stewardship, social and worship ) prior to our May meeting with ELCA Liaison Wayne Fell . By becoming both "formal" and "intentional" about what is next for each committee, it will help to keep the focus on moving forward as a missional church.
This process will not be approached like a checklist where we are going through the motions in order to move from one step to the next . Through prayerful contemplation seeking the guidance of the Spirit, our leadership will seek to deepen our relationships to God and to one another so that we are truly fulfilling the vision of St. Luke: Seek God. Serve Others. Share Life.
If you have any questions about how you can play a role in helping to ensure that transformation is continually happening here at St. Luke, then please reach out to one of our Team members:
Paul Wright, Sue Malone, Sandy Oakley, Cathy Dafoe, Burk Renner and Pastor Cliff .
In Christ,
Paul Wright

Are You Prepared?
Listen, we all know how crazy the weather has been this year, and I can't emphasize enough that we all need to be prepared for any kind of disaster that may occur here in Tennessee. Whether it's a fire in your house, flooding in your neighborhood, tornadoes, or earthquakes, we ALL need to be prepared!
Here is a list of things that will take a short time to gather and could mean the difference between surviving or not and some of the things may surprise you. Here goes:
water (2 ½ gallons per person, per day - or more), First Aid Kit, phone charger, battery-operated radio (this will alert you to weather updates, as well as what roads are no longer passable), flash light and batteries, shoes with sturdy soles, food (if you have canned goods, include a hand-operated can opener and eating utensils (change the food out every month or so, to keep them "fresh"), 1 week's worth of prescription medicine, paper towels and TP, a change of clothes, fold-up raincoat or poncho, thermal blanket (these come compacted), Glo sticks (go to the Dollar store for these), a whistle (if you are trapped, blow the whistle to alert people), wet ones, and heavy gloves.
There are other things that would be good to have, but you're in pretty good shape, if you have these. I suggest you put them in a back pack and keep it under your bed. If there is a fire, you can grab it and go. And, speaking of fires, please get another fire extinguisher for the top of your stairs. The one in the kitchen is great, but what if someone is upstairs and the fire is below them? They can "blast" their way down and out. If you'd like a more complete list of things to have, please let me know and I'll print one for you. In the mean time, go shop! Sue Malone
Parish Talk
Condolences to 
Patsy Sharp on the death of her
daughter, Teresa Turner.

JUST IN   A couple of pictures of the organ console from Phoenix. They are finished with the repair and upgrade and the organ is being readied to ship.  The plans are for it to arrive by April 8, and be installed before Palm Sunday!

Congratulations Sarah Thompson
Congratulations for earning a spot to swim in the U.S. National Championships for the University of Missouri.  
Sarah is an All-American swimmer on the 200 Medley Relay Team.

Lost and Found
Here's a collection of goodies we've found around the church.  If any of it looks like yours, please come to the office and claim it!

St. Luke Facebook Video!
Click  St. Luke Video to see Pastor Cliff in an invitation to visit St. Luke; share it on your Facebook page!!!

YMCA Summer Camp
St. Luke will once again host the YMCA summer camp this summer.  Click HERE for a schedule and details about the "STEAM" camp taking place this year!

Tidbits of the Week...March 24
Join us for our mid-week Lenten service: noon or 7:05pm.

Check out our Health Fair, this Saturday! There will be tons of information and for some, free mammograms! Tell your friends and neighbors!!!

Be sure to come to church Sunday, because not only will it be the great service it always is, but Bishop Gordy will be joining us. We will have lunch afterwards and fellowship with him and other Lutheran churches. We will also share important information on the election of a new Bishop for the Southeastern Synod. Bishop Gordy will retire this summer and a new bishop will be elected in May. Come and learn how our Southeastern Synod elects a bishop. 

ednesday  Lenten Service: Soul, how do I compare thee? To a mountain stream, sparkling and clear, like living water. Cluttered streams are like a troubled soul, but they can be cleaned out and become clear and sparkling. The will can be amazing with the help of the mind and soul. We must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from our lives and then we will meet God. Be still! A hurried soul cannot thrive; it is never at peace. By slowing down and placing margins on your life will re-center you and reconnect you with God, letting contentment and joy come. We are loved!

Cliff Notes: Luke 13:1-9. Focus on your relationship with God. Why do innocents die in accidents and at the hands of others? Some say, "It's God's will" or "They're sinners, they have caused God's wrath." Jesus says, "NO!" They aren't worse sinners than the rest of us. We'll die, too. Knowing this, how are we going to live today? What is our relationship with our neighbors, strangers? If we have what we need to live a good life, to be a friend, we will live the life God wants for us. And, by the way, we do have what we need! Seek a relationship with God that is joyful, contented, and confident because, as Dallas Willard says, "It's not what you achieve, it's the person you become." We are free to love God and others. How shall we live today? Make time with God every day, to nourish your soul. And, just so you know, God does "care a fig!"

Lawn  Schedule

         2019 Lawn 
      Team Schedule

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 Give online through Simply Giving by clicking  HERE.
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Cyclone Idai rips through Southeastern Africa  bringing flooding and devastation.
On Thursday, March 14, Cyclone Idai made landfall in Mozambique as a Category 2 storm, with powerful winds and torrential rains causing widespread flooding and devastation.
The death toll continues to rise as a result of the storm, and workers are urgently reaching out to affected communities to intercept the threat of rising flood waters.

Lutheran World Relief is responding through our partners in the ACT (Action by Churches Together) Alliance. Your gift today will rush critical relief, such as clean water, food, shelter items and more. Please reach out to the survivors of this horrific disaster with a gift today.

ELCA Southeastern Synod Montgomery Pilgrimage
Join Bishop H. Julian Gordy, and fellow Lutherans and friends from across the synod on a pilgrimage to Montgomery, Alabama, Saturday, April 27, 2019. Our purpose is to experience The Legacy Museum, and The National  Memorial for Peace and Justice, followed by a period of reflection and conversation with Bishop Gordy and members of the Equal Justice Initiative.

The agenda for the day is as follows:
- Tour The Legacy Museum in the morning.
- Break for lunch at a nearby eatery of your choice.
- Tour The National Memorial for Peace and Justice in the afternoon.
- Gather at 4:00 pm across the street at the Peace and Justice Memorial Center for reflection and conversation.

Are you interested? Here's what you need to do.
Follow the link below to register your participation with the Synod Office. You may register multiple people at one time at  MontgomeryPilgrimage.
Purchase your ticket(s) from the museum at the link below. Museum Tickets
Peruse the attached Montgomery Pilgrimage Location Guide for important information about the Montgomery area, to include places to stay, worship, eat and visit. This guide is especially helpful if you plan to make the pilgrimage a weekend event. (The Montgomery Pilgrimage Location Guide is created and provided courtesy of the Rev. Tiffany Chaney, pastor developer, Gathered by Grace, Montgomery, AL.)
Should you have questions, please contact Ms. Carolyn Nottingham Davis, Executive Assistant to the Bishop, [email protected] or 404-589-1977.

We hope to see you in Montgomery! All are welcome!

Good Stewards

April  Good Stewards 
Click  HERE for the April Good Stewards Schedule.

The Good Stewards schedule is also found on our church website under Calendar and Events from the "Get Involved" icon.

Are you having trouble with Planning Center? 

April Birthdays   
Eric McKinney 1-Apr
Barbara Behrends 2-Apr
Molly Wagner 2-Apr
Claire LaPorte 4-Apr
Andrew Edmonds 4-Apr
Chuck LaPorte 4-Apr
Aaron Tidwell 4-Apr
Larry Schroer 5-Apr
Madelyn Milone 6-Apr
Jennifer Wright 7-Apr
Jesse Feuerborn 8-Apr
Kathy Fellenstein 8-Apr
Steven Klobe 8-Apr
Scout Sowell 10-Apr
Andrea Sedlacek 11-Apr
Monica Boes 12-Apr
Vikki Ernst 12-Apr
Dave Carlson 13-Apr
Casey Allay 15-Apr
Carol Vetter 15-Apr
Marcin Arendt 16-Apr
Alec Anderson 17-Apr
Kent Anderson 18-Apr
Emily Summers 18-Apr
Grace Summers 18-Apr
David Sedlacek 18-Apr
Caroline Mattison 19-Apr
Jeff Summers 19-Apr
Alexander Klein 19-Apr
Benjamin Klein 19-Apr
Tanya Robbins 20-Apr
Michelle Nichols 20-Apr
Rowan Lehner 21-Apr
Kim Mathers 22-Apr
Tammy Westphal 23-Apr
John Welborn 23-Apr
Paige LaPorte 23-Apr
Samuel Feuerborn 25-Apr
Chris Cherry 26-Apr
Bob Hetherington 26-Apr
Macie Mathers 26-Apr
Katie White 26-Apr
Webb Searight 27-Apr
Pierce Kramer 29-Apr
Dan Oakley 29-Apr
April Anniversaries
Gene & Donna Meili
Bud & Cheryl Joyner
Kyle & Anna Sitko
Dan & Joan Kaswinkel
Dave & Susie Carlson
Evan & Michelle Nichols
Paul & Jennifer Wright
Burk & Roberta Renner
Bonnie & Jimmy Dolph
Tim & Amy Wright
Kevin Olsen & Rachael Smith
Allen & Lisa Miskowiec
Tom & Amy Kliman
John & Mary Boevingloh
Tom & Judy Millican
Jonathan & Sarah Cowles
Dan & Sandi Oakley

April Calendar
March 30, Sat.
10am - 1pm Health Expo
March 31, Sun. 10:00 am
11:15 am
Bishop Gordy Preaches
Catered lunch/discussion of Bishop Election
April 3, Wed. 10:00 am WOW and Knitters meet at St. Luke
4 Thur. 10:00 am Calvary Lenten Series trip
6 Sat. 3:00 pm radKIDS Training
7 Sun. 11:30 am
3:00 pm
3:00 pm
Stephen Ministry Continuing Education
radKIDS Training
Coalition of Pastors-MIFA Celebration
8 Mon. 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
9 Tue 12:00 pm
7:00 pm
Stephen Ministry Peer Supervision
Mutual Ministry Meeting
14 Sun. 11:15am All SLY Egg Stuffing
Palm Sunday
17 Wed
No Evening Activities
18 Thur. 12:00 pm
7:00 pm
Maundy Thursday Service - Bartlett United Methodist
Maundy Thursday Service - St. Luke 
19 Fri. 12:00 pm
7:00 pm
Good Friday Service - Stations of the Cross
Good Friday Service 
20 Sat. 10:00 am
10:30 am
Easter Egg Hunt
Decorate for Easter
21 Sun. 8:00 and 10:00 am
9:00 am
3:00 pm
Easter Service of Holy Communion
Breakfast between services
More Than A Meal
22 Mon.
Office Closed - Easter Monday
24 Wed. 5:00 pm New Members' Class and Meal
26 Fri 
Pilgrimage to Montgomery
27 Sat
3:00 pm
Pilgrimage to Montgomery
radKIDS Training

St. Luke Lutheran Church                                                          Follow us @stlukememphis
2000 Germantown Parkway N.
Follow us on TwitterCordova, TN 38016
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[email protected]    Pastor Cliff
[email protected]  Jennifer Wright
[email protected]          Jacob Allen
[email protected]       Patti Calvert
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